التفكير العلمي

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


  • J. D. BERNAL: Science in History. 4 vols. 3rd ed. Pelican 1969.
  • J. BRONOWSKI: The Common Sense of Science. Pelican 1960.
  • M. R. COHEN: Reason and Nature. Free Press, Glen-coe, 1959.
  • RNEé DUMONT: L’Utopie oe la Mort. Paris (Seuil) 1974.
  • JEAN FOURASTLé: Les Conditons de l’esprit scientifiqe. Paris, NRF, (Collection “Idées”) 1966.
  • J. FRANAU: La Pensée sceintifique. Bruxelles, Editions Labor, 1966.
  • N. R. HANSON: Patterns of Discovery. Cambridge U. P., 1958.
  • J. LALOUP: La Science et l’humain, Paris (Casterman) 1960.
  • ERNEST NAGEL: The Structure of Science, N. Y., Harcourt-Brace, 1961.
  • ERNEST NAGEL: Sovereign Reason. Free Press, Glencoe, 1954.
  • KARL POPPER: The Logic of Scientific Discovery N. Y., Basic Bolls, 1959.
  • Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. I. Sophia, 1973.
  • A. D. RITCHIE: Scientific Method. Littlefield & Adams. N. Y. 1960.
  • H. ROSE & S. ROSE: Science on Society. Pelican. 1971.
  • B. RUSSELL: The Impact of Science on Society. Allen & Unwind. 1967.
  • The Scientific & Technological Revolution (several authors) Moscow, 1972.
  • S. TOULMIN: The Philosophy of Science, Hutchinson’s University Library, 1953.
  • G. VOLKOV: Man and the Challenge of Technology. Moscow, 1972.
  • C. H. WADDINGTON: The Scientific Attitude. Pelican 1948.
  • W. WIGHTMAN: The Growth of Scientific Ideas. Yale U.P. 1953.