الفلسفة طريقة حياة : التدريبات الروحية من سقراط إلى فوكو

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

المصادر والمراجع


  • Von Arnim, H., ed., Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta, 4 vols, Leipzig 1903 (abbreviated SVF).
  • Diels, H., and W. Kranz, eds, Die fragmente der Vorsokatiker, 3 vols, Dublin/Zurich 1956, 8th edn, repr. 1974.
  • Long, A.A. and D.N. Sedley, The Hellenistic Philosophers, vol. 1: Translations of the Principal Sources, with Philosophical Commentary, vol. 2: Greek and Latin Texts with Notes and Bibliography, Cambridge 1987, repr. 1988.
  • Nauck, A., ed., Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, Leipzig 1889, 2nd edn, repr. Hildesheim 1964.


  • Apophthegmata patrum (The Sayings of the Fathers), PG 65.
  • ______ English trans.: The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, trans. Benedicta Ward, Mowbray 1975.
  • Aristophanes, Nubes (Clouds), ed. K.J. Dover, Aristophanes’ Clouds, Oxford 1968, repr. 1970.
  • ______ English trans.: Aristophanes: The Acharnians, The Clouds, Lysistrata, trans. and intro. Alan H. Sommerstein, Harmondsworth 1973, repr. 1985.
  • Aristotle, Opera, ed. I. Bekker, Aristotelis opera, 5 vols, Berlin 1831, repr. 1960.
  • ______ English trans.: The Complete Works of Aristotle, Revised Oxford Translation, ed. Jonathan Barnes (= Bollingen Series 71.2), Princeton NJ 1984.
  • Aristotle, Sophistici Elenchi (On Sophistical Refutations), trans. W.A. Pickard-Cambridge.
  • Aristotle, De partibus animalium (Parts of Animals), trans. W. Ogle.
  • Aristotle, protrepticus, ed. W.D. Ross, Aristotelis Fragmenta Selecta, Oxford 1955.
  • ______ English trans.: J. Barnes and G. Lawrence in J. Barnes, ed., 1984, vol. 2.
  • ______ German trans.: Der Protreptikos des Aristoteles, trans., intro. and commentary Ingemar Düring, Frankfurt 1969.
  • Athanasius, Vita Antonii (Life of Antony), PG 26, 835–976B.
  • ______ English trans.: Athanasius. The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, trans. and intro. Robert C. Gregg, preface William A. Clebsch (Classics of Western Spirituality), New York/Ramsey NY/Toronto 1980.
  • Augustine, De Trinitate (On the Trinity), PL 42, 819–1098.
  • Basil of Caesarea, In Illud Attende tibi ipsi (Homily on the Words, “Give Heed to Thyself”).
  • ______ L’homélie de Basile de Césarée sur le mot “observe–toi toi–même”, ed. S.Y. Rudberg (= Acta Universitatis Stockholmensis, Studia Graeca Stockholmensia 2), Stockholm 1962.
  • ______ English trans.: Saint Basil: Ascetical Works, trans. Sister M. Monica Wagner, CSC (= FC 9), Washington DC 1950, repr. 1970.
  • Basil of Caesarea, Regulae fusius tractatae (The Long Rules; otherwise known as Asceticon magnum or Quaestiones), PG 31, 901–1052.
  • ______ English trans.: Saint Basil: Ascetical Works, trans. Sister M. Monica Wagner, CSC (= FC 9), Washington DC 1950, repr. 1970.
  • Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, eds O. Stählin, L. Früchtel and U. Treu, in Clemens Alexandrinus [= GCS 52 (15), 17], vol. 2, 3rd edn, Berlin 1960; vol. 3, 2nd edn, 1970.
  • ______ English trans.: in ANF 2, trans. W.A. Wilson, Buffalo 1885, repr. Grand Rapids 1977.
  • Damascius, Vita Isidori, ed. C. Zinzten, Life of Isidorus: Damascii vitae Isidori reliquiae (= Bibliotheca graeca et Latina suppletoria I), Hildesheim 1967.
