الأدب الإنجليزي: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مصادر الصور

  • (1-1a) © 2010 The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California. All rights reserved.
  • (1-1b) © The Estate of E. H. Shepard, reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Group Limited, London, and Dutton Children’s Books, A Division of Penguin Young Readers Group, A Member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 345 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014. All rights Reserved.
  • (3-1) The Huntington Library, San Marino, California. © The Granger Collection/TopFoto.
  • (4-1) Author’s collection.
  • (6-1) © The British Library/HIP/TopFoto.
  • (6-2) © TFL/London Transport Museum. Photo courtesy of the Imperial War Museum, London (Q 79857).
  • (7-1) © The British Museum/TopFoto.
  • (8-1) Author’s collection.
  • (8-2) Author’s collection.
  • (8-3) © Bettmann/Corbis.
  • (8-4) Geoffrey Day Collection.
  • (9-1) Author’s collection.