نظرية الاختيار: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قراءات إضافية

Non-technical overviews of choice theory are provided by Elster and by Hargreaves Heap et al.; an overview of the subplot of distributive justice is provided by Roemer. Further reading relating to individual chapters is given below.


The Einstein quotation is from pp. ix-x.

الفصل الأول

The concept of rational choice begins with Aristotle; the origin of its more formal treatment may be ascribed, more arbitrarily, to Robbins. The Trainspotting quotations are from pp. 3–5 and from p. 106 of Hodge (with each occurrence of ‘fucking’ omitted); the Aristotle quotations are from p. 139; and the Hume quotations are from pp. 266-7 (with abbreviations completed and emphasis omitted).

الفصل الثاني

The formal treatment of choice under certainty originates with Samuelson. Proofs of all the claims made in the main discussion may be found in Fishburn (chapters 2 and 3) or in Suzumura (chapter 2).

الفصل الثالث

The formal treatment of choice where probabilities are given originates with von Neumann and Morgenstern; that where probabilities must be inferred originates with Savage, or, in the framework employed in this chapter, with Anscombe and Aumann. The Nozick quotation is from Socratic Puzzles, p. 48. Proofs of all the claims made in the main discussion may be found in Fishburn (chapters 8 and 12) or in Kreps (chapters 5 and 7); those relating to the case where probabilities are not given involve some serious mathematics.

الفصل الرابع

The formal treatment of risk aversion originates with Pratt. The Rawls quotation is from p. 62; and the Nozick quotation is from Anarchy, pp. 149-50 (with emphasis omitted). Proofs of all the claims made in the main discussion may be found in Arrow’s Essays (chapter 3) or in Kreps (chapter 6); those relating to the measure of risk aversion involve some serious mathematics.

الفصل الخامس

The formal treatment of individual rationality in a strategic setting originates with Bernheim and with Pearce; that of jointly sustainable choice in such a setting originates with Nash. The Hume quotation is from pp. 334-5 (with abbreviations completed). Proofs of all the claims made in the main discussion may be found in Fudenberg and Tirole (chapters 1 and 2) or in Osborne and Rubinstein (chapters 2 and 4); those relating to the equivalence between strategic rationality and freedom from iterative dominance, and to the existence of mixed strategy equilibria, involve some serious mathematics.

الفصل السادس

The formal treatment of group choice originates with Arrow’s Social Choice. The Binmore quotations are from pp. 283 and 300 (with references and emphasis omitted). The proof of the impossibility theorem follows that of Allingham, pp. 23–5. Proofs of all the claims made in the main discussion may be found in Sen (chapters 3*–6*) or in Suzumura (chapters 3–7).