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مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


  • Kaufmann, Moritz: Utopias: or, Schemes of Social Improvement, from Sir Thomas More to Karl Marx, London, 1879.
  • Nettlau, Max: Bibliographie de L’Anarchie, (Utopies Libertaires), Paris, 1897.
  • Hoffding, Harald: A History of Modern Philosophy, translated by B. E. Meyer, London, 1900.
  • Kropotkin, Peter: The Conquest of Bread, Introduction to 1913 Edition, London. Mutual Aid, A Factor of Evolution, London, 1902.
  • Burckhardt, Jacob: The civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, London, 1904.
  • Gide, Charles: Communist and Co-operative Colonies, London, 1930. A History of Economy Doctrines, London, 1917.
  • Mumford, Lewis: The Story of Utopias, New York, 1922.
  • Hertzler, Joyce Oramel: The History of Utopian Thought, London, 1923.
  • Rocker, Rudolf: Nationalism and Culture, U.S.A., 1937.
  • Read, Herbert: Poetry and Anarchism, London, 1938. A Coat of Many Colours, London, 1945.
  • Mannin, Ethel: Braed and Roses, an Utopian Survey and Blue-Print, London, 1944.
  • Gray, Alexander: The Socialist Tradition, Moses to Lenin, London 1946.
  • Thompson, David: The Babeuf Plot, The Making of a Republican Legend, London, 1947.


  • Plato: The Republic, translated by A. D. Lindsay. Everyman edition, London, 1935.
    The Dialogues of Plato, translated into English by Benjamin Jowett, 5 vols., Oxford, 1875.
    Dickinson, G. Lowes: Plato and his Dialogues, London, 1931.
  • Aristophanes: The Clouds and the Ecclesiazusae, translated by B. B. Rogers, London, 1852 and 1915. The Archians, The Knights and The Birds, A metrical version with an occasional comment by John Hookham Frere, with an introduction by Henry Morley, London, 1886.
  • Zeno: Fragment from the Republic, in Diogenes Laertius’ Life of Zeno, Loeb Edition, Vol. 2, London, 1924.
  • Plutarch: Life of Lycurgus, in Ideal Commonwealths, editied by Henry Morley, London, 1885.
  • Strabo: Geography, Crete, Book 10, Sect. 4.
  • Diodorus Siculus, Loeb Edition, Vol. 3, Books 2 and 5, London, 1939.
  • Aristotle: Politics, translated by William Ellis, Everyman edition, London, 1912.


