الجزيئات: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مصادر الصور

  • (1-5)a IBM Corporation, Research Division, Almaden Research Center. From Ohtani et al. Physical Review Letters 60, 2398 (1988).
  • (1-5)b IBM Corporation, Research Division, Almaden Research Center. From Lippel et al. Physical Review Letters 62, 171 (1989).
  • (1-5)c David Thomson, University of Manitoba. From McGonigal et al. Applied Physics Letters 57, 28 (1990).
  • (1-7) © Oxford University Press 2001. Reprinted from Arthur M. Lesk, Introduction to Protein Architecture, by permission of Oxford University Press.
  • (1-8) Reprinted from David S. Goodsell, Our Molecular Nature (Copernicus, 1996) by permission of the author.
  • (1-10) Achim Müller, University of Bielefeld.
  • (2-1) © Oxford University Press 2001. Reprinted from Arthur M. Lesk, Introduction to Protein Architecture, by permission of Oxford University Press.
  • (3-1) Larry Brownstein/Photodisc.
  • (3-3) E. R. Degginger/Science Photo Library.
  • (3-6) © Alexey Khodjakov, Wadsworth Center, Albany, New York.
  • (3-8) P. J. F. Harris and Malcolm Green, University of Oxford.
  • (4-1) K. R. Porter/Science Photo Library.
  • (4-3) Andrew Webber, Arizona State University.
  • (5-1) Sandia National Laboratories, S&T Dept, SUMMiT Technologies, www.mems.sandia.gov.
  • (5-5) Kazuhiko Kinosita, Keio University.
  • (5-7) Stanislas Leibler, Princeton University.
  • (5-8) © Montemagno Research Group, 2000.
  • (7-2) Nadrian Seeman, New York University.