نيتشه: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


  • Adorno, Theodor (1974), Minima Moralia (NLB, London).
  • Aschheim, Steven E. (1992), The Nietzsche Legacy in Germany 1890–1990 (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles).
  • Bridgwater, Patrick (1972), Nietzsche in Anglosaxony (Leicester University Press, Leicester).
  • Heller, Erich (1988), The Importance of Nietzsche (University of Chicago Press, Chicago).
  • Heller, Peter (1966), Dialectics and Nihilism (The University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, Mass).
  • Jones, Ernest (1955), Siegmund Freud, Life and Work, ii (Hogarth Press, London).
  • Kaufmann, Walter (1974), Nietzsche (4th edn., Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ).
  • Kundera, Milan (1984), The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Faber and Faber, London).
  • Love, Frederick R. (1963), Young Nietzsche and the Wagnerian Experience (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC).
  • Middleton, Christopher (1969) (ed. and trans.), Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche (University of Chicago Press, Chicago).
  • Nehamas, Alexander (1985), Nietzsche: Life as Literature (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.).
  • Schutte, Ofelia (1984), Beyond Nihilism: Nietzsche without Masks (University of Chicago Press, Chicago).
  • Silk, M. S. and Stern, J. P. (1981), Nietzsche on Tragedy (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge).
  • Solomon, Robert C. and Higgins, Kathleen M. (1988) (eds.), Reading Nietzsche (Oxford University Press, New York).
  • Staten, Henry (1990), Nietzsche’s Voice (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY).
  • Thompson, Judith J. and Dworkin, Gerald (1968) (eds.), Ethics (Harper and Row, Cambridge, Mass.).
  • Young, Julian (1992), Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Art (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge).