الجبر الذاتي

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مراجع البحث

(١) الكتب

  • (1) Aristotle – The Nicomachean Ethics, English Translation by F. H. Peters, 15th. ed., (Kegan Paul).
  • (2) ______ The metaphysics, English Translation by Hugh Tredennick, Wiliams Heinemann, The Loeb Classical Library.
  • (3) ______ On The Soul, English Translation by W. S. Hett. (Wiliam Heineman, The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (4) Aveling, F. ______ personality and Will, Camb. Univ. Press, The Contemporary Library of psychology, 1931.
  • (5) Bain, A. Emotions and the Will, 2 vols., 2nd. ed., 9 Congmans, Green and Co., 1865.
  • (6) ______: Mental and Mora LSciences, (Congmans, green, Co.,) 1868.
  • (7) Bradley, F. H. ______ The principles of logic, 2 Vols. 2nd ed., (Oxford University Press), 1928.
  • (8) ______ Appearance and Reality, 2nd ed., (The Clarendon Press), 1928.
  • (9) ______ Ethical Studies, 2nd ed., (The Clarendon press), 1927.
  • (10) ______ Collected Essays, 2 Vols., (The Clarendon Press), 1935.
  • (11) Bergson, H. ______ Time and Free Will, English Translations by F. L. Posgson, (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.), 1910.
  • (12) ______ Creative Evolution, English Translation by Arthur Mitchell, (Macmillan and Co.), 1911.
  • (13) ______ Mind-Energy’ English Translation by H. W. Carr.
  • (14) Bosanquet, B. ______ The Principle of Individuality and Value (Macmillan and Co.), 1919 (The Gifford lectures for 1911).
  • (15) Broad, C. D. the Mind and its place in Nature, Kegan Paul, International Library of Psych., philos., and Scientific method, 1925.
  • (16) ______ Five types of Ethical Theory, (Int. lib. of Psych. philos., and Scientific Method), 1930.
  • (17) Caird, E. ______ The Crtical philosophy of Kant, Vol. 2., 2nd. ed., 9 James maclehose and Sons), 1909.
  • (18) Caird, J. ______ Spinoza, (Blackwood, Philosophical Classics for English Readers), 1888.
  • (19) Carr, H. W. ______ Cogitans Cogitata, (Favil Press), 1930.
  • (20) ______ The Philosophy of Change, (Macmillan and Co.), 1914.
  • (21) ______ The Free will problem, (Bennis Sixpenny Library, No. 29). 1928.
  • (22) Dewey, J. ______ psychology, 3rd. ed. 1894.
  • (23) Dingle, H. ______ Through Science to Philosopy, (The Clarendon Press). 1937.
  • (24) Ewing, A. C. ______ Idealism, A Critcal Servey, (methuen and Co.), 1937.
  • (25) Gentile, G. ______ The theory of mind as Pure Act, English Translation by H. W. Carr, (Macmillan and Co.), 1922.
  • (26) Hallett. H. F ______ Aeternitas, (The Clarenon Press), 1930.
  • (27) Hamiltion, W. ______ lectures on metaphysics and logic., edited by H. L. Mansel.
  • (28) Hume, David ______ A Treatise of Humannature, deited by Selby – Bigg, (The Claredon press), 1896.
  • (29) Huley, T. H. ______ Collected Essays, (Macmillan, The Eversley Series), Vol. I, 1912.
  • (30) James, W. The Will to Believe (Congmans, Green and Co.), 1931.
  • (31) ______ Principles of psychology. 2 Vols., 1st. ed. (Macmllan), 1890.
  • (32) ______ A Pluralistic universe, (Longmans, Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College), 1909.
  • (33) ______ Essays Radical Empricism, edited by R. B. Penny, (Longmans),.
  • (34) Jevons, W. S. ______ The princples of Science, (Macmillan and Co.), 1924 ed.
  • (35) Joachm, H. H: the Nature of Truth (Frowde), 1906.
  • (36) ______ A Study of The Ethiecs of Spnoza (The Claredon press), 1901.
  • (37) Johnson W. E. Logic, 3 Vols. (Camb. at the Univ. Press) 1940.
  • (38) Kant: Critique of Pure Reason, Eng. Translation by F. max muller, 2nd ed. (Macmillan and Co.) 1922.
  • (39) Laird, J. ______ Problems of the Self, (Macmillans and Co.), 1917.
  • (40) Leibniz: The Monadology etc. Eng. Traslation With introduction and notes by Robert Latta, (The Clarendom Press) 1898.
  • (41) ______ Discourse on metaphysics, Correspondence with Arnould and Monadology Eng., Translation by G. Montgomery, (Phlosophical Classics Lib). 1937.
  • (42) Locke, John ______ Essay Concerning Human Understanding edited by A. C. Fraser (Black wood, Philos. Clamics), 1894 Another edition by Lock Ward and Co.
  • (43) Mackenzie, J. S.: A Manual of Ethics, 3rd. ed. (Univ. Correspondence College press), 1897.
  • (44) Maxwell, J. C. Theory of heat, (Congmans), 1894.
  • (45) Mc Dougall, W. An introducton to Social Psychology 25th. ed., (Methuen ad Co.), 1943.
  • (46) Mill, J. S. ______ A System of Logic 2 vols, 6 the ed., (Congmans), 1865.
  • (47) ______: Examination of Sir Hamilton’s philosophy. (Longmans), 1865.
  • (48) Moore, G. E. philosophical Studies, (kegan Paul int. lib. of psych., Philos. and Scientific Method) 1922.
  • (49) morgan, C. L. Emergent Evolution, (Williams and Norgate), 1927.
  • (50) ______: Life, Mind and spirit (Williams and norgate) the Gifford leetmes for 1923), 1926.
  • (51) Plato: Phaedo, Engl. translation by Harold North Fowler (William Heinemann, the loeb. Classical Library).
  • (52) Pollock, F.: Spinoza, his life and Philosophy, (keganpaul) 1880.
  • (53) Pringle-Pattison, S. ______ The Idea of God, (The Clarenidom press te Gfford leetures for 1912-13). 1917.
  • (54) Rashdall, H.: The theory of Good and Evil, 2 vols (The Clarendon Press) 1907.
  • (55) Richardson, C. A.: Spiritual pluralism and Modern philosophy, (Camb, at tfe univ. press). 1919.
  • (56) Ross, W. D. ______ The Right and the Good, (The Clarendon Press) 1930.
  • (57) ______: Aristotle, 3rd. ed. (Methven and Co.) 1937.
  • (58) Russell, B.: Mysticism and Logic 2nd. impression (longmans) 1918.
  • (59) ______ An Outline of Philosophy, (Allen and univin) 1917.
  • (60) ______ Philosophcal Essays, 1910.
  • (61) ______ The Analysis of Mind (Allen and Univin lib. of Philosophy). 1921.
  • (62) ______ A Critical Exposition of the Phlosophy of Leibniz (Camb. at the Univ. Press) 1900.
  • (63) Sherrington, C. ______ Man On his Nature (Camb, at the Univ press), 1946. (The Gifford lectures for 1937-38).
  • (64) Sidgwick, h.: The Methods of Ethics, 3re ed., (Macmillan and Co.), 1884.
  • (65) Spinoza; Ethics, Eng. Translation by W. Hale white, 1930.
  • (66) ______ Correspondence, Eng. Trans by A Wolf (Allen and Union) 1927.
  • (67) Stallknecht, N. P. ______ Bergson’s idea of Creation (A. Ph. D. dissertation presented to Princeton Unive), 1930.
  • (68) Stout, G. F.: Manual of psyehology, 3rd. ed (The unv. Tutorial series), 1913.
  • (69) Sully, J. ______ Outlines of psychology (Longmans, Green and Co.) 1884.
  • (70) Taylor, A. E: Elemets of Metaphysics 8th. ed., (Methuen and Co.), 1927.
  • (71) ______ Plato, the Man and his work, 4th. ed (Methuem and Co.), 1937.
  • (72) Ward, J. ______ Naturalism and Agnosticism 2 vols 2nd. ed. (Adam and Charles Black), 1899.
  • (73) ______ The Realm of Ends, 3rd. ed., (Comb. at the unive. press, the Gifford lectures for 1907-10) 1920.
  • (74) ______ Psycholgical Principles (Cam. Univ. press). 1918.
  • (75) Whitehead, A. N. Process and Reality, (Macmillan, The Gifford Lectures for 1927-1929.)
  • (76) Woodworth, R. S.: Psychology, 15th. ed. (Methuem and Co.) 1944.
  • (77) ______ Contemporary Schools of psychology, (Methuen) 1913.

