المسألة الشرقية ومؤتمر باريس

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

بعض المراجع والمصادر

  • F. O. Fr.
  • The Vienna archives.
  • Russia the French archives.
  • Austria.
  • F. O. 78 Torkey.
  • Lord Eversley: The Turkish Empire, 2nd ed., 1923.
  • W. Miller: The Ottoman Empire & Its Successors 1927.
  • N. Yorga Geschichte des Osmanischen Reicbes, Gotha 1913.
  • Bulwer: Life of Palmerston.
  • V. Y. puryear England Russia & the Straits convention, California 1931.
  • Hansard Parliamentary Debâtes.
  • Webster: Foreign policy of Castlereagh.
  • Herstlet: Map of Europe by Treaty.
  • Ernesl Molden: Die Orientpolitik Metternichs (1829–37), Wien 1913.
  • N. Dodwell: The founder of Modern Egypt.
  • The Russell correspondence.
  • 2 vols edited by yooch, 1925.
  • Mosely, p. E.: Russian Diplomacy & the Opening of the Eastern Question 1838-39, Harvard 1934.
  • A. Ubicini: Letters on Turkey 2 vols. 1856 Lane-Pool, I Stratford Canning.
  • Sir A. H. Layard: Auto biography & letters 1903, 2 vols.
  • Ed. Engelhardt: La Turquie et le Tanzimat. 1882.
  • R. W. Seton-Watson: The Southern Slav Question & the Hapsburg Monarchy 1911.
  • Schmitr B.L: Diplomatic Preliminaies of the Cremean war.
  • Am. His. Rev XXV. Yan 1919.
  • Hübner: Neuf ans d, un ambassadeur à Paris 1904.
  • Vitzthum von Eckstadt: Embassy at st. Petersburg & London, 2 vols., 1886.
  • C. Kingsley Martin: The Triumph of Lord palmerston 1924.
  • Kinglake: Invasion of the Crimea.
  • H. E. Howard: Cam. hist., T, Oct 193.6.

عن برونو وأبردين:

  • L. Thouvenel: Nicholas et Napoleon, Paris, 1891.
  • E. Bapst: Les origines de la Guerre de Crimee 1848–53, paris 1912.
  • H. Temperley, The crimea.