فرويد: قراءة عصرية

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي



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  • Breuer J, Freud S (1893–95) Studies on Hysteria, SE 2.
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  • Freud S (1920a) Psychogenesis of a Case of Sexuality in a Woman. SE 18, 147.
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  • Freud S (1921) Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. SE 18, 69–143.
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الفصل الأول: «آنا أو: رؤيةٌ جديدة ومُنقَّحة للحالة المَرَضية الأُولى»

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  • Breuer J (1895) Studies in Hysteria. SE 2.
  • Britton R (1989) The missing link: parental sexuality in the Oedipus complex. In J Steiner (ed.), The Oedipus Complex Today. London: Karnac Books, 83–101.
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  • Ellenberger HF (1993) The story of ‘Anna O.’: a critical review with new data. In Beyond the Unconscious. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Freud S (1895, 1910) Studies in Hysteria. SE 2.
  • Freud S (1905) Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. SE 7, 130–243.
  • Freud S (1912) The Dynamics of Transference. SE 12.
  • Freud S (1914) On the History of the Psycho-Analytic Movement. SE 14.
  • Freud S (1915) Observations on Transference-Love. SE 12.
  • Gay P (1988) Freud: A Life for Our Time. London and Melbourne: J.M. Dent.
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الفصل الثاني: «دورا: جزء من تحليلٍ للهستيريا»

  • André J (1995) Aux origines féminines de la sexualité. Paris: PUF.
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  • Freud S (1888) Hysteria. SE 1, 37–59.
  • Freud S (1893–95) Studies on Hysteria. SE 2.
  • Freud S (1896) The Aetiology of Hysteria. SE 3, 187–221.
  • Freud S (1899) Screen Memories. SE 3, 187–221.
  • Freud S (1900-1) The Interpretation of Dreams. SE 4-5.
  • Freud S (1905a [1901]) Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria. SE 7, 130–243.
  • Freud S (1905b) Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. SE 7, 130–243.
  • Freud S (1907 [1906]) Jensen’s Gradiva. SE 9, 1–95.
  • Freud S (1908) Hysterical Fantasies and Their Relation to Bisexuality. SE 9, 155–66.
  • Freud S (1912) The Dynamics of Transference. SE 12, 97–108.
  • Freud S (1914) Remembering, Repeating and Working-through. SE 12, 147–56.
  • Freud S (1919) A Child Is Being Beaten: a contribution to the study of the origin of sexual perversions. SE 17, 179–204.
  • Freud S (1920) Beyond the Pleasure Principle. SE 18, 1–64.
  • Freud S (1924) The Economic Problem of Masochism. SE 19, 155–70.
  • Freud S (1931) Female Sexuality. SE 21, 221–43.
  • Freud S (1933 [1932]). Femininity. SE 22, 112–35.
  • Freud S (1937) Analysis Terminable and Interminable. SE 23, 216–53.
  • Freud S (1950 [1895]) Project for a Scientific Psychology. SE 1, 295–391.
  • Green A (1993) Le travail du négatif. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit.
  • Masson JM (ed.) (1985) The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess 1887–1904. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London: Belknap Press.

الفصل الثالث: «تحليل حالةِ رُهابٍ لدى صبيٍّ في الخامسة»

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  • Freud S (1905) Three Essays on Sexuality. SE 7, 125–279.
  • Freud S (1910) The Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy. SE 10, 1–149.
  • Freud S (1915) Instincts and Their Vicissitudes. SE 14.
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  • Freud S (1923) The Infantile Genital Organization. SE 19, 141–5.
  • Freud S (1926 [1925]) Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety. SE 20.
  • Freud S (1927) The Question of Lay Analysis. SE 20.
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الفصل الرابع: «عن النرجسية»

