
مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي



For these and more indicators of the global progress achieved through the ideas of the Enlightenment, see Pinker 2018.

الفصل الأول: ما هي الخوارزمية؟

“The Algorithmic Age” was aired on February 8, 2018, on Radio Open Source.
For an account of algorithms in ancient Babylon, see Knuth 1972.
The algorithm for distributing a number of pulses in timing slots in the SNS was given by Eric Bjorklund (1999). Godfried Toussaint (2005) noticed the parallel with rhythms, and his work is the basis for our exposition. For a more extensive discussion, see Demaine et al. 2009. For a book-length treatment of algorithms and music, see Toussaint 2013.
The criteria come from Donald Knuth (1997, sec. 1), who also starts his exposition with Euclid’s algorithm.
For a discussion of the enumeration of the paths on the grid, see Knuth 2011, 253–255; it is the source for the example and path images. For the algorithm that gives the number of possible paths, see Iwashita et al. 2013.
For these number descriptions, see Tyson, Strauss, and Gott 2016, 18–20. In Dave Eggers’s novel The Circle, a thinly disguised technology company calculates the number of grains of sand in the Sahara Desert.
To fold paper times, the paper must be large enough. If you fold it always along the same dimension, you will need a long sheet of paper. The length is given by the formula , where is the paper’s thickness and is the number of folds. If you fold a square sheet of paper in alternate directions, then the width of the square must be . The reason why the formulas are more complicated than simple powers of two is that every time you fold the paper, you lose some part of it as it curves along the edge of the fold; it’s from calculating these curves that π enters the picture in these formulas. The formulas were found in 2002 by Britney Crystal Gallivan, then a junior in high school. She went on to demonstrate that a 1,200 meters–long sheet of toilet paper could be folded in half 12 times. For a nice introduction to the power of powers (including this example), see Strogatz 2012, chapter 11.
“Transistor Count,” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transistor_count.
That is because to compare items between them, you need to take one of them and compare it to all the other items, then you take another one and compare it to the other items (you have already compared it to the first item you used), and so on. That gives comparisons. Then you get , because according to the definition of , if your algorithm runs in time , it will certainly run in time .

الفصل الثاني: التمثيلات البيانية

Image retrieved from the Wikipedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Konigsberg_Bridge.png. The image is in the public.
The paper (Eulerho 1736) is available from the Euler Archive (http://eulerarchive.maa.org), maintained by the Mathematical Association of America. For an English translation, see Biggs, Lloyd, and Wilson 1986.
The literature on graphs is vast, as is the subject itself. For a good starting point, see Benjamin, Chartrand, and Zhang 2015.
Image from the original publication (Eulerho 1736) retrieved from the Wikipedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Solutio_problematis_ad_geometriam_situs_pertinentis,_Fig._1.png. The image is in the public domain.
Image from Kekulé 1872, retrieved from the Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene#/media/File:Historic_Benzene_Formulae_Kekul%C3%A9_(original).png. The image is in the public domain.
For the original publication in German see Hierholzer 1873.
For more details on Hierholzer’s algorithm and other algorithms for Eulerian paths, see Fleischner 1991. For the use of graphs in genome assembly, see Pevzner, Tang, and Waterman 2001; Compeau, Pevzner, and Tesler 2011.
For an analysis of the optimality of the greedy algorithm for online edge coloring, as well as the example of the starlike graph to show the worst case, see Bar-Noy, Motwani, and Naor 1992.
In the original fable, the two characters are an ant and cicada. These two characters also feature in Latin translations of the original ancient Greek and Jean de La Fontaine’s retelling of the fable in French.
The invention episode is recounted by Dijkstra in his interview in Misa and Frana 2010.

الفصل الثالث: البحث

For the first description of the Matthew effect, see Merton 1968. For overviews of the range of phenomena manifesting unequal distributions, see Barabási and Márton 2016; West 2017. For the stadium height and wealth disparity, see Taleb 2007.
John McCabe (1965) presented a self-organized search. For analyses of the performance of the move-to-front and transposition methods, see Rivest 1976; Bachrach, El-Yaniv, and Reinstädtler 2002.
The secretary problem appeared in Martin Gardner’s column in February 1960 in Scientific American. A solution was given in the March 1960 issue. For its history, see Ferguson 1989. J. Neil Bearden (2006) provided the solution for the not all-or-nothing variant. Matt Parker (2014, chapter 11) presents the problem, along with several other mathematical ideas and an introduction to computers.
Binary search goes back to the dawn of the computer age (Knuth 1998). John Mauchly, one of the designers of the ENIAC, the first general-purpose electronic digital computer, described it in 1946. For the checkered history of binary search, see Bentley 2000; Pattis 1988; Bloch 2006.

