بذور العلم: لماذا أسأنا فهم الكائنات المعدلة وراثيًّا؟

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


الفصل الأول: الحراك الاحتجاجي المباشر في المملكة المتحدة: كيف تصدَّينا للقوة الماحقة للكائنات المُعدَّلة وراثيًّا؟

This is described by Jim Thomas in his chapter in Tokar, B., 2001, Redesigning Life? The Worldwide Challenge to Genetic Engineering, Zed Books, London.
Press release, 7 August 1997, UK Gene Crop Destroyed, www.gene.ch/gentech/1997/Jul-Aug/msg00487.html mentions the High Wycombe occupation.
Someone — I don’t know who — did talk about this action, and it made the Daily Record in 1998, Daily Record, 21 June 1998, Good Golly Dolly; Kidnap threat to cloned sheep.
Squire, G. R., et al., 2003, On the rationale and interpretation of the farm-scale evaluations of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 358: 1779–1800.
The Guardian, 21 September 2000, Greenpeace wins key GM case.
BBC News, 16 February 1999, GM food taken off school menu, news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/280603.stm.
BBC News, 8 March 1999, Fast-food outlets turn against GM food, news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/292829.stm.
Sunday Post-Dispatch, 25 July 1999, Fear is growing; England is the epicenter.
Sunday Post-Dispatch, 25 July 1999, The English make it clear to the world that they don’t want to mess with Mother Nature.
Genetix Update newsletter, Autumn 1999, no. 14, Available from www.togg.org.uk/togg/updates/GUissue14.pdf.
Jim Thomas, in Tokar, Redesigning Life? Ibid., p. 340.
Independent, 12 July 1999, UK’s ‘most eco-friendly’ trees are destroyed by GM activists.

الفصل الثاني: بذور العلم: كيف غيَّرت رأيي؟

Press release, 5 September 2001, ‘Pies for damn lies and statistics’ as Danish anti-green author gets his just desserts, www.urban75.com/Action/news138.html.
Undercurrents TV, 2001, Bjorn Lomborg pied by Mark Lynas, www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOg8IqkS4PA.
The Guardian, 17 June 2008, Lynas’s Six Degrees wins Royal Society award, www.theguardian.com/books/2008/jun/17/news.science.
Waltz, E., 2009, GM crops: Battlefield, Nature, 461: 27–32.
Gilbert, N., 2013, Case studies: A hard look at GM crops, Nature, 497: 24–26.
New Statesman, 30 May 2005, Mark Lynas: Nuclear power–a convert, www.newstatesman.com/node/195308?page=2.
Lynas, M., 2010, Why we greens keep getting it wrong, New Statesman,www.newstatesman.com/environment/2010/01/nuclear-power-lynas-greens.
New York Times, Dot Earth blog, 4 January 2013, New Shade of Green: Stark Shift for Onetime Foe of Genetic Engineering in Crops, dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/04/.
GM Watch, Background Briefing–Mark Lynas and the GM movement in the UK, gmwatch.org/en/background-briefing- mark-lynas-and-the-gm-movement-in-the-uk.
BBC World HARDTalk, 30 January 2013.
Rothamsted Research, 2012, GM Appeal, www.YouTube.com/watch?v=I9scGtf5E3I.
Bruce, T., et al., 2015, The first crop plant genetically engineered to release an insect pheromone for defence, Nature Scientific Reports, 5: 11183.

