الأدب الإنجليزي: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قراءات إضافية

الفصل الأول

  • On children’s literature: Seth Lerer, Children’s Literature: A Reader’s History from Aesop to Harry Potter (Chicago, 2008).
  • Juliet Dusinberre, Alice to the Lighthouse: Children’s Books and Radical Experiments in Art (Basingstoke, 1987).
  • Jacqueline Rose, The Case of Peter Pan: or the Impossibility of Children’s Literature (Basingstoke, 1984).
  • On Kipling: David Gilmour, The Long Recessional: The Imperial Life of Rudyard Kipling (London, 2002).

الفصل الثاني

  • F. R. Leavis on Hard Times: in his The Great Tradition (London, 1948).
  • Eliot on tradition: essays in his Selected Prose, ed. Frank Kermode (London, 1975).
  • Semiotics: A Roland Barthes Reader, ed. Susan Sontag (London, 1982).
  • Orwell on literature: The Penguin Essays of George Orwell (London, 1994).
  • The ‘canon’: Frank Kermode, The Classic (London, 1975).
  • John Guillory, Cultural Capital: The Problem of Literary Canon Formation (Chicago, 1994).
  • Margaret Ezell, Writing Women’s Literary History (Baltimore, 1993).

الفصل الثالث

  • Heaney: Stepping Stones: Interviews with Seamus Heaney by Denis O’Driscoll (London, 2008).
  • Celts: James Carney, ‘Language and Literature to 1169’, in A New History of Ireland I: Prehistoric and Early Ireland, ed. Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (Oxford, 2005), pp. 451–510.
  • Ossian: Fiona Stafford, The Sublime Savage: A Study of James Macpherson and the Poems of Ossian (Edinburgh, 1988).
  • The Celtic twilight: Ben Levitas, The Theatre of Nation: Irish Drama and Cultural Nationalism 1890–1916 (Oxford, 2002).
  • Old English literature: Malcolm Godden and Michael Lapidge (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature (Cambridge, 1986).
  • Alfred the Great: Asser’s ‘Life of King Alfred’ and Other Contemporary Sources, tr. Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge (Harmondsworth, 1983).
  • After the Conquest: Laura Ashe, Fiction and History in England 1066–1200 (Cambridge, 2007).
  • The 14th century: James Simpson, The Oxford English Literary History, Volume 2: 1350–1547: Reform and Cultural Revolution (Oxford, 2002).
  • Chaucer: The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer, ed. Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, 2nd edn. (Cambridge, 2004).
  • The Bible: Robert Carroll and Stephen Prickett, Introduction to The Bible: Authorized King James Version (World’s Classics edition, Oxford, 1997).
  • Northrop Frye, The Great Code: The Bible and Literature (London, 1982).
  • Frank Kermode, The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction (Oxford, 1967).

الفصل الرابع

  • Rhetoric: Brian Vickers, In Defence of Rhetoric (Oxford, 1989).
  • Enlightenment Scotland: Robert Crawford, The Scottish Invention of English Literature (Cambridge, 1998).
  • Empire and English studies: Gauri Viswanathan, Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India (New York, 1989).
  • Auto-didacts: Jonathan Rose, The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes (New Haven, 2001).
  • Criticism and the public sphere: Jürgen Habermas, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society (1962; tr. Thomas Burger, Cambridge, Mass., 1991).
  • Terry Eagleton, The Function of Criticism: From ‘The Spectator’ to Post-Structuralism (London, 1984).
  • Karen O’Brien, Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Cambridge, 2009).
  • Stefan Collini, Public Moralists: Political Thought and Intellectual Life in Britain: 1850–1930 (Oxford, 1993).
  • Dr Johnson: Freya Johnston, Samuel Johnson and the Art of Sinking, 1709–1791 (Oxford, 2005).
  • Romantic critical theory: M. H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition (New York, 1958).
  • Coleridge: Seamus Perry, Coleridge and the Uses of Division (Oxford, 1999).
  • Hazlitt: Tom Paulin, The Day-Star of Liberty: William Hazlitt’s Radical Style (London, 1998).
  • Textual questions: John Jowett, Shakespeare and Text (Oxford, 2007).
  • Philip Gaskell, From Writer to Reader: Studies in Editorial Method (Oxford, 1978).
  • David Greetham, Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (London, 1994).
  • D. F. McKenzie, Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts (Cambridge, 1999).
  • Jerome McGann, A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism (Charlottesville, 1992).

الفصل الخامس

  • Periodization and the history of literary forms: Alastair Fowler, A History of English Literature (Cambridge, Mass., 1987).
  • Renaissance: Richard Helgerson, Forms of Nationhood: The Elizabethan Writing of England (Chicago, 1992).
  • David Loewenstein and Janel Mueller (eds.), The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature (Cambridge, 2003).
  • Romanticism: Duncan Wu (ed.), Romanticism: A Critical Reader (Oxford, 1995).
  • Nicholas Roe (ed.), Romanticism: An Oxford Guide (Oxford, 2005).
  • Modernism: Chris Baldick, The Oxford English Literary History, Volume 10: 1910–1940: The Modern Movement (Oxford, 2004).
  • Hugh Kenner, The Pound Era (Berkeley, 1971).
  • Helen Carr, The Verse Revolutionaries: Ezra Pound, H. D. and the Imagists (London, 2009).
  • The line of Hardy: Donald Davie, Thomas Hardy and British Poetry (London, 1973).
  • Rival traditions in modern poetry: Randall Stevenson, The Oxford English Literary History, Volume 12: 1960–2000: The Last of England? (Oxford, 2004).

