الوراثة: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مصادر الصور

  • (1-1) The Togatus Barberini (Erin Babnik/Alamy Stock Photo).
  • (1-2) Relief from the Portonaccio sarcophagus (© Lanmas/Alamy Limited/age fotostock).
  • (2-1) Constantine the African (The Bodleian Library University of Oxford, Rawl. C. 328, f. 3r).
  • (3-1) ‘De Astrologia’ or ‘Astrological man’ from Gregor Reisch’s 1503 Margarita philosophica (Wellcome Library, London).
  • (3-2) A ‘Spermatozoon’ or ‘Homunculus’ from Nicolas Hartsoeker’s 1604 Essay de dioptrique (Wellcome Library, London).
  • (3-3) Colonial Spanish casta painting by Juan Patricio Morlete Ruiz (Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Gift of the 2011 Collectors Committee M.2011.20.3, www.lacma.org).
  • (4-1) Sheep bred in the State of Kentucky using Bakewell’s methods (Courtesy of UNC Chapel Hill Libraries).
  • (4-2) The execution of Olympe de Gouges (© The Trustees of the British Museum).
  • (4-3) The racial hierarchy of the Brazilian slave state (The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. ‘Retour à la ville, d’un propriétaire de chácara; Litière pour voyager dans l’interieur.’ The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1834–1839).
  • (5-1) Gregor Mendel’s laws of heredity (Universal Images Group North America LLC/Alamy Stock Photo).
  • (5-2) George Cruikshank’s ‘My Wife is a Woman of Mind’ (Chronicle/Alamy Stock Photo).
  • (5-3) The African American abolitionist and women’s rights activist, Sojourner Truth (Sojourner Truth Artist: Randall Studio, c.1870, Albumen silver print. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution).
  • (6-1) Simplified schematic of meiosis (Wikipedia/Zephyris CC BY-SA 4٫0).
  • (6-2) The arrest of a suffragette in London (Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC).
  • (6-3) German Jews being forced to carry anti-Semitic signs (Yad Vashem Photo Archive).
  • (6-4) The structure of the DNA molecule (Wikipedia/Zephyris CC BY-SA 3٫0).
  • (6-5) X-ray diffraction pattern (King’s College London, Wellcome Images).
  • (6-6) Simplified representation of protein synthesis (Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3٫0).
  • (7-1) Knockout mice (Jenny Nichols, Wellcome Images).
  • (7-2) Reading the DNA code using the method developed by Fred Sanger (Cancer Research Technology, Wellcome Images).
  • (7-3) Gene microarray (Louis M. Staudt (Photographer). National Cancer Institute).
  • (7-4) The estimated routes and directions of human migration out of Africa on the basis of DNA analysis (Genographic Project. Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation. Unauthorized use not permitted).