الفصل الثالث: مبتكرو الهندسة الوراثية

Van Beveren, E. Statues–Hither and Thither, www.vanderkrogt.net/statues/object.php?record=beov025&webpage=ST.
Schell, J., 1975, The Role of Plasmids in Crown-Gall Formation by A. Tumefaciens, In: Ledoux L. (eds), Genetic Manipulations with Plant Material, NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series (Series A: Life Sciences), vol 3. Springer, Boston, MA.
WUNC North Caroline Public Radio, 23 February 2015, The Life, Legacy and Science of ‘Queen of Agrobacterium’ Mary-Dell Chilton, wunc.org/post/life-legacy-and-science-queen-agrobacterium-mary-dell-chilton#stream/0 (47 minutes).
Van Montagu, M., 2011, It Is a Long Way to GM Agriculture, Annual Review of Plant Biology, 62: 1–23.
Monsanto, 1997, Fields of Promise: Monsanto and the development of agricultural biotechnology.
Charles, D., 2001, Lords of the Harvest: Biotech, Big Money, and the Future of Food, Basic Books, Cambridge, US.
Robinson, D. and Medlock, N., 2005, Diamond v. Chakrabarty: A Retrospective on 25 Years of Biotech Patents, Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, 17, 10: 12–15.
Robb Fraley, interview by Brian Dick at Monsanto, St Louis, Missouri, 16 December 2015 (Philadelphia: Chemical Heritage Foundation).
Robb Fraley, interview by Brian Dick at Monsanto, Ibid.
Charles, D., 2001, Ibid., p. 5.
World Food Prize, The Sculpture, www.worldfoodprize.org/en/about_the_prize/the_sculpture/.

الفصل الرابع: القصة الحقيقية وراء شركة مونسانتو

Forrestal, D., 1977, Faith, Hope, and $5000: The Story of Monsanto: The Trials and Triumphs of the First 75 Years, Simon and Schuster.
Myers, R., 2000, The 100 Most Important Chemical Compounds: A Reference Guide, Greenwood, Westport, US.
Greenfields, Astroturf, www.greenfields.eu/astroturf/.
Wired, 6 December 2009, 12 June 1957, Future is now in Monsanto’s house, www.wired.com/2009/06/dayintech_0612/.
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2012, Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 2012, p. 55.
National Pesticide Information Center, 2,4-D Technical Fact Sheet, npic.orst.edu/factsheets/archive/2,4-DTech.html.
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2012, Ibid.
New York Times, 19 April 1983, 1965 Memos Show Dow’s Anxiety on Dioxin.
New York Times, 1983, Ibid.
New York Times, 6 July 1983, Ralph Blumenthal: Files Show Dioxin Makers Knew of Hazards.
New York Times, 30 November 1993, Alison Leigh Cowan: Veterans Seek Revival of Agent Orange Suit.
New York Times, 11 March 2005, William Glaberson: Civil Lawsuit on Defoliant in Vietnam is Dismissed.
Carson, R., 1962, Chapter 2, The Obligation to Endure, Silent Spring, Penguin, London.
New York Times Magazine, 21 September 2012, How ‘Silent Spring’ Ignited the Environmental Movement.
CBS News, 19 September 2012, The Price of Progress, www.cbsnews.com/videos/the-price-of-progress/.
Stoll, M., 2012, Industrial and agricultural interests fight back, Virtual Exhibitions, vol. 1, www.environmentandsociety.org/exhibitions/silent-spring/.
Monsanto Magazine, October 1962, The Desolate Year, iseethics.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/monsanto-magazine-1962-the-desolate-yeart.pdf.
Scientific American, 4 May 2009, Should DDT Be Used to Combat Malaria?
Washington Post, 1 January 2002, Monsanto Hid Decades of Pollution.
New York Times, 29 February 2016, Chemical Safety Bill Could Help Protect Monsanto Against Legal Claims.
National Geographic, July 1979, See www.flickr.com/photos/jbcurio/8740859605.
The Atlantic, 2 December 2014, Bhopal: The World’s Worst Industrial Disaster, 30 Years Later.
New York Times, 30 October 2014, Warren Anderson, 92, Dies; Faced India Plant Disaster.
Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, I. G. Farben.
Bloomberg, 5 February 2015, America’s Most Loved and Most Hated Companies.
New Yorker, 3 November 2013, Why the Climate Corporation sold itself to Monsanto.
New York Times, 10 June 1990, Betting the farm on biotech.
New York Times, 10 June 1990, Ibid.
Schurman, R. and Munro, W., 2010, Fighting for the Future of Food: Activists Versus Agribusiness in the Struggle over Biotechnology, University of Minnesota Press, US, pp. 37-8.
Schurman, R. and Munro, W., 2010, Ibid., pp. 43-4.
Industry Task Force on Glyphosate, 2017, Glyphosate Facts, Glyphosate: mechanism of action, www.glyphosate.eu/glyphosate-mechanism-action.
Monsanto.com, Monsanto History: An Introduction, www.monsanto.com/whoweare/pages/monsanto-history.aspx.
Quoted in Schurman, R. and Munro, W., 2010, Ibid., pp. 33-4.
Schurman, R. and Munro, W., 2010, Ibid., p. 133.
CropLife, 17 July 2017, Complexity in Agriculture: The Rise (and Fall?) of Monsanto, www.croplife.com/management/complexity-in-agriculture-the-rise-and-fall-of-monsanto/.
Robb Fraley, interview by Brian Dick at Monsanto, Ibid.
Monsanto.com, 1 December 2015, Monsanto Takes Action to Fight Climate Change with Carbon Neutral Crop Production Program, monsanto.com/news-releases/monsanto-takes-action-to-fight-climate-change-with-carbon-neutral-crop-production-program/.
CIP, Biosafety and Health, research.cip.cgiar.org/confluence/ display/potatogene/The+NewLeaf+story.
New Yorker, 10 April 2000, The Pharmageddon Riddle.
Vaeck, M., et al., 1987, Transgenic plants protected from insect attack, Nature, 327: 33–37.