الفصل السادس

  • Kinds of poetry: Paul Fussell, Poetic Meter and Poetic Form (New York, 1965; revised edn. 1979).
  • Elegy: G. W. Pigman III, Grief and English Renaissance Elegy (Cambridge, 1985).
  • The shadow of war: Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory (Oxford, 1975).
  • Donne: John Carey, John Donne: Life, Mind and Art (London, 1990).
  • John Stubbs, John Donne: The Reformed Soul (London, 2006).
  • Multiple meanings in poetry: William Empson, Seven Types of Ambiguity (London, 1930) and The Structure of Complex Words (London, 1951).

الفصل السابع

  • Shakespeare: Jonathan Bate, Soul of the Age: The Life, Mind and World of William Shakespeare (London, 2008).
  • King Lear: Stanley Cavell, ‘The Avoidance of Love’, in his Disowning Knowledge in Seven Plays of Shakespeare (Cambridge, 1987).
  • Metadrama: Anne Righter (Barton), Shakespeare and the Idea of the Play (London, 1962).
  • Shakespeare in print: Lukas Erne, Shakespeare as Literary Dramatist (Cambridge, 2003).
  • Lamb and limits of the stage: J. W. Donohue, Dramatic Character in the English Romantic Age (Princeton, 1970).
  • Shakespeare as inspirer and inhibitor: Jonathan Bate, The Genius of Shakespeare (London, 1997).
  • Comedy: Alexander Leggatt, English Stage Comedy, 1490–1900: The Persistence of a Genre (London, 1998).
  • Michael Cordner, Peter Holland, and John Kerrigan (eds.), English Comedy (Cambridge, 1994).

الفصل الثامن

  • Romance and novel: Paul Hunter, Before Novels: Cultural Contexts of Eighteenth Century English Fiction (New York, 1990).
  • Geoffrey Day, From Fiction to the Novel (London, 1987).
  • 18th century fiction: Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel (London, 1957).
  • Michael McKeon, The Origins of the English Novel, 1600–1740 (Baltimore, 1988).
  • Women and Gothic: Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination (New Haven, 1980).
  • Austen: Claudia Johnson, Jane Austen: Women, Politics, and the Novel (Chicago, 1988).
  • Novel and nation: Patrick Parrinder, Nation and Novel: The English Novel from its Origins to the Present Day (Oxford, 2006).
  • Condition of England: Raymond Williams, Culture and Society 1780–1950 (London, 1958).
  • Catherine Gallagher, The Industrial Reformation of English Fiction: Social Discourse and Narrative Form, 1832–1867 (Chicago, 1985).
  • Victorian fiction: Philip Davis, The Oxford English Literary History, Volume 8: 1830–1880: The Victorians (Oxford, 2002).
  • Dickens: Michael Slater, Charles Dickens: A Life Defined by Writing (New Haven and London, 2009).
  • Comic fiction: Glen Cavaliero, The Alchemy of Laughter: Comedy in English Fiction (Basingstoke, 1999).
  • Modernism and stream of consciousness: Robert Humphrey, Stream of Consciousness in the Modern Novel (Berkeley, 1962).
  • David Lodge, Consciousness and the Novel (Cambridge, Mass., 2002).
  • Sterne and narrative technique: Wayne Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction (Chicago, 1961).
  • Gerard Genette, Narrative Discourse: An Experiment in Method (Ithaca, 1983).

الفصل التاسع

  • Englishness: Paul Langford, Englishness Identified: Manners and Character 1650–1850 (Oxford, 2000).
  • David Gervais, Literary Englands: Versions of ‘Englishness’ in Modern Writing (Cambridge, 1993).
  • Alison Light, (London, 1991).
  • Ireland: Declan Kiberd, Inventing Ireland: Literature of the Modern Nation (London, 1995).
  • The British Question: Hugh Kearney, The British Isles: A History of Four Nations (Cambridge, 1995).
  • Linda Colley, Britons: Forging the Nation 1707–1837 (London, 1992).
  • Norman Davies, The Isles: A History (London, 1999).
  • John Kerrigan, Archipelagic English: Literature, History and Politics 1603–1707 (Oxford, 2008).
  • Murray Pittock, Celtic Identity and the British Image (Manchester, 1999).
  • Empire: Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism (London, 1993).
  • Bill Ashcroft et al. (eds.), The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literature (London, 1989).
  • Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness (London, 1993).
  • Country and city, region and landscape: Raymond Williams, The Country and the City (London, 1973).
  • Jonathan Bate, The Song of the Earth (London, 2000).
  • Immigrant writers: Bruce King, Oxford English Literary History, Volume 13: 1948–2000: The Internationalization of English Literature (Oxford, 2004).
  • Graham Huggan, The Post-Colonial Exotic: Marketing the Margins (London, 2001).