رولان بارت: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قراءات إضافية

(١) أعمال لرولان بارت

Here I list only books and one important interview. For bibliographies of Barthes’s numerous articles, now collected in his Œuvres complètes, see Communications 36 (1982); Sanford Freedman and Carol Anne Taylor, Roland Barthes: A Bibliographical Reader’s Guide (Garland, 1983); and Gilles Philippe, Roland Barthes, Bibliographie des écrivains de France (Memini, 1996). Philippe’s excellent bibliography, while hard to find, is particularly thorough in describing writings about Barthes.
Barthes’s Œuvres complètes, in three volumes, edited by Eric Marty, were published by Seuil in 1993, 1994, and 1995. All of the works listed below can be found in them, but my page references in this book are to the earlier individual volumes: the first to the French original, the second to the English translation. (I give page references to the English translations published in the United States, mostly by Hill and Wang, but many of these have also been issued in England by Jonathan Cape.) Entries marked with an asterisk are collections published after Barthes’s death.
  • * A Barthes Reader, ed. Susan Sontag (Hill and Wang, 1982).
  • * L’Aventure sémiologique (Seuil, 1985). The Semiotic Challenge, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1988).
  • * Le Bruissement de la langue (Seuil, 1984). The Rustle of Language, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1986).
  • La Chambre claire: note sur la photographie (Gallimard and Seuil, 1980). Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1981).
  • Critique et vérité (Seuil, 1966). Criticism and Truth, tr. Katrine Kueneman (University of Minnesota Press, 1987).
  • Le Degré zéro de l’écriture (1953), with Nouveaux essais critiques (Seuil, 1972). Writing Degree Zero, tr. Annette Lavers and Colin Smith (Hill and Wang, 1968); New Critical Essays, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1980).
  • Éléments de sémiologie (1964), in Le Degré zéro de l’écriture, suivi de Éléments de sémiologie (Seuil, 1965). Elements of Semiology, tr. Annette Lavers and Colin Smith (Hill and Wang, 1968).
  • L’Empire des signes (Skira, 1970). Empire of Signs, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1982).
  • Essais critiques (Seuil, 1964). Critical Essays, tr. Richard Howard (Northwestern University Press, 1972).
  • Fragments d’un discours amoureux (Seuil, 1977). A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1978).
  • * Le Grain de la voix: Entretiens 1962–1980 (Seuil, 1981). The Grain of the Voice: Interviews 1962–1980, tr. Linda Coverdale (Hill and Wang, 1985).
  • Image, Music, Text, essays selected and tr. Stephen Heath (Hill and Wang, 1977).
  • * Incidents (Seuil, 1987). Incidents, tr. Richard Howard (University of California Press, 1992).
  • Leçon: Leçon inaugurale de la chaire de sémiologie littéraire du Collège de France, prononcée le 7 janvier 1977 (Seuil, 1978). ‘Inaugural Lecture’, tr. Richard Howard, in A Barthes Reader, ed. Susan Sontag (Hill and Wang, 1982).
  • Michelet par lui-même (Seuil, 1954). Michelet, tr. Richard Howard (Blackwell, 1987).
  • Mythologies (1957) (Seuil, 1970). Partial translation: Mythologies, tr. Annette Lavers (Hill and Wang, 1973). Translation of remaining essays: The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1979).
  • Nouveaux essais critiques, published with Le Degré zéro de l’écriture (Paris, Seuil, 1972). New Critical Essays, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1980).
  • * L’Obvie et l’obtus (Seuil, 1982). The Responsibility of Forms, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1986).
  • Le Plaisir du texte (Seuil, 1973). The Pleasure of the Text, tr. Richard Miller (Hill and Wang, 1975).
  • ‘Réponses’ (interview), Tel Quel 47 (autumn 1971), pp. 89–107.
  • Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes (Seuil, 1975). Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1977).
  • S/Z (Seuil, 1970). S/Z, tr. Richard Miller (Hill and Wang, 1975).
  • Sade/Fourier/Loyola (Seuil, 1971). Sade/Fourier/Loyola, tr. Richard Miller (New York, Hill and Wang, 1976).
  • Sollers écrivain (Seuil, 1979). Sollers Writer, tr. Philip Thody (Athlone Press, 1987).
  • Sur Racine (Seuil, 1963). On Racine, tr. Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1964).
  • Système de la mode (Seuil, 1967). The Fashion System, tr. Matthew Ward and Richard Howard (Hill and Wang, 1983).

(٢) أعمال عن رولان بارت

There are now many books on Barthes. Those mentioned below are just a selection. Louis-Jean Calvet’s Roland Barthes (Flammarion, 1990), translated by Sarah Wykes, Roland Barthes, A Biography (Indiana University Press, 1995), is a lively biography with lots of information about Barthes’s friendships and opinions but which treats theories as feeble attempts to rationalize feelings.

كتب باللغة الإنجليزية

Annette Lavers’ early Roland Barthes: Structuralism and After (Harvard University Press, 1982) can be supplemented by Michael Moriarty’s Roland Barthes (Polity Press, 1991), a clear overview, especially helpful on Barthes’s dealings with Brecht and with narrative, and Stephen Ungar’s Roland Barthes: The Professor of Desire (University of Nebraska Press, 1983), which shrewdly charts Barthes’s shifting commitments and his appeal. More specialized are Andrew Brown’s Roland Barthes: The Figures of Writing (Oxford University Press, 1992), a study of major concerns and operations in Barthes’s writing; Armine Kotin Mortimer, The Gentlest Law: Roland Barthes’s ‘The Pleasure of the Text’, an exemplary, multi-dimensional reading of this book; and Diana Knight’s Barthes and Utopia: Space, Travel, Writing (Oxford University Press, 1997), a subtle exploration of the forms of the important utopian impulse in Barthes’s writing. D. A. Miller’s Bringing out Barthes (University of California Press, 1992) obliquely but boldly evokes the gay Barthes that might have been.

كتب باللغة الفرنسية

Stephen Heath’s early Vertige du déplacement: Lecture de Barthes (Fayard, 1974) is still smart and pertinent. Philippe Roger’s Roland Barthes: roman (Grasset, 1986) is a life and works particularly strong on Barthes’s formative experiences. It is devoted to the proposition that from the outset Barthes sought to make knowledge literary. Vincent Jouve’s La Littérature selon Barthes (Minuit, 1986) is an attempt at theoretical synthesis of Barthes’s account of literature. Bernard Comment’s excellent Roland Barthes: vers le neutre (Christian Bourgois, 1991) finds a coherent project in the utopian attempt to escape from constraints of critical as well as orthodox thinking.

أعمال أخرى

Prétexte: Roland Barthes (Union générale d’éditions, 1978) is the proceedings of a conference on Barthes at Cérisy, in which Barthes took an active part. Paragraph 11:2 (1988), Barthes après Barthes, ed. Cathrine Coquio and Regis Salado (Publications de l’Université de Pau, 1993), and The Yale Journal of Criticism (fall 2001) collect papers from other conferences on Barthes.
Numerous journals have devoted special issues to Barthes: Tel Quel 47 (autumn 1971), Critique 302 (January 1972), Arc 56 (1974), Visible Language (autumn 1977), Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature (spring 1981), Poétique 47 (September 1981), Communications 63 (1996), and Nottingham French Studies (spring 1997).
A parody of Barthes by Michel-Antoine Burnier and Patrick Rambaud, Le Roland-Barthes sans peine (Ballard, 1978), has rewarding moments. For further discussion of Barthes in the context of French structuralism, see Jonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature (Cornell University Press, 1975).