  • Diadochus of Photice, Kephalaia Gnostica (Gnostic chapters); Capita centum de perfectione spirituali (One Hundred Chapters on Spiritual Perfection), ed. Édouard des Places, SJ, in Diadoque de Photicé, Oeuvres spirituelles (= SC 5bis), Paris 1955, repr. with suppl. 1966.
  • Diogenes Laertius, Vitae philosophorum (Lives of the Philosophers), ed. R.D. Hicks, Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, with English trans. R.D.H. (LCL), 2 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1925, repr. 1950.
  • Dorotheus of Gaza, Didaskaliai (Instructions), ed. with French trans., in Oeuvres spirituelles, eds L. Regnault and J. de Préville (= SC 92), Paris 1963.
  • ______ English trans.: Dorotheus of Gaza: Discourses and Sayings, trans. E.P. Wheeler (= Cistercian Studies 33), Kalamazoo 1977.
  • Epictetus, Opera, ed. W.A. Oldfather, Epictetus, The Discourses as reported by Arrian, the Manual, and the Fragments, with English trans. W.A.O. (LCL), 2 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1928, repr. 1959.
  • Epicurus, Opera, ed. H. Usener, Epicurea (Sammlung Wissenschaftlicher Commentaren), Stuttgart 1887, repr. 1966.
  • ______ ed. with English trans.: Epicurus, The Extant Remains, short critical apparatus, trans. and notes Cyril Bailey, Oxford 1926, repr. Hildesheim/New York, 1970.
  • ______ ed. with Italian trans.: Epicuro, Opere, trans. Graziano Arrighetti (= Bibliotheca di cultura filosofica 41), Turin 1960; 2nd edn, 1973.
  • Eusebius, Historia acclesiastica (Ecclesiastical History), ed. with French trans. G. Bardy, Eusèbe de Césarée. Histoire ecclésiastique, 3 vols (= SC 31, 45, 55), Paris 1952–8.
  • Evagrius of Pontus, Praktikos, ed. with French trans. A. and C. Guillaumont, Évagre le Pontique: Traité pratique ou le moine, vol. 2 (= SC 171), Paris 1971.
  • ______ English trans.: Evagrius Ponticus. The Praktikos. Chapters on Prayer, trans., intro. and notes John Eudes Bamberger (= Cistercian Studies 4), Kalamazoo 1978.
  • Galen, De cognoscendis curandisque animi morbis (On Diagnosing and Curing the Illnesses of the Soul), ed. Ioann. Marquardt (= Claudii Galeni Pergameni scripta minora, vol. I), Leipzig 1884.
  • ______ English trans: Galen On the Passions and Errors of the Soul, trans. P.W. Harkins, Columbus OH 1963.
  • Gregory Nazianzen, Apologeticus de fuga (In Defense for his Flight to Pontus), PG 35, 408–513.
  • Gregory Nazianzen, Epistula 31, trans. P. Gallay, in Grégoire de Nazianze, Lettres théologiques (= SC 208), Paris 1974. @BIB PLUS = Gregory Thaumaturgus, In Origenem oratio panegyrica (Speech in Praise of Origen), ed. H. Crouzel, Grégoire le Thaumaturge. Remerciement à Origiène suivi de la lettre d’Origène à Grégoire (= SC 148), Paris 1969.
  • ______ English trans.: in ANF 6, trans. S.D.F. Salmond.
  • Homer, Iliad, English trans.: The Iliad of Homer, trans. and intro. Richmond Lattimore, London 1951, repr. 1961.
  • Homer, Odyssey, English trans.: The Odyssey of Homer, trans. Richmond Lattimore, New York 1965, repr. 1975.
  • Horace, Horace, Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica, with English trans. H. Rushton Fairclough (LCL), London/Cambridge MA 1926, repr. 1947.
  • Horace, Horace, the Odes and Epodes, with English trans. C.E. Bennett (LCL), London/Cambridge MA 1914; 2nd edn, 1947.
  • Horace, Odes, English trans.: Horace: The Complete Odes and Epodes with the Centennial Hymn, trans. with notes W.G. Shepherd, Harmondsworth 1983.
