الاقتصاد البيئي: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مراجع وقراءات إضافية

توصيات عامة

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, issues 14(4) Environmental Policy (1998); 19(3) Controlling Global Warming (2003); 24(2) Climate Change (2008).
There are many good academic textbooks on environmental economics. As a follow-up to this introduction, I suggest Tom Tietenberg and Lynne Lewis, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 8th edn. (Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2009). This also provides a good introduction to the economics of depletable and renewable natural resources.

الفصل الثاني: النظرية الاقتصادية للسيطرة على التلوث بفعالية

  • Dieter Helm (ed.), Economic Policy Towards the Environment (Blackwell, 1991).
  • The seminal paper on Coasean bargaining is R. Coase,‘The Problem of Social Cost’, Journal of Law and Economics, 3 (1960): 1–44.
  • The discussion of acid rain policies in Europe draws heavily on David M. Newbery, ‘Acid Rain’, Economic Policy, 11 (October 1990).
  • On the economics of international environmental policy agreements: Scott Barrett, Environment and Statecraft (Oxford University Press, 2003).

الفصل الثالث: السياسة البيئية: اختيار الأدوات

  • European Environment Agency, ‘Using the Market for Cost-Effective Environmental Policy, Market-Based Instruments in Europe’, EEA Report No. 1/2006 (Copenhagen: EEA, 2006).
  • Paul R. Portney and Robert N. Stavins (eds.), Public Policies for Environmental Protection, 2nd edn. (Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, RFF Press, 2000).
  • Winston Harrington, Richard D. Morgenstern, and Thomas Sterner (eds.), Choosing Environmental Policy: Comparing Instruments and Outcomes in the United States and Europe (Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, RFF Press, 2004).
  • A. Denny Ellerman, Frank Convery, and Christian de Perthuis, Pricing Carbon: The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
  • The account of the US Acid Rain Program draws heavily on A. Denny Ellerman, Richard Schmalensee, Elizabeth M. Bailey, Paul L. Joskow, and Juan-Pablo Montero, Markets for Clean Air: The US Acid Rain Program (Cambridge University Press, 2000).

الفصل الرابع: معلومات وقيم اقتصادية في قرارات السياسة البيئية

  • David Pearce, Anil Markandya, and Edward Barbier, Blueprint for a Green Economy (London: Earthscan, 1989), Chapter 3: ‘Valuing the Environment’; Chapter 6: ‘Discounting the Future’.
  • David Pearce, ‘Cost-Benefit Analysis and Environmental Policy’, in Dieter Helm (ed.), Environmental Policy: Objectives, Instruments and Implementation (Oxford University Press, 2000).
  • Symposium on Contingent Valuation, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(4) (1994): 3–64.
  • Richard C. Porter, The Economics of Waste (Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, RFF Press, 2002).
  • The hedonic pricing study of landfill disamenity discussed is Cambridge Econometrics, A Study to Estimate the Disamenity Costs of Landfill in Great Britain: Final Report (Defra Publications, 2003).
  • The contingent valuation study of elephant conservation discussed is R. Bandara and C. Tisdell, “The net benefit of saving the Asian elephant: a policy and contingent valuation study”, Ecological Economics, 48 (2004): 93–107.

الفصل الخامس: اقتصاديات تغير المناخ

  • Dieter Helm (ed.), Climate-Change Policy (Oxford University Press, 2005).
  • Nicholas Stern, The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review (Cambridge University Press, 2007).
  • Mark Maslin, Global Warming: A Very Short Introduction, 2nd edn. (Oxford University Press, 2009).
  • William Nordhaus, A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies (Yale University Press, 2008).