القوة والإيمان والخيال: أمريكا في الشرق الأوسط منذ ١٧٧٦ حتى اليوم

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

قائمة الصور

  • Frontispiece: From the Collection of William Stewart. Part III opener: Courtesy of the Fogg Museum, Harvard University. As most part opening images are repeated in the inserts, the credits for the other part openers ate listed below.
  • Insert One: John Ledyard, Courtesy of Ledyard Bank, New Hampshire; John Lamb, Courtesy of Lossing, Benjamin J. The Pictorial Field Book of the American Revolution (New York: Harper & Brothers, Inc., 1859. Vol. 2, p. 585); Joel Barlow, Courtesy of the British Library; George Sandys, Courtesy of Myles Sandys; Joel Roberts Poinsett, The Granger Collection, New York; William Bainbridge, Courtesy of the Mariners’ Museum, Newport News, Virginia; Commodore Edward Preble, Courtesy of the Massachusetts Historical Society; Stephen Decatur, Courtesy of the Mariners’ Museum, Newport News, Virginia; Mordechai Manuel Noah, Courtesy of the American Jewish Archives; Harriet Livermore, Courtesy of the Whittier Home, Amesbury, Massachusetts, photograph by Tom Hardiman; Cyrus Hamlin, Cyrus Hamlin Collection, George J. Mitchell Dept. of Special Collections & Archives, Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick, Maine; Eli Smith, Courtesy of Reminiscences of Bureau County, Part Two by N. Matson, published by Republican Book and Job Office. Princeton, Illinois, 1872; Warder Cresson, Courtesy of the American Jewish Historical Society, Newton Center, Massachusetts, and New York; James Turner Barclay, Courtesy of the Scottsville Museum; George Perkins Marsh, Courtesy of the Hood Museum of Art; Haji Ali, Courtesy of Cate Mueller/Mueller Media; William Francis Lynch, Courtesy of the Naval Historical Society; Ismail Pasha, Thaddeus Mott, William Wing Loring, Charles Pomeroy Stone, James Morris Morgan, Charles Chaillé- Long, and Erastus Sparrow Purdy, Courtesy of William B. Hesseltine and Hazel C. Wolf, The Blue and the Gray on the Nile, The University of Chicago Press, 1961; Charles Dudley Warner, Courtesy of Corbis/Visual Photos Israel; “American Tourists,” reprinted from the July 26, 1890, edition of Graphic Magazine, Courtesy of the New York Public Library; Ulysses and Julia Grant, Image provided by the President and Fellows of Harvard College: from HOLLIS Edward Wilmot Blyden and Lew Wallace, Courtesy of Corbis/Visual Photos Israel; “Innocents Abroad,” Courtesy of the Mark Twain Project, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley; Elbert Eli Farman, Courtesy of the Warsaw Historical Society, Warsaw, New York.
  • Insert Two: “Egypt Bringing Light to Asia,” Courtesy of Musée Bartholdi- Colmar, reproduction Chr. Kempf; Emma Lazarus, The Granger Collection, New York; Samuel Marinus Zwemer, Courtesy of the Western Theological Seminary Collection at the Joint Archives of Holland; Clara Barton, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Morgenthau, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, and Gibran Khalil Gibran, Courtesy of Corbis/Visual Photos Israel; Ameen Rihani, Courtesy of the Ameen Rihani Organization; Charles Crane, Courtesy of the Oberlin College Archives, Oberlin, Ohio; Wilson and Balfour, from Panorama de Ia Guerre volume 7-La Victoire, page 298, published by ‘Librairie Illustrée Jules Tallandrier, Paris, 1919; T. E. Lawrence and Lowell Thomas, Courtesy of Corbis/Visual Photos Israel; Golda Meir, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Archives Department; Henrietta Szold, Courtesy of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc; Judah Leib Magnes, Photograph by David Haris; David Ben-Gurion, Courtesy of the Ben-Gurion Archives; The Palestine Pavilion, Courtesy of the Central Zionist Archives; “A strange noise,” and King ibn Saud and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Corbis; Muhammad Mossadegh, Getty Images; Golda Meir and Henry Kissinger, Courtesy of Shmuel Rachmani; The Camp David Peace Accords, Courtesy of Corbis/Visual Photos Israel; The Son of the Sheik, Courtesy of Bettmann/Corbis; Hostages, Corbis; Beirut bombing, AP/Bill Foley; GIs in Kuwait and James Baker, Corbis; Rabin, Clinton, and Arafat, Courtesy of Corbis/Visual Photos Israel; USS Cole, Corbis; 9/11, Photograph by the author’s son, from Brooklyn Heights; U.S. Marine Second Platoon Bravo Company, 1st Recon Battalion, Courtesy of Evan Wright.