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مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

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We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:
Text 3.4 from The Paras’ new leader in the Daily Mail, 1 June 1982, © Atlantic Syndication Partners; Text 8.1 Advertisement of the Miele Washing Machine, © Miele Company Ltd, N.B. Advertisement produced 1988 (no longer current); Texts 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 from Department of Health and Social Security, Crown copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office; Atlantic Syndication Partners for Headline and text from Daily Mail 3 May 1982; the Editor—Blue Jeans for extracts from Blue Jeans No. 488, 24 May 1986; The author, Michael Bretherton for an extract from “Employment Counselling” in Options originally broadcast by BBC Radio 4. 7 December 1986; Constable L Houghton Mifflin Company for an extract from On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers. US Copyright © 1961 Houghton Mifflin & Co; Deakin University for information drawn from G Kress “Linguistic Process in sociocultural practice” pubd. Deakin University Press Victoria, Australia; Granada TV for an extract from “The Boys from Horseferry Road”, Granada TV 1980; the author, Ted J Kaptchuck for an extract from The Healing Arts, BBC 2, 8 August 1986; R. W. Heap (Publishing) Company Ltd for an extract from their sales booklet Good English, The Language of Success, © R & W Heap Publishing Co Ltd 1986; Lancaster and Morecambe Newspapers Ltd for headlines and short articles from Lancaster Guardian 12 September and 7 October, 1986; New York Times Syndicate for an extract from an interview in New York Times 1973: 512; the author, Shiela Shah and Outwrite for headline and article text “Misogynist hysteria unleashed over Molesworth rapes” in Outwrite No. 52, November 1986; The Rt. Hon. The Baroness Thatcher and the BBC for an extract from interview between Michael Charltonand Margaret Thatcher, BBC Radio 3, 17 December 1985: Thorson’s Publishing for list “Just 23 vital steps to success” from Twenty-Three Steps to Success and Achievement, Lumsden R., 1984; Times Newspapers Ltd for headline and an extract from the article “The still small voice of truth” in The Times 20 May 1982. © Times Newspapers Ltd 20.5.82.
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