أوغسطينوس: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قراءات إضافية

The edition of Augustine by the Benedictines of St Maur (Paris, 1679–1700), often reprinted, is in J. P. Migne, Patrologia Latin (Paris, 1841-2). Further sermons in G. Morin, Sermones post Maurinos reperti (Rome, 1930), C. Lambot, Sermones Selecti (Utrecht, 1950), and F. Dolbeau, Vingt-six Sermons aux Peuple d’Afrique (Paris, 1996). A guide to these in P. P. Verbraken, Études critiques sur les sermons authentiques de S. Augustin (Steenbrugge, 1976).
Many principal works have modern editions in the two series, Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum and Corpus Christianorum.
For a high proportion English translations exist, such as in the Oxford Library of the Fathers (1838–81), a series edited by M. Dods (T. & T. Clark, and Eerdmans), and three recent series, Library of Christian Classics, Fathers of the Church, and Ancient Christian Writers. Translations of Confessions (Oxford World’s Classics, 1992) and The City of God (H. Bettenson, London, 1972, new ed. 1984). The best edition of the Confessions is by A. Solignac (Paris, 1962).
For biography without the theology see the excellent Life by Peter Brown (London, 1967). On the ideas see E. Gilson, The Philosophy of St Augustine (Eng. tr., London, 1960); J. Burnaby, Amor Dei (Norwich, 1995); G. Bonner, Augustine, Life and Controversies (London, 1964, new ed. Norwich, 1986); E. TeSelle, Augustine the Theologian (New York, 1970); R. A. Markus (ed.), Augustine: A Collection of Critical Essays (New York, 1972); on the Church, R. F. Evans, One and Holy (London, 1972); on ethics, H. A. Deane, The Political and Social Ideas of St Augustine (Columbia, paperback 1963). On the Donatist schism: W. H. C. Frend, The Donatist Church (Oxford, 1952, reprinted 1985). Neoplatonism: J. J. O’Meara, The Young Augustine (London, 1954, paperback 1980); C. Harrison, Augustine, Christian Truth, and Fractured Humanity (Oxford, 2000); R. Sorabji, Time, Creation and the Continuum (London, 1983); Paul Henry, The Path to Transcendence (Eng. tr. Pittsburgh, 1981); P. Courcelle, Late Latin Writers and their Greek Sources (Eng. tr., Harvard, 1969); H. Hagendahl, Augustine and the Latin Classics (Gothenburg, 1967); G. O’Day, Augustine’s City of God (Oxford, 1999).
Plotinus is edited and translated by A. H. Armstrong, Loeb Classical Library. An annual survey of literature on Augustine appears in Revue des études augustiniennes (Paris).