
مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

أسماء المراجع المذكورة في البحث

(١) مؤلفات اسپينوزا

  • (1)
    The Chief Works of Spinoza (Elwes Translation). 2 vols, Dover Publications (New York 1951).
وقد أشرنا إلى هذه الطبعة في صدد المؤلفات الآتية:
  • البحث اللاهوتي السياسي Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (ورمزه في الكتاب TTP).
  • البحث السياسي Tractatus Politicus (ورمزه في الكتاب TP). إصلاح العقل De intellectus emendatione.
  • (2)
    Œuvres complètes de Spinoza. Traduction française par Rolland Caillois, Madeleine Francès et Robert Misrahi. Paris, Gallimard (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade) 1954.
وقد أشرنا إلى هذه الطبعة في صدد المؤلفات الآتية:
  • الرسالة القصيرة في الله والإنسان وسعادته Court traité sur Dieu, l’homme et son état bienheureux.
  • مبادئ الفلسفة الديكارتية Principes de la philosophie de Descartes.
  • أفكار ميتافيزيقية Penseés métaphysiques.
  • الرسائل Correspondance.
أما كتاب الأخلاق Ethica فقد أشرنا إلى ترقيماته الأصلية، وهي واحدة في جميع الطبعات والترجمات.

(٢) مؤلفات عن اسپينوزا

  • (1)
    S. Alexander: “Is their a Jewish Philosophy?” in “The Jewis Review” No. II, Sept., Dec. 1932.
  • (2)
    Fernand Alquié: Servitude et liberté chez Spinoza. (Les cours de Sorbonne) (Centre de Documentation Universitaire) Paris 1959. (en sténotype).
  • (3)
    Ernst Altkirch: “Die Freunde Spinozas” in “Der Morgen”. III. Jahrgang. 1927.
  • (4)
    Matthew Arnold: Essays in Criticism. No. 9 “Spinoza and the Bible” London (Mc. Millan) 1865.
  • (5)
    H. Barker: “Notes on the Second Part of Spinoza’s Ethics” Article in “Mind”. Vol. 47, 1938.
  • (6)
    David Bidney: The Psychology and Ethics of Spinoza. Yale University Press, 1940.
  • (7)
    E. Bréhier: Histoire de la philosophie. tome II. Fascicule 1, Paris (P.U.F.) 1950.
  • (8)
    Victor Brochard: “Le Dieu de Spinoza”, in “Etudes de philosophie ancienne et de philosophie moderne” Nouvelle éditon, Paris (Varin) 1954.
  • (9)
    Lewis Browne: Blesséd Spinoza: A Biography. New York 1932.
  • (10)
    Constantin Brunner: Spinoza contre Kant. (Trad. Fran.) Paris (Vrin) 1933.
  • (11)
    Léon Brunschvicg: L’humanisme de l’occident (Ecrits philosophiques, tome I). Paris. (P.U.F.) 1951.
  • (12)
    Léon Brunschvicg: Spinoza et ses contemporains. Paris (P.U.F.) 4e edition. 1951.
  • (13)
    Ernst Cassirer: “Spinozas Stellung in der Allgemeinen Geistesgeseschichte”, in “Der Morgen”. 8 Jahrgang 1932.
  • (14)
    Morris Cohen. “The Intellectual Love of God”, in “Menorah Journal” vol. XI., Feb. 1925. No. 1.
  • (15)
    Darbon: Etudes spinozistes. Paril (P.F.U.) 1946.
  • (16)
    H. Daudin: La liberté de la volonté. Paris (P.F.U.) 1950.
  • (17)
    J. T. Desanti: Introducation a l’histoire de la philosophie. Paris (Edition de la Nouvelle Critique) 1956.
  • (18)
    J. Dunner: Spinoza and Western Democracy. New York. (Phil. Library) 1955.
  • (19)
    Hermann Duncker: “Einleitung” in “Thalheimer/Deborin: Spinozas Stellung in der Vorgeschichte der dialektischen Materialismus”. Berlin (Marxistische Bibliothek) 1928.
  • (20)
    S. Von Dunin-Borkowski: Spinoza nach Dreihundert Jahren. Berlin (Dümmlers Velag) 1932.
  • (21)
    Rudolf Eucken: Die Lebensanschauungen der Grossen Denker. 20e Anflage. Berlin (Waltsr de Gruyter) 1950.
  • (22)
    L. S. Feuer: Spinoza and the Rise of Liberalism. Boston (Beacon Press) 1950.
  • (23)
    Solomon B. Freehof: “Spinoza and Religion” in “Spinoza, The Man and His Thought”, Addresses delivered at Spinoza’s Tercentenary. Chicago (Open Court) 1933.
  • (24)
    J. Freudenthal: Die Lebensgeschichte Spinoza’s. Leipzig 1899.
  • (25)
    J. Freudenthal: Spinoza, Lebnn und Lehre. Hidelberg 1927.
  • (26)
    G. Freidmann: Leibnitz et Spinoza. (Gallimard) 1946.
  • (27)
    Carl Gebhardt: “Spinozas Bann”, in “Der Morgen”, III. Jabrgang, 1927.
  • (28)
    Carl Gebhardt: “Die Religion Spinozas”, in “Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie”. Bd. 41, Berlin 1932.
  • (29)