  • Aulagnier P (2001) The Violence of Interpretation. New Library of Psychoanalysis 41. London: Routledge.
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  • Freud S (1909) Notes upon a Case of Obsessional Neurosis. SE 10.
  • Freud S (1910) Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of his Childhood. SE 11.
  • Freud S (1911) Psycho-analytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia. SE 12.
  • Freud S (1914) On Narcissism: An Introduction. SE 14.
  • Freud S (1917 [1915]) Mourning and Melancholia. SE 14.
  • Freud S (1918 [1914]) From the History of an Infantile Neurosis. SE 17.
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  • Freud S (1921) Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. SE 18.
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الفصل الخامس: الملاحظة الإكلينيكية، والبناء النظري، والفكر الميتاسيكولوجي

  • Chabert C (2000) Les surprises du masochisme moral. In L’Esprit de Surivie, libres cahiers pour la psychanalyse, printemps, 2000, no. 1.
  • Freud S (1905) Three Essays on Sexuality. SE 7.
  • Freud S (1908) Creative Writers and Day-dreaming. SE 9.
  • Freud, S (1915a) Instinct and Their Vicissitudes. SE 14.
  • Freud S (1915b) The Unconscious. SE 14.
  • Freud S (1917 [1915]) A metapsychological supplement to the theory of dreams. SE 14.
  • Freud S (1920) Beyond the Pleasure Principle, SE 18.
  • Freud S (1923) The Ego and the Id. SE 19.
  • Freud S (1930 [1929]) Civilization and Its Discontents. SE 21.
  • Freud S (1931) Analysis Terminable and Interminable. SE 23.
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الفصل السادس: «اللاوعي»

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  • Breuer J, Freud S (1985 [1893–95]), Studies on Hysteria. SE 2.
  • Freud S (1900-1) The Interpretation of Dreams. SE 4.
  • Freud S (1905) Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. SE 7.
  • Freud S (1911) Psycho-analytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides). SE 12.
  • Freud S (1912a) Contributions to a Discussion on Masturbation. SE 12.
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  • Freud S (1912c) A Note on the Unconscious in Psycho-Analysis. SE 12.
  • Freud S (1912d) On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love (Contributions to the Psychology of Love). SE 11.
  • Freud S (1912e) Recommendations to Physicians Practising Psycho-Analysis. SE 12.
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  • Freud S (1915a) Papers on Metapsychology. SE 14.
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الفصل السابع: الجرح والقوس وظل الموضوع: ملاحظات على بحث فرويد «الحداد والسوداوية»

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  • Deutsch H (1930) Melancholia. In Psycho-Analysis of the Neuroses. London: Hogarth Press.
  • Freud S (1905) Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. SE 7.
  • Freud S (1910) Leonard0 Da Vinci and a Memory of his Childhood. SE 11.
  • Freud S (1914) On Narcissism: An Introduction. SE 14.
  • Freud S (1915 [1917]) Mourning and Melancholia. SE 14.
  • Freud S (1920) Beyond the Pleasure Principle. SE 17.
  • Freud S (1921) Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. SE 18.
  • Freud S (1923) The Ego and the Id. SE 19.
  • Freud S (1933) New Introductory Lectures. SE 22.
  • Freud S (1950) Draft G (1895?) and Draft N (1897). SE 1.
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  • Wilson E (1941) The Wound and the Bow. London: Methuen and Co.

الفصل الثامن: «ما وراء مبدأ اللذة»

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الفصل التاسع: نحو النموذج البنيوي للعقل

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الفصل العاشر: «ملاحظات على حالةِ عُصابٍ وسواسي»

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الفصل الحادي عشر: التحديق والسيطرة والإذلال في حالة شريبر

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الفصل الثاني عشر: وهم اللاوعي والإدراك اللاحق: «من سجل حالة عُصاب طفلي» (رجل الذئاب)

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الفصل الثالث عشر: تأمُّلات إكلينيكية وميتاسيكولوجية في بحث «طفل يُضرَب»

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الفصل الرابع عشر: «النشأة النفسية لحالة مِثلية جنسية أنثوية»

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الفصل الخامس عشر: «الإنكار»

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الفصل السادس عشر: «انقسام الأنا خلال عملية الدفاع»

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