العالم القطبي ونورديا: دراسة جغرافية

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

المراجع الأساسية

  • (1)
    Cole, J. P., “Geography of the U. S. S. R.”, Pelican 1967.
  • (2)
    Dury, G. H. & K. Mathieson, “The United States and Canada” London 1970.
  • (3)
    Gottmann. I. A., “A Geography of Europe” London 1955.
  • (4)
    Hoffman, C. W., “A Georgraphy of Europe” London 1953.
  • (5)
    Hooson, D. J. M., “The Soviet Union” London 1966.
  • (6)
    Mâlmstrom, V. H., “Norden: Gross roads of Destiny” New York 1965.
  • (7)
    Melvyn Howe, G.,“The Soviet Union” London 1968.
  • (8)
    O’ Dell, A. C., “The Scandinavian World” London 1960.
  • (9)
    Paderin, G., “Siberia, past and present” Moscow 1961.
  • (10)
    Pierre George, “L’ U. R. S. S.” Paris 1962.
  • (11)
    Somme, A., “A Geography of Nordén” New York 1961.
  • (12)
    Stefan, F., “Vatna Joekull, Island faehrten” Wien 1958.