  • Saint Brendan: St Brandan: a medieval legend of the sea, London, 1844.
    The Anglo-Norman voyage of St Brendon by Benedeit, Oxford, 1928.
  • St Thomas Aquinas: De Regimine Principum, translated by Gerald B. Phelan, New York.
  • More, Thomas: Libellus vere Aureus nec minus salutaris quam festivus de oplimo reip. statu deque nova Insula Vtopia, Louvain, 1516.
    Utopia: or, the best state of a republic weal, first English translation by Ralph Robynson, 1551.
    Sir Thomas More’s Utopia, in Ideal commonwealths, edited with an introduction by Henry Morley, London, 1885.
    More’s Utopia, translated into Modern English by G. C. Richards, Oxford, 1923.
    Dermenghem, Emile: Thomas Morus et les Utopistes de la Renaissance, Paris, 1927.
    Donner, H. W.: Introduction to Utopia, Stockholm and London, 1945.
  • Erasmus, Desiderius: Moriae Encomiwn, 1511. The Praise of Folly, translated by John Wilson, 1668, edited with an introduction by Mrs P. S. Allen, Oxford, 1913.
    The Epistles of Eramsus, from his earliest letters to his 51st year, translated by F. M. Nichols, London, 1901–18.
    Morgan, Arthur E.: Nowhere is Somewhere, North Carolina, 1948.
  • Bodin, Jean: Les six livres de la Republique de Jean Bodin Angeuin, Lyon, 1557. Latin translation: Io Bodini … De Republica Libri sex, latine ab autore redditi, multo quam antca locupletiores, etc., 1586.
    The Six Bookes of a commonweale, Out of the French and Latine copies, done into English by Richard knolles, London, 1606.
    Chauviré, R.: Jean Bodin, auteur de la Republique, 1914.
    Lavic, J. C. de: Abrégé de la République de Bodin, London, 1755.
  • Campanella, Tommaso: Civitas Solis Poetica: Idea Reipublicae Philosophiae, Frankfurt, 1623. First English translation, with a few omissions, by Thomas W. Halliday, in Ideal Commonwealths, edited by Henry Morley, London, 1885. Quotations in this volume have been translated from La Cillà del Sole, Edita per la prima volta nel testo originale, con introduzione e documenti, da Edmondo Solmi. Modena, 1904.
    Le Piu belle pagine di Tommaso Campanella, scelte da Corrado Alvano, Milano, 1935.
    Dentice di Accadia, C.: Tommaso Campanella, with a bibliography and a portrait, Italy, 1921.
    Amabile, L.: Fra Tommaso Campanella, la sua congiura, i suoi processi e la sua pazzia, 1882.
  • Andreae, Johann Valentin: Reipublicae Christianopolitanae Descriptio, 1619. Frist English translation: Christianopolis, An Ideal Stale of the seventeenth Century, translated from the Latin of Johann Valentin Andreae, with an historical introduction by Felix Emil Held, New York, 1916.
  • Bacon, Francis: New Atlantis, first published by William Rawley, in the same volume with sylva sylvarum: or a Naturall Historie, London, 1627. A Latin version of the New Atlantis was published by Rawley in 1638. Edition in Modern English, in the third volume of the standard edition of Bacon’s works edited by R. L. Ellis, J. Spedding & D. D. Health, 1857–74.
    Bacon’s New Atlantis, in Ideal Commonwealths edited by Henry Morley, 1885.
    New Atlantis, by Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St Albans, edited with introduction and notes by Alfred B. Gough, Oxford, 1924.
  • Hartlib, Samuel: A Description of the famous Kingdom of Macaria: Showing its excellent Government, wherein the Inhabitants live in great Prosperity, Health and Happiness: the King obeyed, the Nobles honoured, and all good Men respected: Vice punished, and Virtue rewarded. An Example to other Nations: In a Dialogue between a scholar and a Traveller. First Edition, London 1641. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, Vol. I., 1744.
  • Gott, Samuel: Nova Solyma. First published in Latin, anonymously in 1648, under the title: Novae Solymae Libri Sex. (In the second edition, 1649, the title was supplemented by the words: sive institutio Christiani.) First English translation, with a long introduction by Rev Walter Stephen K. Jones, who attributed the work to Milton. In 1910 he discovered that the author was Samuel Gott.
  • Rabelais, François: Gargantua and Pantagruel, translated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Le Motteux, 1653–1694; published with an introduction by David Nutt, London, 1900.


  • Winstanley, Gerrard: The New Law of Righteousness, 1649.
    The Law of Freedom in a platform: Or True Magistracie Restored, London. 1652.
    Berens, Lewis H.: The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth as revealed in the writings of Gerrard Winstanley the Digger, London, 1906.
    Gerrard Winstanley, Selections from his works, edited by Leonard Hamilton, with an introduction by Christopher Hill, London, 1944.
    The Works of Gerrard Winstanley, edited by G. H. Sabine, New York, 1941.
    H. N. Brailsford: Winstanley, The Digger.
    Woodcock, George: Anarchy or Chaos, Chapter IV, London. 1944.
  • Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of A Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil, London, 1651. Edited with an introduction by Michael Oakeshott, Blackwell’s Political texts, Oxford, 1946.
  • Harrignton, James: The Common-Wealth of Oceana, first published, London, 1656. Edited with an introduction by Henry Morley, London, 1883.
  • Smith, Hugh F. R.: Harrington and his Oceana. A study of a seventeenth century Utopia and its influence in America, 1914.


