قصة الخلق: منابع سفر التكوين

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

المصادر الأجنبية

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    Chesneaux (jean): In center d’Etudes et de Recherches Marxistes (C.E.R.M) Sur Le “Mode de production a siatique Editions Sociales, Paris, 1969.
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    Frankfort (Henri): La Royautu et les dieax, paiot, paris, 1951, the Birth of Civilisation in the Near Eest.
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    Frankfort (Henri): Wiliams and Norgate limted, Great Britain, 1951.
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    Lods (A): Israel from Its beginings to the middle, of the Eight century, london, 1973.
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    Smith: God and Man in early Israel.
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    Stade (B): Lehrbuch der hebraischen grammtik, Libzig, 1979.
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    Wallhausen (J): Die biblischen Atertu mer.
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    History of the Worls, the Outline of History, vol 4.