حياة الفكر في العالم الجديد

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


مراجع عامة

  • ADAMS, G.P., and Montague, W.P., Contemporary American Philosophy.
  • BALW, Joseph, Men and Movements in American Philosophy.
  • TOWNSEND, H.G., Philosophical Ideas in the United States.

مراجع خاصة مرتبة حسب فصول الكتاب

  • KOCH, A., and Peden, W., The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson.
  • CLARK, H.H., Thoman Paine.
  • RUSK, R.L., Life of Ralph Walds Emerson.
  • KRUTCH, J.W., Henry David Thoreau.
  • THOREAU, Walden; or Life in the Woods.
  • EMERSON, Essays.

وقد نقله إلى العربية الأستاذ أمين مرسي قنديل.

وقد نقل الأستاذ محمود محمود مختارات كثيرة من أهم مقالات إمرسن، بعنوان «مختارات من إمرسن».

  • BOWNE, Borden Parker, Metaphysics.
  • ROYCE, Josiah, The Religious Aspects of Philosophy.
  • ROYCE, Josiah, The Spirit of Modern Philosophy.
  • ROYCE, Josiah, The Conception of God.
  • ROYCE, Josiah, The World and the Individual.
  • ROYCE, Josiah, The Philosophy of Loyalty.
  • PEIRCE, Charles Sanders, Collected Papers (6 Vols.).
  • BUCHLER, Justus, Charles Peirce’s Empiricism.
  • PERRY, Ralph Barton, The Thought and Character of William James.
  • JAMES, William, Pragmatism.
  • JAMES, William, The Will to Believe.
  • JAMES, William, A Pluralistic Universe.
  • JAMES, William, Essays in Radical Empiricism.
  • JAMES, William, Varieties of Religions Experience.
  • SCHILPP, Paul A., (editor) The Philosophy of John Dewey.
  • DEWEY, John, How to Think.
  • DEWEY, John, School and Society.
  • DEWEY, John, Human Nature and Conduct.
  • DEWEY, John, Freedom and Culture.

وله ترجمة عربية بقلم الأستاذ أمين مرسي قنديل.

  • DEWEY, John, A Common Faith.
  • DEWEY, John, Art as Experience.
  • DEWEY, John, Ethics (with James Tufts).
  • DEWEY, John, Experience and Nature.
  • DEWEY, John, The Quest for Certainty.
  • DEWEY, John, Logic.
  • MONTAGUE, W.P., The Ways of Things.
  • LOVEJOY, A.O., The Revolt Against Dualism.
  • PERRY. R.B., Present Philosophical Tendencies.
  • SELLAR S.R., W., Critical Realism.
  • SCHILPP, Paul A., (editor) The Philosophy of George Santayana.
  • SANTAYANA, G., Scepticism and Animal Faith.
  • SANTAYANA, G., The Life of Reason.
  • SANTAYANA, G., Realms of Being.
  • WHITEHEAD, A.N., Process and Reality.
  • WHITEHEAD, A.N., Adventures of Ideas.
  • WHITEHEAD, A.N., Science and the Modern World.
  • URBAN, W.M., The Intelligible World.
  • URBAN, W.M., Beyond Realism and Idealism.