  • John Cassian, Collationes Sanctorum Patrum (Conferences of the Holy Fathers).
  • ______ Jean Cassien, Confèrences, ed. and French trans. E. Pichery, Paris, vol. 1 (= SC 42) 1966, vol. 2 (= SC 54) 1958, vol. 3 (= SC 64) 1959.
  • ______ English trans.: John Cassian, Conferences, trans. and preface Colin Luibheid, intro. Owen Chadwick (CWS), New York/Mahwah NJ/Toronto 1985.
  • John Chrysostom, Adversus oppugnatores vitae monasticae (Against the Opponents of the Monastic Life), PG 47, 319–86.
  • John Chrysostom, Non esse ad gratiam concionandum (That One should not make Speeches intended to Please the Public), PG 50, 653–62.
  • John of Salisbury, Polycraticus, ed. C.C.J. Webb, Oxford 1909, repr. 1965.
  • ______ Partial English trans.: John Dickinson, The Statesman’s Book of John of Salisbury, New York 1927.
  • ______ Joseph B. Pike, Frivolities of Courtiers and Footsteps of Philosophers, Oxford, 1938.
  • Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates Iudaeorum (Antiquities of the Jews), ed. B. Niese, Flavii Iosephi opera, 4 vols, Berlin 1887–90.
  • Justin, Dialogus cum Tryphone (Dialogue with Trypho), ed. E.J. Goodspeed, Die ältesten Apologeten, Göttingen 1915.
  • Justin, Apologia (Apology), ed. E.J. Goodspeed, Die ältesten Apologeten, Göttingen 1915.
  • Justin, Apologia secunda (Second Apology), ed. E.J. Goodspeed, Die ältesten Apologeten, Göttingen 1915.
  • Lactantius, Divinae institutiones (Divine Institutes), ed. and French trans. Pierre Monat [= SC 204 (1973); 205 (1973); 326 (1986); 337 (1987), etc.].
  • ______ English trans.: in Lactantius, The Divine Institutes, Books I–VII, trans. Sister Mary Francis McDonald (= FC 49), Washington DC 1964.
  • Leonidas of Tarentum, Opera, ed. W.R. Paton, in The Greek Anthology, with English trans. W.R.P. (LCL), 5 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1953.
  • Lucian, Opera, eds A.M. Harmon, K. Kilburn, et al., Lucian with an English Translation (LCL), 8 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1913ff.
  • Lucian, Icaromennipus, in Opera, eds Hamon et al., vol. 2, ed. Harmon, 1915, repr. 1960.
  • Lucian, Charon sive contemplantes (Charon or the Overseers), in Opera, eds Harmon et al., vol. 2, ed. Harmon, 1915, repr. 1960.
  • Lucian, Dialogi mortuorum (Dialogues of the Dead), in Opera, eds Harmon et al., vol. 7, ed. MacLeod, 1961.
  • Lucian, Quomodo historia conscribenda sit (How One Should Write History), in Opera, eds Harmon et al., vol. 6, ed. K. Kilburn, 1959, repr. 1968.
  • Lucretius, De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things), ed. W.H.D. Rouse, Lucretius, De rerum natura, revised with new text, introduction, notes, and index M.F. Smith (LCL), 2nd edn, London/Cambridge MA 1982.
  • Marcus Aurelius, Opera, ed. A.S.L. Farquharson, The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, ed., trans. and commentary A.S.L.F., vol. 1: Text and Translation; vol. 2: Greek Commentary, Oxford, 1944, repr. 1968.
  • Marcus Aurelius, Marci Aurelii Antonini ad se ipsum libra XII, ed. Joachim Dalfen, Leipzig 1979.
  • Maximus Confessor, Various writings, in PG 4; 19; 90–1.
  • Maximus Confessor, Maximus Confessor: Selected Writings, trans. and notes George C. Berthold, intro. Jaroslav Pelikan, preface Irénée–Henri Dalmais, O.P. (CWS), New York/ Mahwah NJ/Toronto 1985.
