فن اختيار أفضل الموظفين: أهميته وصعوبته وكيفية إتقانه

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

الملحق «ب»

مراجع مختارة حول طرق التقييم

ثَمَّة مِئات الكتب المتوفرة حولَ أساليب التقييم، إلى جانب بعض الأوراق البحثية المتقدمة الممتازة. بالنسبة إلى هؤلاء الراغبين في دراسة التوصيات الواردة في الفصل السابع بمزيدٍ من التعمق؛ فقد أدرجت أهم المباحث المتعلقة بالتوصيات كملاحظات ختامية لهذا الفصل.

يضم هذا الملحق ثلاثة أنواع من المصادر حول موضوع التقييم:

  • (١)

    الملاحظات التمهيدية تقدِّم نظرة عامة على عملية التقييم وخطواته الأساسية على وجه العموم، دون دمج جميع الممارسات المُثْلى الواردة في الفصل.

  • (٢)

    الكتب التمهيدية؛ وهي مطبوعات متاحة يمكن أن تفيدَك في تحسين ممارستك للمقابلات الشخصية والاتصال بالجهات المرجعية. برغم أنك لن تستطيع الوصول إلى مرحلة الإتقان بقراءة كتب تعليم المهارات (لن يتسنَّى لك إجادة هذه المهارات إلا من خلال الممارسة المنتظمة والتدريب المناسب والتقييم الملائم)؛ فإن هذه المصادر يمكن أن تساعدَك على تحديد المزيد من الإرشادات المفيدة فيما يتعلق بما يجب وما لا يجب فعله.

  • (٣)

    مراجع الكتب الأكثر تخصصًا ستكون مَحَطَّ اهتمام المتخصصين في الأساس.

(١) ملاحظات تمهيدية

  • Hattersley, Michael (1997). Conducting a Great Job Interview. Harvard Management Update, article reprint no. U9703C.
  • Jenks, James M. and Brian L.P. Zevnik (1989). ABCs of Job Interviewing. Harvard Business Review, reprint no. 89408.
  • Roberts, Michael J. (1993). Note on the Hiring and Selection Process. Harvard Business School.

(٢) كتب تمهيدية

  • Andler, Edward C. (1998). The Complete Reference Checking Handbook: Smart, Fast, Legal Ways to Check Out Job Applicants. AMACOM/American Management Association.
  • Arthur, Diane (2006). Recruiting, Interviewing, Selecting & Orienting New Employees, 4th ed. AMACOM/American Management Association.
  • Beatty, Richard H. (1994). Interviewing and Selecting High Performers: Every Manager’s Guide to Effective Interviewing Techniques. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bell, Arthur H. (1989). The Complete Manager’s Guide to Interviewing: How to Hire the Best. Dow Jones-Irwin.
  • Berman, Jeffrey A. (1997). Competence-Based Employment Interviewing. Quorum Books.
  • Camp, Richaurd, Mary E. Vielhaber, and Jack L. Simonetti (2001). Strategic Interviewing: How to Hire Good People. University of Michigan Business School Management Series. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • DeMey, Dennis L. and James R. Flowers, Jr. (1999). Don’t Hire a Crook! How to Avoid Common Hiring (and Firing) Mistakes. Facts on Demands Press.
  • Fear, Richard A. and Robert J. Chiron (1990). The Evaluation Interview, Featuring Richard Fear’s Time-Tested Interview Methods, Applied to: Strategic Visioning, Team Building, Appraisal Feedback, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Harvard Business Essentials (2002). Hiring and Keeping the Best People: Your Mentor and Guide to Doing Business Effectively. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Janz, Tom, Lowell Hellervik, and David C. Gilmore (1986). Behavior Description Interviewing: New, Accurate, Cost Effective. Prentice-Hall/Simon & Schuster.
  • Kanter, Arnold B. (1995). The Essential Book of Interviewing: Everything You Need to Know from Both Sides of the Table. New York: Times Books/Random House.
  • Sachs, Randi Toler (1994). How to Become a Skillful Interviewer. AMACOM/American Management Association.
  • Rae, Leslie (1988). The Skills of Interviewing: A Guide for Managers and Trainers. Gower Publishing.
  • Sessa, Valerie I. and Richard J. Campbell (1997). Selection at the Top: An Annotated Bibliography. Center for Creative Leadership.
  • Uris, Auren (1988). 88 Mistakes Interviewers Make and How to Avoid Them: Recruiting, Performance Evaluation, Problem Solving. AMACOM/American Management Association.
  • Veruki, Peter (1999). The 250 Job Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked … and the Answers That Will Get You Hired! Adams Media Corporation.
  • Wilson, Robert F. (1997). Conducting Better Job Interviews, 2nd ed. Barron’s Educational Series.
  • Wood, Robert, and Tim Payne (1998). Competency-Based Recruitment and Selection: A Practical Guide. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

(٣) مراجع أكثر تقدمًا

  • Anderson, Neil, and Vivian Shackleton (1993). Successful Selection Interviewing. Blackwell Business.
  • Deal, Jennifer, Valerie I. Sessa, and Jodi J. Taylor (1999). Choosing Executives: A Research Report on the Peak Selection Simulation. Center for Creative Leadership.
  • Dipboye, Robert (1992) Selection Interviews: Process Perspectives. South-Western Publishing.
  • Eder, Robert W. and Gerald R. Ferris (1989). The Employment Interview: Theory, Research, and Practice. Sage Publications.
  • Eder, Robert W. and Michael M. Harris (1999). The Employment Interview Handbook. Sage Publications.
  • Ekman, Paul (2001, 1992, 1985). Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage. New York: W.W. Norton.
  • Gatewood, Robert D. and Hubert S. Field (1998, 1994, 1990, 1987). Human Resource Selection, 4th ed. Dryden Press/Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • Hollenbeck, George P. (1994).CEO Selection: A Street-Smart Review. Center for Creative Leadership.
  • Jeanneret, Richard and Rob Silzer (1998). Individual Psychological Assessment: Predicting Behavior in Organizational Settings. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Kehoe, Jerard F. (2000). Managing Selection in Changing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • London, Manuel and Valerie I. Sessa (1999). Selecting International Executives: A Suggested Framework and Annotated Bibliography. Center for Creative Leadership.
  • Murphy, Kevin R. (1996). Individual Differences and Behavior in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Nunnally, Jum C. and Ira H. Bernstein (1994, 1978, 1967). Psychometric Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Schmitt, Neal and Walter C. Borman and Associates (1993). Personnel Selection in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Schneider, Benjamin and Neal Schmitt (1986, 1976). Staffing Organizations. Waveland Press.