الفصل الرابع: الترتيب

Hollerith 1894.
Selection and insertion sort have been with us since the dawn of computers; they were included in a survey of sorting published in the 1950s (Friend 1956).
According to Knuth (1998, 170), the idea behind radix sort that we have seen here seems to have been around at least since the 1920s.
Flipping the coin 226 times follows from 1/52! ≈ (1/2)226. The example of picking an atom from the earth is from David Hand (2014), according to whom probabilities less than one in 1050 are negligible on the cosmic scale.
See Hoare 1961a, 1961b, 1961c.
For more on randomized algorithms, see Mitzenmacher and Upfal 2017.
For an account of von Neumann’s life and the environment around the origins of digital computers, see Dyson 2012. For a presentation of von Neumann’s merge sort program, see Knuth 1970.

الفصل الخامس: خوارزمية بيج رانك

The original PageRank algorithm was published by Brin and Page (1998). We glossed over the mathematics used by the algorithm. For a more in-depth treatment, see Bryan and Leise 2006. For an introduction to search engines and PageRank, see Langville and Meyer 2006; Berry and Browne 2005. Apart from PageRank, another important algorithm used for ranking is Hypertext Induced Topic Search, or HITS (Kleinberg 1998, 1999), developed before PageRank. Similar ideas had been developed in other fields (sociometry, the quantitative study of social relationships, and econometrics, the quantitative study of economic principles) much earlier, going back to the 1940s (Franceschet 2011).

الفصل السادس: التعلُّم العميق

Although today we can use technology to see neurons in much greater detail, Ramón y Cajal was a pioneer, and his drawings rank among the most elegant illustrations in the history of science. You can find neuron images aplenty on the web, but this image is enough for us, and a simple web search should convince you of the beauty and enduring power of Ramón y Cajal’s illustrations. The image is in the public domain, retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PurkinjeCell.jpg.
To be accurate, sigmoid would refer to the Greek letter sigma, which is Σ, yet its appearance is closer to the Latin S.
The tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side in a straight triangle, or equivalently, by the sine of the angle divided by the cosine of the angle in the unit circle. The hyperbolic tangent is defined as the ratio of the hyperbolic sine by the hyperbolic cosine of an angle on a hyperbola.
Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts (1943) proposed the first artificial neuron. Frank Rosenblatt (1957) described the Perceptron. If they are more than half a century old, how come neural networks have become all the rage recently? Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert (1969) struck a major blow to Perceptrons in their famous book of the same name, which showed that a single Perceptron had fundamental computing limitations. This, coupled with the hardware limitations of the time, ushered in a so-called winter in neural computation, which lasted well until the 1980s, when researchers found how to build and train complex neural networks. Interest in the field then revived, but still a lot more work was required to advance neural networks to the media-grabbing results that we have been seeing in the last few years.
One of the challenges in neural networks is that the notation can be off-putting and hence the material seems approachable only to the initiated. In fact, it is not that complicated once you know what it is about. You often see derivatives; the derivative of a function with respect to is written . The partial derivative of a function of many variables, say, , is written . The gradient is written .
The backpropagation algorithm came onto the scene in the mid-1980s (Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams 1986), although various derivations of it had appeared back in the 1960s.
This image is from the Fashion-MNIST data (Xiao, Rasul, and Vollgraf 2017), which was developed as a benchmark data set for machine learning. This section was inspired by the basic classification Tensor Flow tutorial at https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/keras/basic_classification.
For a description of the first system to beat the Go human champion, see Silver et al. 2016. For an improved system that does not require human knowledge in the form of previously played games, see Silver et al. 2017.
The literature on deep learning is vast. For a comprehensive introduction to the topic, see Goodfellow, Bengio, and Courville 2016. For a shorter and more approachable treatment, see Charniak 2018. For a concise overview, see LeCun, Bengio, and Hinton 2015. For deep and machine learning, see Alpaydin 2016. For a survey of automated neural architecture search methods, see Elsken, Hendrik Metzen, and Hutter 2018.


Besides Turing, other names on the short list were Mary Anning, Paul Dirac, Rosalind Franklin, William Herschel and Caroline Herschel, Dorothy Hodgkin, Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, Stephen Hawking, James Clerk Maxwell, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Ernest Rutherford, and Frederick Sanger. Babbage, Lovelace, and Turing were all computer pioneers. Babbage (1791–1871) invented the first mechanical computer and developed the essential ideas of modern computers. Lovelace (1815–1852), the daughter of Lord Byron, worked with Babbage, recognized the potential of his invention, and was the first to develop an algorithm that would run on such a machine. She is now considered to have been the first computer programmer. For the £50 design, see the official announcement at https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2019/july/50-pound-banknote-character-announcement.
See the excellent biography by Andrew Hodges (1983). Turing’s role in breaking the German Enigma cryptographic machine were dramatized in the 2014 film The Imitation Game.
For a description of the machine, see Turing 1937, 1938.
The Turing machine example is adapted from John Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, and Jeffrey Ullman (2001, chapter 8). The figure is based on Sebastian Sardina’s example at http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/turing-machine-2/.
For more on the Church-Turing thesis, see Lewis and Papadimitriou 1998, chapter 5. For a discussion of the history of the Church-Turing thesis and various variants, see Copeland and Shagrir 2019.