
مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مصادر الصور

  • Figure 1: Anonymous, Habit de Mallettier Coffrettier, c.1690, etching, after Nicolas de Larmessin II. Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 11.
  • Figure 2: James Tissot, Waiting for the Train (Willesden Junction), c.1871–73, oil on panel. Collection of the Dunedin Public Art Gallery. 12.
  • Figure 4-1: Found painting by M. E. Redman. Photo by Susan Harlan. 86.
  • Figure 4-2: Vintage Samsonite Advertisement. 90.
  • Figure 5-1: Exterior of the Unclaimed Baggage Center, Scottsboro, AL. Photo by Susan Harlan. 108.
  • Figure 5-2: A Display of Vintage Luggage at the Unclaimed Baggage Center, Scottsboro, AL. Photo by Susan Harlan. 115.
  • Figure 5-3: Cameos at the Unclaimed Baggage Center, Scottsboro, AL. Photo by Susan Harlan. 117.