فرجينيا وولف … رواية لم تكتب بعد

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

المصادر والمَراجع

  • World Masterpieces V-2-The Norton Anthology.
  • Woman of Letters: A Life of Virginia Woolf-1978-Phyllis Rose.
  • Virginia Woolf: A Critical Reading 1975-Avrom Fleishman.
  • Virginia Woolf: New Critical Essays-1983-Patrecialements & Isobel Grundy.
  • Virginia Woolf: A Study of Short Fictions 1989-Dean R. Baldwin.
  • New Feminist Essay on Virginia Woolf”-1981-Jane Marcus.
  • The Hours-2002-Michael Cunningham.
  • Moments of Being-1976-Jeanne Schulkind.
  • Virginia Woolf: The quiet revolutionary - By Michael Cunningham.
  • Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Albee’s 1962.