الفصل الخامس: بذور انتحارية؟ المزارعون والتعديل الوراثي من كندا إلى بنجلاديش

Monsanto.com, 11 April 2017, Myth: Monsanto Sues Farmers when GMOs or GM Seed is Accidentially in Their Fields, monsanto.com/company/media/statements/gmo-contamination-lawsuits/.
Right Livelihood Award, Percy and Louise Schmeiser, 2007, Canada, www.rightlivelihoodaward.org/laureates/percy-and-louise-schmeiser/.
Percy Schmeiser–David versus Monsanto, www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4.
Monsanto.com, 11 April 2017, Percy Schmeiser, monsanto, com/company/media/statements/percy-schmeiser/.
MIT Technology Review, 30 July 2015, As Patents Expire, Farmers Plant Generic GMOs.
Monsanto.com, 9 April 2017, Roundup Ready Soybean Patent Expiration, monsanto.com/company/media/statements/roundup-ready-soybean-patent-expiration/.
The Wiglaf Journal, June 2012, Monsanto & the Global Glyphosate Market: Case Study, www.wiglafjournal.com/pricing/2012/06/monsanto-the-global-glyphosate-market-case-study/.
Supreme Court of the United States, Bowman v. Monsanto Co. et al., Decided 13 May 2013, www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/11-796_c07d.pdf.
Monbiot, G., 1 January 1997, Science with Scruples-Amnesty Lecture, www.monbiot.com/1997/01/01/science-with-scruples/.
Klümper, W. and Qaim, M., 2014, A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops, PLoS One, 9, 11: e111629.
Center for Food Safety & Save Our Seeds, 2013, Seed Giants vs. US Farmers, www.centerforfoodsafety.org/files/seed-giants_final_04424.pdf.
GMOanswers.com, 2014, gmoanswers.com/ask/why-does-monsanto-sue-individual-farmers-and-other-ag-biotech- companies-dont-if-they-do-it,
Monsanto Fund, Our Mission, www.monsantofund.org/about/our-mission/.
Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, et al, v. Monsanto, www.osgata.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/OSGATA-v-Monsanto-Complaint.pdf.
Mother Jones, 1 December 2012, DOJ Mysteriously Quits Monsanto Antitrust Investigation, www.motherjones.com/food/2012/12/dojs-monsantoseed-industry-investigation-ends-thud/.
Mother Jones, 1 December 2012, Ibid.
ETC Group, 15 September 2016, The Monsanto—Bayer tie-up is just one of seven; Mega-Mergers and Big Data Domination Threaten Seeds, Food Security, www.etcgroup.org/content/monsanto-bayer-tie-just-one-seven-mega-mergers-and-big-data-domination-threaten-seeds-food.
Food & Water Watch, 26 July 2017, American Antitrust Institute, Food & Water Watch, and National Farmers Union Say Monsanto-Bayer Merger Puts Competition, Farmers, and Consumers at Risk, www.foodandwaterwatch.org/news/american-antitrust-institute-food-water-watch-and-national-farmers-union-say-monsanto-bayer.
AAI, Food & Water Watch and National Farmers Union, 26 July 2017, Re: Proposed Merger of Monsanto and Bayer, www.foodandwaterwatch.org/sites/default/files/white_paper_monsanto_bayer_7.26.17_f.pdf.
Daily Mail, 3 November 2008, The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops.
Bitter Seeds, teddybearfilms.com/2011/10/01/bitter- seeds-2/.
New Yorker, 25 August 2014, Seeds of Doubt.
Shiva, V., Monsanto vs Indian Farmers, vandanashiva.com/?p=402.
New Yorker, 25 August 2014, Ibid.
Kathage, J. and Qaim, M., 2012, Economic impacts and impact dynamics of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton in India, PNAS, 109, 29: 11652-11656.
Krishna, V. and Qaim, M., 2012, Bt cotton and sustainability of pesticide reductions in India, Agricultural Systems, 107: 47-55.
Krishna, V. and Qaim, M., 2012, Ibid.
Cornell Alliance for Science, 30 October 2014, BT Cotton in India–The Farmer’s Perspective, allianceforscience.cornell.edu/bt-cotton-india-farmers-perspective.
Plewis, I., 2014, Indian Farmer Suicides–Is GM cotton to blame? Significance, Royal Statistical Society.
