اللاأدرية: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قائمة الصور

  • (1) Cover of The Agnostic Annual, 1897 (The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford (Per. 13005 d.9/1897, T/Pages)).
  • (2-1) Sextus Empiricus (The Granger Collection/TopFoto).
  • (3-2) Thomas Henry Huxley (The Granger Collection/TopFoto).
  • (4-2) Henry Longueville Mansel (© National Portrait Gallery, London).
  • (5-2) Immanuel Kant (The Granger Collection/TopFoto).
  • (6-2) David Hume (TopFoto/Fotomas).
  • (7-3) The celestial teapot (© Artwork by Sam Meakin).
  • (8-5) A. J. Ayer (© 2006 John Hedgecoe/Topfoto).
  • (9-5) William Kingdon Clifford (© National Portrait Gallery, London).
  • (10-5) William James (© Antman Archives/The Image Works/TopFoto).
  • (11-7) Richard Dawkins (Jon Worth/British Humanist Association).