  • Metrodorus, ed. A. Körte, “Metrodori Epicurei Fragmenta,” Jahrbücher für Classische Philologie, Suppl. XVII (1890), pp. 529ff.
  • Olympiodorus, In Alcibiadem, ed. L.G. Westerink, Commentary on the First Alcibiades of Plato, critical text and indices L.G.W., Amsterdam 1956.
  • Origen, Contra Celsum (Against Celsus), ed. M. Borret, Origène, Contre Celse, 4 vols (= SC 132; 136; 147; 150), Paris 1967–9.
  • ______ English trans.: H.E. Chadwick, Cambridge 1965.
  • Origen, In Canticum Canticorum (Commentary on the Song of Songs), ed. W.A. Baehrens, GCS 33, Berlin 1925.
  • ______ English trans.: Origen, The Song of Songs, Commentary and Homilies, trans. and annotated R.P. Lawson (= ACW 26), London/Westminster MD 1957.
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses, with English trans. Frank Justus Miller (LCL), 2 vols, London 1916.
  • Philo Judaeus, Opera, eds L. Cohn and P. Wendland, 6 vols, Berlin 1896, 1915.
  • Philo Judaeus, De Specialibus legibus (On the Special Laws), in Opera, eds Cohn and Wendland, vol. 5, ed. Cohn, 1906, repr. 1962.
  • ______ Text and English trans.: F.H. Colson (LCL), vol. 7, London/Cambridge MA 1937, repr. 1958.
  • Philo Judaeus, Vita Mosis (Life of Moses), in Opera, eds Cohn and Wendland, vol. 4, Cohn, 1902, repr. 1962.
  • Philo Judaeus, Legatio ad Gaium (The Legation to Gaius), in Opera, eds Cohn and Wendland, vol. 6, eds Cohn and S. Reiter, 1915, repr. 1962.
  • Philo Judaeus, De vita contemplativa (On the Contemplative Life), in Opera, eds Cohn and Wendland, vol. 6, eds Cohn and S. Reiter, 1915, repr. 1962.
  • Plato, Opera, ed. J. Burnett, Oxford 1900–7.
  • ______ English trans.: The Collected Dialogues of Plato, including the Letters, eds Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns (= Bollingen Series 71), Princeton, NJ 1961; 2nd edn 1963.
  • Plato, Apologia Socratis (Apology), trans. H. Tredennick, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.
  • Plato, Laches, trans. B. Jowett, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.
  • Plato, Phaedo, trans. H. Tredennick, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.
  • Plato, Phaedrus, trans. R. Hackforth, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.
  • Plato, Republic, trans. P. Shorey, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.
  • Plato, Seventh Letter, trans. A.L. Post, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.
  • Plato, Politicus (The Statesman), trans. J.B. Skemp, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.
  • Plato, Symposium, trans. M. Joyce, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.
  • Plotinus, Enneades, eds P. Henry and H.–R. Schwyzer, Plotini opera, 3 vols, Leiden 1951–73.
  • ______ English trans.: Plotinus, trans. Arthur Hilary Armstrong (LCL), 7 vols, Cambridge MA 1966–88.
  • Plutarch, Moralia, ed. and trans. F.C. Babbitt, Plutarch’s Moralia, with English trans. (LCL), London/Cambridge MA.
  • Plutarch, De communibus notitiis contra Stoicos (On Common Conceptions), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 13, pt. 2, ed. H. Cherniss, 1976.
  • Plutarch, De defectu oraculorum (On the Obsolescence of Oracles), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 5, ed. F.C. Babbitt, 1957.
  • Plutarch, De tranquillitate animi (On Peace of Mind), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 6, ed. W.C. Helmbold.
  • Plutarch, Quaestiones conviviales (Table–talk), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 4, ed. C. Hubert, 1938, repr. 1971.
  • Plutarch, Quomodo quis suos in virtute sential profectus (How One may Know One is Making Progress in Virtue), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 1, ed. F.C. Babbitt, 1927, repr. 1969.
