ديفد هيوم

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


  • Norman kemp smith, The philosophy of David Hume, 1941.
  • C. W. Hendel, studies in the philosophy of David Hume, 1925.
  • I. Hedenius, Studies in Hume’s Ethics, 1935.
  • E. A Shearer, Hume’s Place in Ethics, 1915.
  • J. Laird, Hume’s Philosophy of Human Nature, 1932.
  • B. M. Laing, David Hume, 1932.
  • R. M. Kydd, Reason and Conduct in Hume’s Treatise. 1946.
  • H. D. Aiken, Hume’s Moral and political philosophy, 1948.
  • H. H. Price, Hume’s Theory of the External World, 1940.
  • D. G. C. Mac Nabb, David Hume, 1951.
  • A. E. Taylor, David Hume and the Miraculous, 1927.