عقول مُتشكِّكة: لماذا نُصدِّق نظريات المؤامرة

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

حقوق الصور

  • Figures from “Lacking Control Increases Illusory Pattern Perception” (2008), Supporting Online Material, by Jennifer A. Whitson and Adam D. Galinsky used by permission of the authors.
  • Excerpt from Measles—A Dangerous Illness (1986) by Roald Dahl used by permission of David Higham Associates.
  • Ann Davis, a woman with smallpox and horns growing out of her head. Stipple engraving by T. Woolnoth, 1806. Wellcome Library, London.
  • Figure from “Rooting for (and Then Abandoning) the Underdog” (2008) by JongHan Kim, Scott T. Allison, Dafna Eylon, George R. Goethals, Michael J. Markus, Sheila M. Hindle, and Heather A. McGuire used by permission of the authors.
  • Robert Cutler’s Diagram, “The Piece” (1975) used by permission of R. B. Cutler Collection, Baylor Collections of Political Materials, W. R. Poage Legislative Library, Baylor University, Waco Texas.
  • Kanizsa triangle, Wikimedia Commons.
  • Offended girl used by permission of Radharani/Shutterstock.com.