The Conversation, 12 March 2014, Hard Evidence: does GM cotton lead to farmer suicide in India? theconversation.com/hard-evidence-does-gm-cotton-lead-to-farmer-suicide-in-india-24045.
The Conversation, 12 March 2014, Ibid.
Plewis, I., 2014, Ibid.
Feed the Future South Asia Eggplant Improvement Partnership. Pesticide use in Bangladesh, bteggplant.cornell.edu/content/facts/pesticide-use-bangladesh.
New Age, 1 September 2014, Bt brinjal farmers demand compensation.
New Age, 21 March 2015, Bt brinjal turns out to be ‘upset case’ for farmers.
New York Times, 24 April 2015, How I Got Converted to G.M.O. Food.
Cornell Alliance for Science, 12 July 2016, Bangladeshi Bt brinjal farmer speaks out in GMO controversy, alliance for science, cornell.edu/blog/bangladeshi-bt-brinjal-farmer-speaks-out-gmo-controversy.
GM Watch, 28 July 2015, Propaganda over facts? BBC Panorama and Bt brinjal, gmwatch.org/en/news/latest-news/16320.
Marklynas.org, 8 May 2014, Bt brinjal in Bangladesh–the true story, www.marklynas.org/2014/05/bt-brinjal-in-bangladesh-the-true-story/.
Mark Lynas, 14 May 2014, Bangladesh Bt brinjal farmers speak out, www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LoKPldPopU.
Daily Inquirer, 29 July 2016, Boost for Bt ‘talong’ opinion, inquirer.net/96038/boost-for-bt-talong.
International Monsanto Tribunal, Advisory Opinion, www.monsanto-tribunal.org/upload/asset_cache/189791450.pdf.
IFOAM–Organics International, 13 September 2016, People’s Assembly & Monsanto Tribunal, www.ifoam.bio/en/news/2016/09/13/registration-open-peoples-assembly-monsanto-tribunal-14-16-october-2016-hague.
Guardian, 13 October 2016, GM seed firm Monsanto dismisses ‘moral trial’ as a staged stunt.
International Monsanto Tribunal, Advisory Opinion.
International Monsanto Tribunal, Progam–Monsanto Tribunal, www.monsanto-tribunal.org/program.
ABC News, 14 June 2014, GM farmer wins landmark canola contamination case in WA Supreme Court.
Supreme Court of Western Australia, Marsh v. Baxter, 2014.
International Monsanto Tribunal, Memo no. 15 Farida AKTHER, www.monsanto-tribunal.org/upload/asset_cache/373558186.pdf?rnd=HknM44.
Kruger, M., et al., 2014, Detection of Glyphosate in Malformed Piglets, Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology, 4: 5.
EFSA, 12 November 2015, Glyphosate: EFSA updates toxicological profile, www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/151112.
Reuters, 18 April 2016, How the World Health Organization’s cancer agency confuses consumers, www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/health-who-iarc/.
The Times, 18 October 2017, Weedkiller scientist was paid £120,000 by cancer lawyers.
Reuters, 19 October 2017, In glyphosate review, WHO cancer agency edited out ‘non-carcinogenic’ findings.
IARC, IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, List of Classifications. Volumes 1–119, monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Classification/latest_classif.php.
New York Times, 14 May 2015, Defying U.S., Colombia Halts Aerial Spraying of Crops Used to Make Cocaine.
Agronews, Seven glyphosate companies listed first China’s top 20 pesticide enterprises, news.agropages.com/News/NewsDetail-10968.htm.
International Monsanto Tribunal, Memo no. 23: Claire ROBINSON, www.monsanto-tribunal.org/upload/asset_cache/328188625.pdf?rnd=E7bYWr.
The Guardian, 3 February 2011, WikiLeaks: US targets EU over GM crops.
BBC News, 7 January 2005, Monsanto fined $1.5m for bribery.
Wikipedia, List of largest companies by revenue.
Fortune, 6 June 2016, Can Monsanto save the planet?
Fortune 500: Archive 1965, archive.fortune.com/magazines/ fortune/fortune500_archive/snapshots/1965/902.html.
Oxfam International, 26 April 2010, Oxfam International’s position on transgenic crops, www.oxfam.org/en/campaigns/oxfam-internationals-position-transgenic-crops.

