التراث المسروق: الفلسفة اليونانية فلسفة مصرية مسروقة

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

المراجع وأرقامها المثبتة في متن الكتاب

  • (1)
    Sandford; the Mediterranean World.
  • (2)
    Zeller; Hist. of Phil.
  • (3)
    William Turner; Hist. of Phil.
  • (4)
    Roger; Student Hist. of Phil.
  • (5)
    Alexander B. D.; Hist. of Phil.
  • (6)
    Breadsted; Conquest of Civilization.
  • (7)
  • (8)
  • (9)
  • (10)
  • (11)
    Plato; Republic.
  • (12)
    Vail C. H.; Ancient Mysteries.
  • (13)
    Alfred Weber; Hist. of Phil.
  • (14)
    Theophrastus; Fragments.
  • (15)
    Couch W. H., Hist. of Greece
  • (16)
    Botsford & Robinson;. Hellenic Hisy.
  • (17)
    Bury T. B.; Hist, of Greece.
  • (18)
    Woodhouse, W. J.; The Tutorial Hist. of Greece.
  • (19)
    Plato; Apology.
  • (20)
    Aristophaues; Frogs.
  • (21)
    Plato; Timaeus.
  • (22)
    lamblichus; Correspondence between Anebo and Prophyr.
  • (23)
    Wilmshurt W. L; On Meaning of Masonry.
  • (24)
    John Kendrick; Ancient Egypt.
  • (25)
    Max Muller; Egyptian Mythology.
  • (26)
    Sedgwick & Tyler; Hist. of Science.
  • (27)
    Adult; Europe in the Middle Ages.
  • (28)
    Hitti; Hist. of the Arabs.
  • (29)
    Annie Besant; Philo, Esoteric Christianity.
  • (30)
    Ovid Fasti III
  • (31)
  • (32)
  • (33)
    Erato Sthenes, Strabo.
  • (34)
    Diogenes Laertius; Life of Eminent Philosophers.
  • (35)
    Backwell; Source Book of Phil.
  • (36)
    Philarch de Repugn. Stoic.
  • (37)
    Demetrius; Antisthenes; Cicero de Natura, Deorum III.
  • (38)
    Plato: Phaedo.
  • (39)
  • (40)
    Leem an; Amstelod, 1935, Translated by Cory.
  • (41)
    Brucker; Historia Critica Philosophiae, Translated by W. M. Enfield.
  • (42)
    Ruddick; Hist. of Phil.
  • (43)
    Fuller, Hist. of Phil.
  • (44)
    Aristotle, Metaphysics.
  • (45)
    Alexander B. D.; Hist. of Phil.
  • (46)
    Burnet, Greek Phil.
  • (47)
    Chaereman; Jos. C. Apion.
  • (48)
    Hasting; Bible Dict.
  • (49)
    Frankort; Memphite Theology: Intellectual Adventure of Primitive Man.
  • (50)
    Rosellini; Mon del Sults.
  • (51)
    Xenophan; Memorabilia.
  • (52)
    Plato; Meno.
  • (53)
    Plato; Symposium.
  • (54)
    Aristotle; Ethics.
  • (55)
    Frankfort; Egyptian Religion.
  • (56)
    Frazer; Golden Bough.
  • (57)
    Antisthenes; Treatise on Succession.
  • (58)
    Rosicrucian Digest.
  • (59)
    Church, F. J.; Trial and Death of socrates.
  • (60)
    Plato; Crito.
  • (61)
    Clymer; Swinburne; Fire Phil.
  • (62)
    Aristophanes; Clouds.
  • (63)
    Clement of Alexandria; Stromata.
  • (64)
    Will Durant; Story of Phil.
  • (65)
    Plato; Phaedrus.
  • (66)
    Plato; Theaetetus.
  • (67)
    Frankfort; Intellectual Adventure of Man.
  • (68)
  • (69)
  • (70)
    The Egyptian Book of Dead.
  • (71)
    Alfred Weber; Hist. of Phil.
  • (72)
    Aristotlo; Physics.
  • (73)
    Plato; Parmenides.
  • (74)
    Frankfort; The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Egypt.
  • (75)
    Barber M.; The Mechanical Triumphs of the Ancient Egyptians.
  • (76)
    Moret; The Book of the Foundation of temples.
  • (77)
    Ball W. R.; A Short Hist. of Mathematics.
  • (78)
    Engelbach R.; The Problem of Obelisks .
  • (79)
    Davidson D.; The Great Pyramid, and Its Divine Message.
  • (80)
    Florian Cajori; Hist. of Mathamatic.
  • (81)
    Frankfort; Kingship and the Gods.
  • (82)
    Jas-Hastings; Encyclopaedia of Religion and ethics.
  • (83)
    Thomas Stanley; Hist. of phil.
  • (84)
    Spencer Lewis H.; Mystical life of Jesus.