العلاج السلوكي المعرفي: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قائمة الصور

  • (1-1) Diagram to show classical conditioning.
  • (2-1) Chimpanzees problem solving to access a banana.
  • (2-2) ABC Model (functional analysis).
  • (2-3) Beck’s cognitive triad of depression.
  • (3-1) Characteristics of the different ‘levels’ of cognition.
  • (3-2) Generic CBT model 29 Adapted from Kennerley, Kirk and Westbrook (2016).
  • (3-3) Vicious cycle showing how rejection might be responded to.
  • (3-4) Diagrammatic formulation of Neil’s difficulties.
  • (3-5) Hot cross bun style of formulation.
  • (3-6) Problems with hot cross bun formulation of Neil’s difficulties.
  • (3-7) Short-term reinforcement cycle.
  • (3-8) How avoidance maintains fear.
  • (3-9) Fear of fear as a maintaining cycle.
  • (3-10) Reduced activity and rewards maintain low mood.
  • (3-11) Self-criticism maintains low mood.
  • (3-12) Maintaining cycle of performance anxiety.
  • (3-13) Self-fulfilling prophecy maintaining cycle.
  • (4-1) Typical activities across a course of CBT sessions.
  • (4-2) The iterative nature of assessment, formulation, and treatment in CBT.
  • (5-1) The role of interpretation.
  • (5-2) Example of downward arrow technique.
  • (5-3) Standard seven-column thought record.
  • (5-4) Completed thought record for a patient with panic disorder.
  • (5-5) Record sheet for behavioural experiments.
  • (6-1) The process of evidence-based practice. Adapted from Salkovskis (2002); Clark (2004).
  • (6-2) Clark’s cognitive model of panic disorder.
  • (6-3) Revised cognitive model of panic disorder.
  • (6-4) CBT model of PTSD 90 Based on Ehlers and Clark’s (2000) model.
  • (7-1) Emotional avoidance detour.