متى يمكن الوثوق في الخبراء؟: التمييز بين العلم الحقيقي والعلم الزائف في مجال التعليم

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

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  • (1) Rectangle: © Daniel Willingham.
  • (2) Parthenon: Nevena Kozekova © Fotolia; Pyramid of Giza: © Dmitry Pichugin, Fotolia.com.
  • (3) Violin: © Eric Monaton Fotolia; Mona Lisa © Wikimedia Commons/Musée du Louvre; The Last Supper: © Wikimedia Commons.
  • (4) Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man © Wikimedia Commons; Human arm: © Alx, Fotolia.com.
  • (5) Jessica Alba © Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com.
  • (6) Fibonacci arc: © Daniel Willingham.
  • (7) Nautilus Shell: © JoinGate–123RF; Sunfl ower Center © Mike Kosiusko; Romanesco © Tamara Kulikova, Fotolia.com.
  • (8) Rubber plant © Tamara Kulikova, Fotolia.com.
  • (9)The Ultimate Dog Treat Cookbook: Homemade Goodies for Man’s Best Friend; Liz Palika; Copyright © 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc.; Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
    Teaching with Fire: Poetry that Sustains the Courage to Teach; Sam M. Intrator, Megan Scribner; Copyright © 2003 by Center for Teacher Formation; Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
    Why Don’t Students Like School? A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroom; Daniel T. Willingham; Copyright © 2009 by Daniel T. Willingham; Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • (10) From the New England Primer: A Reprint of the Earliest Known Edition. P. L. Ford, Editor. Dodd, Mead & Company, 1899.
  • (1-1) Honda Coupe Car model © Doan Vien Che, via Flickr.com.
  • (1-2) © Joshin Yamada Creative Commons photo.
  • (1-3) © Daniel Willingham.
  • (1-4) © Daniel Willingham.
  • (2-1) Frescoed ceiling in Camera degli Sposi, the Ducal Palace, Mantua, painted by Andrea Mantegna. Photo © Anamorphosis, Wikimedia Commons.
  • (2-2) Astronomy by Richard Houston. Photo © Imagestate Media.
  • (2-3) Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump. Photo © Wikimedia Commons.
  • (2-4) Kindred Spirits, Asher Durand. Photo © Wikimedia Commons.
  • (2-5) Josef Hoffman, Set design for The Ring of the Nibelung: Wikimedia Commons.
  • (2-6) Doctor © Yuri Arcurs #17251046; Flower and medicine, © Comugnero Silvana, Fotolia.
  • (2-7) brain experiment: © from “Seeing is believing: The effect of brain image on judgments of scientific reasoning” by D. P. McCabe & A. D. Castel in Cognition, 107, 343–352. Copyright © 2008 by Elsevier.
  • (2-8) Pantene Ad © Proctor & Gamble.
  • (3-1) Science cycle © Daniel Willingham.
  • (3-2) Diet graph © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4-1) Chart of funding data © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4-2) South Park courtesy of Comedy Central © 1998. All rights reserved.
  • (4-3) Education plan © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4-4) Mission statement generator © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4–5) Levels of analysis in education © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4-6) Contributors to math profi ciency © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4-7) More contributors to math profi ciency © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4-8) More levels of analysis in education © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4-9) The science cycle © Daniel Willingham.
  • (4-10) Buildings in wind tunnel and building model with sensors © Frank Penagos.
  • (4–11) Old bridge © fabiomax.com, Fotolia.com.
  • (5-1) Irlen homepage: Copyright © 1998 Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen. All rights reserved.
  • (5-2) Bird analogy © Daniel Willingham.
  • (5-3) Lean and fat ground beef © Brooks Images, IstockPhoto.
  • (5-4) Chain of infl uence in education © Daniel Willingham.
  • (7-1) The problem with testimonials © Daniel Willingham.