الهندوسية: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مصادر الصور

  • (1-1) Nina Kellgren, reproduced courtesy of the Community Religions Project, University of Leeds.
  • (2-1) Reproduced courtesy of Kim Knott.
  • (2-2) Reproduced courtesy of the Leicester Mercury.
  • (3-1) The Bhakitivedanta Book Trust International © 1983.
  • (4-1) © Sagar Enterprises, Mumbai.
  • (4-2) © India Book House Limited, Mumbai.
  • (5-1) © Independent, London/Nicholas Turpin.
  • (5-2) Reproduced courtesy of Kim Knott.
  • (5-3) Reproduced courtesy of Robert Jackson.
  • (5-4) © Images of India Picture Agency, London.
  • (6-2) Reproduced courtesy of Julia Leslie.
  • (7-1) Reproduced courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum.
  • (7-2) Reproduced courtesy of Kim Knott.
  • (8-1) © The Swaminarayan Hindu Mission, London.
  • (8-2) Reproduced courtesy of Kim Knott.
  • (9-1) Reproduced courtesy of Kim Knott.