    Otto Gierke: The Natural Law and the Theory of the State (English Translation) Boston (Beacon Press Paperbacks) 1960.
  • (30)
    Hans Alfred Grunsky: “Baruch Spinoza”: in “Forschungen zur Judenfrage” Bd. 2. Hambrug 1937.
  • (31)
    H. F. Hallett: AEternitas, A Spinozistic Study. Oxford, 1937.
  • (32)
    H. F. Hallett: Benedict de Spinoza. University of London (The Athlone Press) 1957.
  • (33)
    Stuart Hampshire: Spinoza. London (Pelican Press) 1951.
  • (34)
    Hegel’s Lectures on the History of Philosophy (English Translation) New York (The Humanities Press) 1955.
  • (35)
    Bernard Heller: “Is Spinozaism Compatible with Judaism?” New York (Bloch Publishing Co.) 1927.
  • (36)
    H. Höffding: History of Modern Philosophy. New York. (Dover Publications) 1955.
  • (37)
    Karl Jaspers: Die Grossen Philosophen Bd. I. Munchen (Piper) 1957.
  • (38)
    Harold A. Joachim: A Study of the “Ethics” of Spinoza. Oxford (1901).
  • (39)
    Rudolf Kayser: Spinoza, Portrait of a Spiritual Hero (English Trans.) Introduction by Albert Einstein. New York (Philosophical Library).
  • (40)
    G. Kline (Editor & Translator): Spinoza in Soviet Philosophy. London (Routledge & Kegan Peul) 1952.
  • (41)
    Pièrre Lachièze-Rey: Les origines cartésiennes du Dieu de Spinoza. Paris (Vrin) 2e éd, 1950.
  • (42)
    Kurt Leidecker: Spinoza and Hinduism. Chioago (Open Court) Oct. 1934.
  • (43)
    R. McKeon: The Philosophy of Spinoza. London (Longmans). 1928.
  • (44)
    R. McKeon: “Spinoza and Experimental Science”, in “Psyche” vol. 8. No. 2. Oct. 1927.
  • (45)
    Henry A. Meyer: The Spinoza-Hegl Paradox. Cornell University Press. 1944.
  • (46)
    Nietzeche: Jenseits von Gut und Böse.
  • (47)
    O. V. Plekhanov: Les questions fondamentales du marxisme. Paris (Editions Sociales) 1947.
  • (48)
    Sir Frederick Pollock: Spinoza, His Life and Philosophy 2nd ed. London (Duckworth) 1899.
  • (49)
    G. T. Richeter: Spinozas philosophische Treminoiogie. Leipzig 1912.
  • (50)
    A. Rivaud: Histoire de la philosophic. tome III. Paris (P.U.F.) 1950.
  • (51)
    Leon Roth: Spinoza. London (Allen & Unwin) 1954.
  • (52)
    Josiah Royce: The Spirit of Modern Philosophy. N. Y. (Braziller) 1955.
  • (53)
    Ruth Lydia Saw: Vindication of Metaphysics. London (Mc. Millan) 1951.
  • (54)
    J. Segond: La vie de Spinoza. Paris. 3e ed 1933.
  • (55)
    Paul Siwek: Au cœur du spinozisme. Paris (Desclée de Brouwer) 1952.
  • (56)
    Paul Swiek: Spinoza et le panthéisme religieux. Paris (Desclée …) 1937.
  • (57)
    Nahum Sokolow: “Spinoza the Jew”, in: The Jewish Review. No. III. Dec. 1932–March 1933.
  • (58)
    Herry Waton: The Jewish Question and Spinoza’s Philosophy, in Spinoza, Addresses and Messages in Commemoration of his Tercentenary. Spinoza Institute of America. New York 1933.
  • (59)
    Leo Strauss: Persecution and the Art of Writing. Glencoe, Illinois (The Free Press) 1952.
  • (60)
    Celestine Sullivan, Jr.: Critical and Historical Reflections on Spinoza’s “Ethics”. University of California Publications in Philosophy. Vol. 32. 1958.
  • (61)
    Jacob Teicher: “Why was Spinoza Banned?” in “The Menorah Journal” Autumn–Winter 1957.
  • (62)
    F. Überwerg: History of Philosophy (English Traus.) New York (Scribner) 1909. Vol. II.
  • (63)
    Paul Vulliaud: Spinoza d’après les livres de sa bibliothèque. Paris 1934.
  • (64)
    Meyer Waxman: “Baruch Spinoza’s Relation to Jewish Philosophical Thought and to Judaism”, in: The Jewish Quarterly Review. Vol. 19. 1928-1929.
  • (65)
    Julien Weill: “Spinoza et le judaisme”, in Revue des Etudes juives. tome 49. Paris 1904.
  • (66)
    W. Windelband: A History of Philosophy (English Trans.) New York (Harper Torchbooks) 1958.
  • (67)
    H. A. Wolfson: The Philosophy of Spinoza. New York (Meridian paperbacks) 1958.
  • (68)
    H. A. Wolfson: “Spinoza and Religion”. Lecture reprinted in: “The Menorah Journal”. Vol. 38. 2. 1950.
  • (69)
    Sylvain Zak: La morale de Spinoza. Paris (P.U.F.) 1959.