الفلسفة القارية: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مصادر الصور

  • (1-1) Private collection. Photo: Peter Willi/Bridgeman Art Library.
  • (1-2) Biblioteca Herziana, Rome. Photo: Scala.
  • (2-1) Hulton Getty.
  • (2-2) Photo: AKG London.
  • (2-3) Hulton Getty. Etching by Johann Heinrich Lips after an anonymous portrait of 1765.
  • (2-4) Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Königsberg. Photo: AKG London.
  • (2-5) Kant Society. Photo: AKG London.
  • (3-1) Galleria Palatina, Florence. Photo: Scala.
  • (3-2) Hulton Getty. Drawing by Spy, from The Statesman No. 141.
  • (4-1) Hulton Getty.
  • (4-3) The Louvre. Photo: Giraudon/Pix.
  • (4-4) Printed with permission of the director of the Husserl Archives in Leuven, Professor Rudolf Bernet.
  • (4-5) © Robert Holmes/Corbis.
  • (5-1) The Louvre. Photo: Peter Willi/Bridgeman Art Library.
  • (5-2) © Bettmann/Corbis.
  • (6-1) © Archives of Scientific Philosophy. Reproduced by permission of the University of Pittsburgh. All rights reserved.
  • (6-2) © Pressens Bild AB.
  • (6-3) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy. Photo © G. Mangin.
  • (8-1) Moderna Museet, Stockholm. © DACS 2000.