  • Porphyry, Ad Marcellam, ed. W. Pötscher, Porphyrios. πpoσ Mαρκελλαμ, Leiden 1969.
  • ______ English trans.: Porphyry the Philosopher, To Marcella, text, trans. intro. and notes by K. O’Brien Wicker (= Society of Biblical Literature, Texts and Translations 28, Graeco–Roman Religion Series 10), Atlanta 1987.
  • Porphyry, De abstinentia (On Abstinence), text and French trans., Porphyre: De L’abstinence, Livre 1, vol. 1, text and trans. Jean Bouffartigue, Paris 1977.
  • ______ Livres 2 et 3, vol. 2, text Jean Bouffartigue, trans. Jean Bouffartigue and Michel Patillon, Paris 1979.
  • ______ English trans.: Select Works of Porphyry … Translated from the Greek, trans. Thomas Taylor, London 1823, repr. Ann Arbor 1965.
  • Porphyry, Sententiae (sentences), ed. E. Lamberz: Porphyrius, Sententiae ad Intelligibilia Ducentes, Leipzig 1975.
  • ______ English trans.: Select Works of Porphyry … Translated from the Greek, trans. Thomas Taylor, London 1823, repr. Ann Arbor 1965.
  • Proclus, In Alcibiadem (Commentary on Plato’s First Alcibiades), text and French trans., Proclus: Sur le Premier Alcibiade de Platon, text and trans. A. Ph. Segonds, 2 vols, Paris 1985–6.
  • Quintillian, Institiutio Oratorica (Oratorical Institutions), text and English trans. ed. H.E. Butler (LCL), 2 vols, 1921–2.
  • Rufinus, Historia Monachorum (History of the Monks), PL 21.
  • Sallustius, De diis et mundo, text and English trans., Sallustius: Concerning the Gods and the Universe, ed., prolegomena and trans. A.D. Nock, Cambridge 1926.
  • Seneca, Opera, ed. and English trans. Thomas H. Corcoran (LCL), 10 vols, London/Cambridge MA.
  • Seneca, AD Lucilium epistulae morales (Letters to Lucilius), ed. and English trans. Richard C. Gummere, 3 vols, London/Cambridge MA, 1934.
  • Seneca, De beneficiis (On Benefits) in Seneca: Moral Essays, with English trans. John. W. Basore (LCL), 3 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1935, repr. 1958.
  • Seneca, Questiones naturales (Natural Questions), in Opera, ed. Corcoran, vol. 7, London/Cambridge MA 1971.
  • Septuagint, ed. A. Rahlfs, Septuaginta, Id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes, Stuttgart 1935.
  • Sextus Empiricus, Opera, ed. and English trans. R.G. Bury, Sextus Empiricus (LCL), 4 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1933–49.
  • Tatian, Oratio ad Graecos (Address to the Greeks), ed. E.J. Goodspeed, Die ältesten Apologeten, Göttingen 1915.
  • Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Historia Religiosa (= Philotheus) (History of the Monks of Syria), ed. and French trans. P. Canivet and A. Leroy-Molinghen, Théodoret de Cyr. L’histoire des moines de Syrie, 2 vols (= SC 234; 257), Paris 1977–9.
  • Xenophon, Memorabilia, ed. E.C. Marchant, Xenophontis opera omnia, vol. 2, 2nd edn, Oxford 1921, repr. 1971
  • ______ English trans.: H. Tredennick and R. Waterfield, in Xenophon: Conversations of Socrates, Harmondsworth 1990.


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  • Frank, K.S., ed., Askese und Mönchtum in der alten Kirche (= Wege der Forschung 409), Darmstadt 1975.
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  • Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, Goethes Gespräche mit Eckermann, ed. Franz Deibel, 2 vols, Leipzig 1908.
  • ______ English trans.: Conversations with Eckermann, trans. John Oxenford, 2 vols, 1850.
  • Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre.
  • ______ English trans.: Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship and Travels, From the German of Goethe, trans. Thomas Carlyle, 2 vols, 2nd edn, 1839.
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