تطوُّر الإنسان: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قراءات إضافية

الفصل الثاني

  • P. J. Bowler, Life’s Splendid Drama (Chicago University Press, 1996): a historical account of the efforts of scientists to reconstruct the history of life on earth.
  • R. M. Henig, The Monk in the Garden (Houghton Mifflin, 2000): describes Gregor Mendel’s plant-breeding xperiments, and deals with how Mendel’s work was rediscovered.
  • E. Mayr, What Evolution Is (Basic Books, 2001): a good introduction to the principles of, and evidence for, evolution.
  • J. A. Moore, Sience as a Way of Knowing (Harvard University Press, 1993): beginning with the Greeks it traces the history of the major developments in biological research.
  • M. Pagel, Encyclopedia of Evolution (Oxford University Press, 2002): contains detailed articles about the main elements of evolutionary science.
  • M. Ridley, Evolution (Blackwell, 2003): includes both evolutionary theory and the evidence for evolution.

الفصل الثالث

  • J. Kalb, Adventures in the Bone Trade: The Race to Discover Human Ancestors in Ethiopia’s Afar Depression (Springer-Verlag, 2001): focuses on the competition among scientific teams searching for early hominin fossils.
  • V. Morrell, Ancestral Passions (Simon & Schuster, 1996): describes the Leakey family and many of their important discoveries.
  • P. Shipman, The Man Who Found the Missing Link: Eugene Dubois and his Lifelong Quest to Prove Darwin Right (Simon & Schuster, 2001): describes the efforts made by Eugène Dubois to find fossil hominins in Java.
  • C. S. Swisher III, G. H. Curtis, and Roger Lewin, Java Man: How Two Geologists’ Dramatic Discoveries Changed our Understanding of the Evolutionary Path to Modern Humans (Scribner, 2000): chronicles efforts to generate absolute dates for the Javan hominins.

من الفصل الرابع إلى الفصل السادس

  • E. Delson, I. Tattersall, J. van Couvering, and A. Brooks, Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory (Garland, 2000): detailed entries for nearly all the fossils and hominin species included in these and later chapters.
  • J. K. McKee, The Riddled Chain: Chance, Coincidence, and Chaos in Human Evolution (Rutgers University Press, 2000): argues that the evidence linking events in hominin evolution with changing climates is weak.
  • R. Potts, Humanity’s Descent: The Consequences of Ecological Instability (Avon, 1997): argues that much of human evolution is a response to an increasingly unstable climate.
  • C. Stringer and P. Andrews, The Complete World of Human Evolution (Thames & Hudson, 2005): an excellent up-to-date account of the hominin fossil evidence and the methods used to interpret it.
  • I. Tattersall, The Fossil Trail: How we Know What we Think we Know about Human Evolution (Oxford University Press, 1995): a very readable account of the history of the discovery and interpretation of the hominin fossil record.
  • I. Tattersall and J. H. Schwartz, Extinct Humans (Westview Press, 2000): excellent illustrations of the hominin fossil record.

الفصل السابع

  • J. L. Arsuaga, The Neanderthal’s Necklace: In Search of the First Thinkers (Four Walls Eight Windows, 2001): the leader of the research at Atapuerca traces the rise and fall of the Neanderthals.
  • J. L. Arsuaga and I. Martinez, The Chosen Species: The Long March of Human Evolution (Blackwell, 2005): an up-to-date summary of human evolution that concentrates on the later part of the hominin fossil record.

الفصل الثامن

  • J. H. Relethford, Reflections of our Past: How Human History is Revealed in our Genes (Westview, 2003): a clear and even-handed account of the implications of the inter-regional and inter-individual DNA differences among modern humans.

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