الدم والعدالة: قصة الطبيب الباريسي الذي سطر تاريخ نقل الدم في القرن السابع عشر

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قراءات إضافية

  • Shadwell, Thomas, The Virtuoso, ed. Marjorie Hope Nicholson and David Stuart Rodes (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press), 1966.
    Aseventeenth-century play that discusses the Royal Society and blood transfusion.
  • Pears, Iain, An Instance of the Fingerpost (1997), (London: Vintage), 1998.
    A novel involving blood transfusion and many of the characters in this book.
  • Coward, Barry, The Stuart Age—England 1603–1714 (London: Longman Group UK Limited), 2nd edn, 1994.
    An accessible introduction to this period of English history, with comments on the rise of science and medicine within English society.
  • Loux, François, Pierre-Martin de la Martinière, un médecin au XVIIesiècle (Paris: Imago) 1988.
    Abiography of one of Denis’ most vocal detractors—chapter 5 looks specifically at his stance against transfusion.