  • T.I.D.M.G.: Histoire du Grand et Admirable Royaume d’Antangil, 1617. La Première Utopie Francaise, Le Royaume d’Antangil, Avec des éclaircissements de F. Lachèvre, 1933.
  • Cyrano de Bergerac: Histoire Comique-Voyage dans la Lune, first published, 1657.
    Histoire des Etats et Empires du Soleil, first published, 1662.
    Voyages to the Moon and the Sun, translated by Richard Aldington, London, 1923.
  • Vairasse, d’Allais, (Denis Veiras): The History of the Sevarites or Sevarambi a nation inhaibiting a part of the third continent commonly called Terrae Australes incognitae. With an account of their admirable Government, Religion, Customs and Languages. Written by one Captain Siden, London, 1675. A further account of their Government, Religion, Customs and Language. The Second part more wonderful and delightful than the first, London, 1679. (The second part is an abridged version of the French edition).
    L’Histoire des sévarambes, peuples qui habitent une partie du troisième continent, etc., 5 vols., Paris, 1677–79.
  • Gabriel de Foigny: La Terre Australe connue, c’est à dire la description de ce pays inconnu jusques ici, de ses moeurs et de ses Coutumes, par M. Sadeur. Avec les aventures qui le Conduisirent en cc Continent et les paricularitez du séjour qu’il y fit durant trente-cinq ans et plus, et de son retour, Réduites et mises en lumière par les soins et la conduite de G. de F. Vannes, Par Jacques Verneuil (in reality printed at Geneva by La Pierre), 1676.
    A new Discovery of Terra Incognila Australis or the Southern world, by James Sadeur a Frenchman, London, 1693.
  • Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe: Les Aventures de Télémaque, Suite du quatrième livre de l’Odyssée d’Homère, Paris, 1699.
  • Gilbert, Claude: Histoire de Calejava ou de l’isle des Hommes raisonnables. Avec le Parallele de leur morale et du Christianisme, Dijon, 1700.
  • Lesconvel, Pierre: Voyage de l’Isle de Naudely, ou l’idée d’un regne heweux (sometimes known as Voyage du Prince Montberaud), Cazeros, 1703.
  • Lom d’Arce, L. A. de Baron de Lahontan: Nouveaux voyages de M. le baron de Lahonlan dans l’Amérique septentrionale, etc …, La Haye, 1703.
    Mémoires de l’Amérique septentrionale ou la suile des voyages de M. le baron de Lahontan, etc … T. II. id.
    Supplément aux Voyage du baron de Lahontan ou l’on trouve des dialogues, cuieux entre l’auteur et un sauvage de bon sens qui a voyagé. T.III,id.
    Dialogues curieux et Memoires de l’Amérique Septentrionale, edited by Gilbert Chinard, Paris, 1931.
  • Tyssot de Patot, S. (Ps.: Pierre de Mésange): La Vie, les Aventures, et le voyage de Groenland du Révérend Père Cordelier P. de Mésange, (2 vols), Amsterdam, 1720.
  • Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travles, London, 1726.
    Voyages de Gulliver, Tome I and II, translated by l’Abbé Deafontaines, Pairs, 1726-27.
  • Rostaing, L. de Saint-Jory: Les Femmes Miliaires. Relation Historique d’une Isle nouvellement découverte, par le sieur C.D., Amsterdam, 1736.
  • Beringon, Simon (?): Mémoires de Gaudencio di Lucca où il rend comple aux pères de l’Inquisition de Bologne qui l’ont fait arreter, de tout ce qui lui est arrivé de plus remarquable dans sa vie; où il les instruit d’un pays inconnu, situé au milieu des vastes deserts de l’Afrique, dont les habitants sont aussi anciens, aussi nombreux et aussi civilisés que les Chinois. First published 1746, enlarged edition, 1753 Reprinted under the title: Les Mémoires de Gaudence de luques in La collection des Voyages Imaginaires.
  • Morelly: Naufrage des isles flottantes, ou Basiliade, du célèbre Pilpai, Poeme héroique. (en prose) taduit de l’Italien par M.M—Tome 1er et 2nd A Messine par une Société de Libraires 1753.
    Le Code de la Nature ou le Véritable Esprit de ses lois, first published 1755. Publié avec notice et table analytique par Edouard Dollćas, Paris, 1910.
  • Voltaire: Candide, first published, Geneva, 1758.
    Candide or Optimism, translated by John Butt, Penguin Books, 1947.
  • Roche, Tiphaigne de la: Giphantie, 1êre et 2ème partie, La Haye (Paris), 1760.
    Histoire des Galligènes ou Mémoires de Duncan, 1ère et 2ème partie, 1765.
  • Burgh, James: Account of the Cessares, 1764.
  • Fontenelle, M. de: La Republique des Philosophes ou Histoire des Ajaoiens, Genève, 1768.
  • Mercier, Louis Sébastien: L’An deux mille quatre cent quarante, reve s’il en fut jamais, etc., Amsterdam, 1770.
    Memoires of the year two thousand five hundred, translated from the French, 1772.
    A new edition corrected, to which is now prefixed some account of the author, Liverpool, 1802.
  • Bernardin de Saint Pierre: L’Arcadie, Livre 1er, Angers, 1781.
  • Restif de la Bretonne: La Découverte Australe, par un Homme volant, ou le Dédale francois: Nouvelle très philosophique: Suivie de la Lettre d’un Singe, etc. 1er à 4ème vols., Leipsick, 1781.
    Les Gynographs, La Haye, 1777.
    L’Andrographe, La Haye, 1782.
  • Author unknown: L’Isle inconnue, ou Mémoires du Chevalier de Gastines, Recueillis et publiés par M. Grivel, Paris et Bruxelles, 1784, Reprinted in La Collection des Voyages Imaginaires.
  • Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de: Des Droits et des Devoirs du Citoyen, 1794-5.
    De La Legislation, ou Principe des Loix, 1794-5.
  • Hodgson, W.: The Commonwealth of Reason, 1795.
  • Spence, Thomas: Description of Spensonia, London, 1795, Privately printed at the Courier Press, Leamington Spa, 1917.
  • Marquis de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François Comtc de: La Philosophie dans le Boudoir, London, 1795. A chapter entitled: Frenchman! One more effort if you want to be Republicans, translated by Simon Watson Taylor was published in Free Unions, London, 1946.
  • Diderot: Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville. Dialogue sur l’inconvénient d’attacher des idées morales à certaines actions physiques qui n’en comportent pas, Paris, 1796.
    Les Eleuthéromanes, Paris, 1884.
  • Say, J. B.: Olbie, 1800.
  • La Collection des Voyages imaginaires, 28 vols, Paris, 1787–89.
  • Atkinson, Geoffroy: The Extraordinary Voyage in French Literature before 1700, New York 1920.
    The Extraordinary Voyage in French Literature from 1700 to 1720, Paris, 1922.