الفصل السادس: أفريقيا: معضلة الأغذية المُعدَّلة وراثيًّا والأغذية العضوية

UNICEF, 10 April 2015, Survey shows sharp drop in childhood stunting in Tanzania, www.unicef.org/media/media_81517.html.
BBC News, 12 April 2007, Deaths in Uganda forest protest.
African Civil Society Statement: Call for a ban on GMOsAcbio, org.za/activist/petition/African%20Civil%20 Society%20Statement%20Call %20for%20a%20ban%20on%20GMOs.
Kenya Citizen TV, 21 November 2012, www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qV75NOjsuY.
Seralini, G.-E., et al., 2012, RETRACTED: Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 11: 4221–4231.
Food Sovereignty Ghana, 8 July 2015, FSG Goes To Court Today Over Bt Cowpeas and GM Rice, foodsovereigntyghana.org/fsg-goes-to-court-today-over-bt-cowpeas-and-gm-rice/.
Food Sovereignty Ghana, 20 May 2014, Ban All GM Foods In Ghana! foodsovereigntyghana.org/ban-all-gm-foods-in-ghana/.
The Sunday Mail, 8 June 2014, Mudede slams GMO academic, www.sundaymail.co.zw/mudede-slams-gmo-academic/.
Lusaka Times, 7 June 2014, Lunanshya council destroys Bokomo Cornflakes containing traces of GMO, www.lusakatimes.com/2014/06/07/lunanshya-council-destroys-bokomo-cornflakes-containing-traces-gmo/.
UNICEF, 2007, Nutrition in Zambia, www.unicef.org/zambia/5109_8461.html.
New York Times, 30 August 2002, Between Famine and Politics, Zambians Starve.
Paarlberg, R., 2009, Starved for Science: How Biotechnology is Being Kept Out of Africa, Harvard University Press, US, p. 15.
Daily Telegraph blogs, Why being Green means never having to say you’re sorry, web.archive.org/web/20101108023823/blogs.telegraph.co. uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100062459/why-being-green-means-never-having-to-say-youre-sorry/.
TVE Earth Report, 2005, Aliens in the Field, tve.org/film/aliens-in-the-field/.
The Guardian, 17 October 2002, Zambians starve as food aid lies rejected.
Greenpeace, 30 September 2002, Eat this or die: The poison politics of food aid, www.greenpeace.org/international/en/news/features/eat-this-or-die/.
Paarlberg, R., 2009, Ibid., p. 82.
Cornell Alliance for Science, 22 February 2017, Visiting Tanzania’s first-ever GMO crop trial, allianceforscience.cornell.edu/blog/tanzania-first-ever-GM-maize-crop-trial.
Famine Early Warning System Net, February 2017.
Daily News, 7 March 2017, Revoke GMO trials in Dodoma Mr President, www.dailynews.co.tz/index.php/analysis/48979-revoke-gmo-tech-trials-in-dodoma-mr-president.
Little Atoms, 19 April 2017, Tanzania is burning GM corn while people go hungry, littleatoms.com/science-world/tanzania-burning-GM-corn-while-people-go-hungry.