(٢) الدوريات

  • (1) MIND.
    • Bradley, F. H. ______ Is there any special Activity of Attention? “O.S., xi No. 43, 1886.
    • ______ “on pleasre, pain, Desire, and volition” O.S. xiii, No. 49, 1888.
    • ______ “On Active Attention” n.S., xi, No. 41, 1902.
    • ______ “the Definition of the Will (I)” N.S., XI, No. 44, 1902.
    • ______ “The Definition of the Will (II)” N.S. xii No.46, 1903.
    • ______ “The Definition of the Will (III)” N.S. xiii No. 49. 1904.
    • Shand, A. F. “A Study of Involuntary Action”, N. S. iv. no. 16, 1895. Ward, J”. mr. F. h. Bradley’s Analysis of Mind” O.S. xii No. 48, 1887.
    • ______: “Attention and the Field of Consciousness”. O.S xii No, 1887.
  • (2) Hibbert Journal.
    • Poynting, J. H. “Psychical Law and Life” Vol. i, 1903.
  • (3) Journal of Philosophical Studies.
    • Michael kaye ______ “The Possibility of Man’s Freedom” 1927.
  • (4) Philosophical Review.
    • Cunniham, G. Watts. “Bergson’s Conception of Duration” Vol. xxiii,1914.
  • (5) Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society.
    Carr, H. Wildon, “The Moment of Experience” 1915-16.
  • (6) The Aristotelian Socviety Supplementary Volumes.
    Symposium: “Indeterminary and Indeterminism” Vol. x, 1913.
    By: C. D. Broad.
    A. S. Eddington.
    R. B. Braithwaite.
    Symposium: “What is Action?” Vol. xvii, 1938.
    By; Prof. John Macmurray.
    Dr. A. C. Ewing.
    Prof. O. S. Franks.
  • (7) University of California Publications in philosophy.
    Paul Marhenke, The Constituents of the Mind” Vol. 19.
    loeuvenberg, J. “The Discernment of Mind Vol. 19.
    Lenzen, V. F. “Mind in observation,” Vol. 19.
  • (8) Psychologica Review.
    Calkins, M. W, ______ “Fact and Ingerence” in Raymond.
    wheeler’s Doctrine of Will and Self-Activity,) 1921.
    Thurstone, L. L. “The Stimulus Response Fallacy in psychology”. 1923.
  • (9) The British Journal of Psychology.
    Aveling, F. “The psychology of Conation and Volition”, 1926.
  • (10) Encyclopoedia Britannica. (1945).
    Wolf, A. ______ Art. “Attention”.