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مصادر الصور

  • (2-1) Gustave Moreau, Helen on the Ramparts.
  • (2-2) Sir Frederick Leighton, Helen on the Ramparts.
  • (2-3) Helen (Janie Dee) in the Royal National Theatre production of The Women of Troy (1995).
  • (2-4) Jennifer Coverdale’s classically poised Helen of Troy in Marlowe’s Dr Faustus at the Royal Shakespeare Company (1946).
  • (2-5) Stratford’s first naked actress, Maggie Wright, in the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Dr Faustus (1968).
  • (2-6) Bust of Paris by Canova, in the Museum of Art, Chicago.
  • (2-7) Bust of Helen by school of Canova, in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
  • (2-8) Guido delle Colonne, Historia Destructionis Troiae.
  • (4-1) George Peele, A Tale of Troy (1589).
  • (6-1) The Private Life of Helen of Troy (1927).
  • (6-2) Derek Walcott, “Ideal head: Helen/Omeros” (1998).