الديناصورات: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مصادر الصور

  • (1) The Wellcome Library, London.
  • (2) Photo © David Norman.
  • (3) From Adrienne Mayor, The First Fossil Hunters (Princeton University Press, 2000). Drawings by Ed Heck.
  • (1-1) From David Norman, Dinosaur! (Boxtree, 1991).
  • (1-2) © John Sibbick.
  • (1-3) © The Natural History Museum, London.
  • (1-4) © The Natural History Museum, London.
  • (1-5) © David Norman.
  • (1-6) © The Natural History Museum, London.
  • (1-7) © The Natural History Museum, London.
  • (1-8) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels.
  • (1-9) © David Norman.
  • (1-10) Natural History Museum, Berlin. © Louie Psihoyos/Corbis.
  • (1-11) © The Natural History Museum, London.
  • (1-12) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels.
  • (2-1) © Gregory S. Paul.
  • (2-2) © Ed Heck.
  • (3-1) Redrawn from E. Casier.
  • (3-2) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels.
  • (3-3) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels.
  • (3-4) © John Sibbick.
  • (3-5) © John Sibbick.
  • (3-6) © David Norman.
  • (3-7) © John Sibbick.
  • (3-8) © David Norman.
  • (3-9) © David Norman.
  • (3-10) © David Nicholls.
  • (4-2) © John Sibbick.
  • (4-3) From David Norman, Dinosaur! (Boxtree, 1991).
  • (4-4) From David Norman, Dinosaur! (Boxtree, 1991).
  • (4-5) From David Norman, Dinosaur! (Boxtree, 1991).
  • (5-1) © David Norman.
  • (6-1) © John Sibbick.
  • (7-1) From David Norman Dinosaur! (Boxtree, 1991).
  • (7-2) Reproduced courtesy of the Museum of Victoria, Melbourne.
  • (7-3) Courtesy of Timothy Rowe.
  • (7-4) Courtesy of Emily Rayfield.