خرافات عن الأجناس

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


  • Benedict, Ruth, Race, Science and Politics New York, 1941, PP. 209.
  • Burns, Alan, Colour Prejudice. London, 1948, PP. 171.
  • Comas, Juan, Existe una Rasa Judia? Mexico, 1941, PP. 29.
  • Comas, El Mestizaje Ysu Importancia Social. Mexico, 1944, pp. 12.
  • Comas La Discrminaciôn Racial en America. Mexico, 1945, pp. 27.
  • Count, Earl W., This is Race. An Anthology Selected from the international literature on the Races of Man. New York, 1950, pp. 747.
  • Dunn, L. G. and Dobzhansky, Th., Heredity, Race and Society, New York, 1950, pp. 165.
  • Hankins, Frank H., The Racial Basis of Civilization: A Critique of the Nordic Doctrine. New York, 1926.
  • Huxley, Julian S. and Haddon, A. C., We Europeans. A Survey of “Racial Problems”. New York and London, 1936, pp. 246.
  • Kluckhorn, Clyde, Mirror for Man, New York, 1949, pp. 313.
  • Montagu, M. F. Ashley, Man’s most dangerous myth. The Fallacy of Race. New York, 1942, pp. 304.
  • Ortiz, Fernando, El engano Las Zazas. La Havana, 1946, pp. 428.
  • Parkes, James. An Enemy of the People, Anti Semitism New York, 1946, pp. 151.