علم الآثار: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قائمة الصور

  • (1) Cartoon xiii (© Bill Tidy).
  • (1) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (1-1) Excavation of ( Taylors Low, Wetton, May 1845).
  • (2-1) The Sweet Track, Somerset Levels (© John Coles, Somerset Levels Project).
  • (3-1) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (4-1) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (4-2) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (4-3) Mummified body, Lindow Cheshire (© The Trustees of the British Museum).
  • (5-1) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (5-2) Frieze of a swimming deer, Lascaux cave, Montignac (© dist. RMN, Paris).
  • (5-3) Entry to New Grange (© Paul Bahn).
  • (5-4) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (6-1) Stonehenge, Wiltshire. (Reproduced by permission of English Heritage).
  • (6-2) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (7-1) Cartoon - The Reality Gap (I) (© Simon James).
  • (7-2) Cartoon - The Reality Gap (II) (© Simon James).
  • (8-1) Grave of human skeleton, Mikuleice, southern Moravia (© The Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno).
  • (8-2) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (9-1) Altamira cave painting: Standing Bison. Photo (© Michael Holford).
  • (9-2) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (10-1) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).
  • (10-2) Cartoon (© Bill Tidy).