برتراند راسل: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

الأعمال المقتبس منها داخل النص

  • The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, one-volume edn. (Unwin Paperbacks, 1975).
  • The Analysis of Mind (Allen & Unwin, 1921).
  • The Analysis of Matter, paperback edn. (Routledge, 1992).
  • Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits (Allen & Unwin, 1948).
  • Human Society in Ethics and Politics (Allen & Unwin, 1954).
  • ‘The Philosophy of Logical Atomism’, in Logic and Knowledge, ed. R. C. Marsh.
  • Marriage and Morals, paperback edn. (Routledge, 1991).
  • My Philosophical Development, paperback edn. (Routledge, 1993).
  • Our Knowledge of the External World, 2nd edn. (Allen & Unwin, 1926).
  • Principia Mathematica, 2nd edn. (Cambridge University Press, 1925).
  • The Principles of Mathematics (Allen & Unwin, 1937; first published 1903).
  • The Problems of Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 1912).
  • An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth (Allen & Unwin, 1940).
  • The Conquest of Happiness (Allen & Unwin, 1930).
  • Education and the Social Order (Allen & Unwin, 1931).
  • Essays in Analysis, ed. Douglas Lackey (Allen & Unwin, 1973).
  • Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Allen & Unwin, 1919).
  • Logic and Knowledge, ed. R. C. Marsh (Allen & Unwin, 1956).
  • Mysticism and Logic, paperback edn. (Allen & Unwin, 1963).
  • Power (Allen & Unwin, 1938).
  • Principles of Social Reconstruction (Allen & Unwin, 1916).
  • Religion and Science (Oxford University Press, 1935).
  • Why I Am Not A Christian (Allen & Unwin, 1957).
  • Political Ideals (Routledge, 1994; first published 1917).
  • Roads to Freedom (Allen & Unwin, 1918).
  • Portraits from Memory (Allen & Unwin, 1958).