الكونفوشيوسية: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قائمة الصور

  • (1-1) A portrait of Confucius (Werner Forman Archive/The Bridgeman Art Library).
  • (2-1) The opening passage of the Analects (Author’s collection).
  • (2-2) A painting of a filial son (The Art Archive at Art Resource, NY).
  • (3-1) A dutiful Confucian official (Author’s collection).
  • (6-1) A nineteenth-century Chinese classroom © (The British Library Board, 2354.f.1).
  • (6-2) The examination compound in Canton in ca. 1873 (Reprinted courtesy of the Library of Congress).
  • (6-3) An examination “cheat shirt” (Courtesy of The East Asian Library and The Gest Collection, Princeton University. Photograph by Heather Larkin, 2004).
  • (6-4) A family pays respect to ancestors © (Bettmann/Corbis).
  • (6-5) A Chinese mother teaches her son to write (Author’s collection).
  • (1) The Red Guards smash statues at the Confucius Temple (China Heritage Quarterly).