النبي موسى وآخر أيام تل العمارنة (الجزء الثالث): موسوعة تاريخية جغرافية إثنية دينية

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

المصادر الأجنبية


  • (1)
    Albright, W., Akkadian Letters, The Amaran Letters, J.E.A., T.
  • (2)
    Alferd, C., The End of the El-Amarna Period, J.E.A., 1957.


  • (3)
    Breasted, Ancient Records.
  • (4)
    Brugsch, H., History of Egypt under the Pharaohs.
  • (5)
    Budge, A. W., Tut-Ankh-Amen, Amenism, Atenism, and Egyption monotheism, 1923.


  • (6)
    Childe, The Aryans, New York, 1926.
  • (7)
    Conteneau, G., Civilisation d’Assur et de Babylone, Paris, Payot, 1951.


  • (8)
    Epicurea, ED., II, Usener Lipsial, 1987.
  • (9)
    Erman, the Literature of the Ancient Egyptians, 1927.
  • (10)
    Evans, A., The palace of Minos at konssos, 1921.


  • (11)
    Frankfort and Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten, 1933.


  • (12)
    Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, 1964.
  • (13)
    Gardiner, The Military Road between Egypt and Palestine, J.E.A., Vol VI, 1920.


  • (14)
    Hayes. W. C., Egypt from the Death of Ammenemes II.
  • (15)
    Herzog, pynt in Abhandlungen institutes kairo, 6, 1968.


  • (16)
    James, T. S., Egypt from the Exploration of the Hyksos to Amenophis I.C.A.H.


  • (17)
    Karll, Studien zur Geschichte des Alten Aegypten IV, Das Land punit wien, 1890.
  • (18)
    Kenyon (Kathleen), Digging up Jerusalem, Ernest Ben, London, 1974.
  • (19)
    Kitchen, Punt and how to Therein Orientalia, 1971.
  • (20)
    Kupper, Les nomads enrois de mori, 1957.


  • (21)
    Lods, A., Israel from it’s Beginnings to the Middle of Eighth Century, London, 1963.
  • (22)
    Mariette, A., Deir el Bhi, Leipzig, 1977.
  • (23)
    Maspero, G., In the Odore; Davies, M., The Tombe of Queen Tiyi, 1910.
  • (24)
    Mercer, S.A.B., The Tell-Elamarna Tablets, 1939.
  • (25)
    Montgomery, Arabia and the Bible, Philadelphia, 1943.


  • (26)
    Navil, Archeology of the Old Testament, 1913.
  • (27)
    Naville, E., Le Commerce de l’ancienne Egypte avec les nations voisine, Geneve, 1911.
  • (28)
    Noldeke, The Semitic Languages, Encyclopaedia Britannica, II.


  • (29)
    Petrie, F., A History of Egypt, 7th ed., 1924.
  • (30)
    Petrie, F, Ancient Gaza, London, 1921.


  • (31)
    Save, S.T., J.E.A., 37.
  • (32)
    Sayce, A. H., Menes and Naram sin, J.E.A. 6, 1920.
  • (33)
    See the K. Beiträge zur Geschichte Amenophis IV, Kgl. Ges. D. wiss Machrichten phihist klasse, 1921.
  • (34)
    Stae, B., Lehrbuch der hebraischen Grammatik, Libzig, 1949.


  • (35)
    Wallhausen, J., Die Bibllischen atertu mer, calw and Stuttgart.
  • (36)
    Weigall, The Life and Times of Akhenaten, J.E.A., 1957.
  • (37)
    Wilson, J. A., Egyptian Historical Texts, in James Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts.


  • (38)
    Zallig, S. H., A Grammar of Phoenician Language, New Haven, Conn, 1936.