Socialist and Scientific Utopias

  • Fourier Charles: Traité de l’Association domestique agricole, 2 vols, 1822.
    Le Nouveau Monde Industriel, 2 vols, 1829.
    Selections from the works of Fourier, translated by Julia Franklin, with an introduction by Charles Gide London, 1901.
  • Blanc, Louis: L’Organisation du Travail, Paris, 1839.
  • Cabet, Etienne: Voyage en Icarie, First Published under the title Voyage et Aventures de Lord William Carisdall en Icarie, traduits de l’Anglais de Francis Adams par Th., Dufruit, Paris, 1840. Second edition, with preface by the author, Paris, 1842.
    Prudhommeaux, J.: Etienne Cabet et les Origines du Communisme Icarien, 1907.
  • Saint-Simon, Henri-Claude de Rouvroy de: Caléchisme Politique des Industriels, Parabole, in Oeuvres Choisies, Brussels, 1859.
    Oeuvres de Saint-Simon, edited by Rodrigues, Paris, 1841.
  • Owen, Robert: The Book of the New Moral World, New York, 1845.
    Dolléans, Edouard: Robert Owen (1771–1858), Paris, 1905.
  • Buckingham, James Silk: National Evils and Praclical Remedies, London, 1848.
  • Lytton, Lord Edward George EarleBulwer: The Coming Race: or the New Utopia, London, 1870.
  • Butler, Samuel: Erewhon, London, 1872.
    Erewhon Revisited, London, 1901.
  • Mallock, William Hurrell: The New Republic, London, 1877.
  • Bellamy, Edward: Looking Backward—If Socialism Comes, 2000–1887, Boston, 1888.
  • Kropotkin, Peter: Le Vingtième Siècle, articles published in La Révolte, Paris, 30 Nov–28 Dec, 1889.
  • Engels, Frederick: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, translated by Edward Aveling, 1892.
  • Morris, William: News from Nowhere: or, an Epoch of Rest, Being some chapters from a Utopian Romance. First published in serial form in Commonweal, London, 11th Jan–4th Oct, 1890; reprinted in one volume, London 1891.
    A Dream of John Ball, first published in Commonweal and as a pamphlet, 1892.
    The Earthly Paradise, a poem, first published 1872. A Factory as it Might Be, How we live and how we might live, reprinted in William Morris, Stories in Prose, Stories in Verse, Shorter Poems, Lectures and Essays, edited by G. D. H. Cole, London, 1934.
  • Richter, Eugene: Pictures of the Socialistic Future (freely adapted from Bebel), authorised translation by Henry Wright, with an introduction by T. Mackay, London, 1893.
  • Howard, (Sir) Ebenezer: Garden Cities of To-morrow (first published under the title: To-morrow—a Peaceful Path to Real Reform), London, 1898.
  • Hudson, William Henry: A Crystal Age, with an introduction by the author, London, 1906.


  • Hertzka, Theodor: Freiland: ein sociales Zukunftsbild, first German edition, 1890 First English edition: Freeland, A social Anticipation, translated by Arthur Ransome, London, 1891.
  • Wells, H. G.: Anticipations, London, 1901.
    A Modern Utopia, London, 1905.
    New Worlds for Old, London, 1908.
    Men Like Gods, London, 1923.
  • France, Anatole: Sur la Pierre Blanche, Paris 1905.
  • Tarde, Gabriel: Underground Man, translated by Cloudesley Brereton, with a preface by H. G. Wells, London, 1905.
  • Faure, Sebastien: Mon Communisme (Le Bonheur Universal), Paris, 1921.
  • Gapek, Carel: R.U.R., a play, first shown in London, 1923.
  • Zamyatin, Eugeny Ivanovich: Nous Autres, traduit de Russe par B. Cauvet. Duhamel, Paris, 1929.
  • Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World, London, 1932.