الفصل السابع: الصعود المتزايد للحركة المناهضة للتعديل الوراثي للكائنات الحية

Euractiv, 2015, Jeremy Rifkin: ‘Number two cause of global warming emissions? Animal husbandry,’ www.euractiv.com/section/agriculture-food/interview/jeremy-rifkin-number-two-cause-of-global-warming-emissions-animal-husbandry/.
Wade, N., 1973, Microbiology: Hazardous Profession Faces New Uncertainties. Science, 182, 4112: 566-567.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, The DNA Story: A documentary history of gene cloning, W. H. Freeman and Company, Prologue.
Wade, N., 1973, Ibid.
National Academy of Sciences, 1977, Research with Recombinant DNA: An Academy Forum, March 7–9, 1977.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 15.
Wade, N., 1973, Ibid.
National Academy of Sciences, 1977, Ibid.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 14.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 28.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 43.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 95.
New York Times Magazine, 22 August 1976, New strains of life–or death.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 159.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 160.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 262.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 169.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 132.
Watson, J. and Tooze, J., 1981, Ibid., p. 235.
From Stewart Brand’s CoEvolution Quarterly, Spring 1978, 17: 24.
Pennsylvania Gazette, October 1992, Jeremy Rifkin’s Big Beefs.
Pennsylvania Gazette, October 1992, Ibid.
Pennsylvania Gazette, October 1992, Ibid.
Uhl, M., 2007, Vietnam Awakening: My Journey from Combat to the Citizens’ Commission of Inquiry on U.S. War Crimes in Vietnam, McFarland & Co.
Application from the People’s Bientennial Commission for a public gathering, 4 July 1976, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0067/1563322.pdf.
The Blade, Toledo, Ohio, 22 April 1976, Backers of Revolutionary Concepts Stir Rebellion By Some in Business.
Pennsylvania Gazette, October 1992, Ibid.
Howard, T. and Rifkin, J., 1977, Who Should Play God? Dell Publishing Co., p. 10.
Howard, T. and Rifkin, J., 1977, Ibid., p. 44.
Howard, T. and Rifkin, J., 1977, Ibid., p. 206-7.
Howard, T. and Rifkin, J., 1977, Ibid., p. 224.
Pennsylvania Gazette, October 1992, Ibid.
Pennsylvania Gazette, October 1992, Ibid.
The Gettysburg Times, 16 November 1979, Author Warns Against Science ‘Playing God’.
Euractiv, 2015, Ibid.
New York Times, 16 November 1986, Biotech’s Stalled Revolution.
BBC News, 14 June 2002, GM crops: A bitter harvest?
New York Times, 25 January 2001, Biotechnology Food: From the Lab to a Debacle.
The Washington Post, 12 January 1993, Biotech tomato headed to market despite threats.
New York Times, Retro Report, Test Tube Tomato, www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000002297044/test-tube-tomato.html.
The Washington Post, 12 January 1993, Ibid.
Bruening, G. and Lyons, J., 2000, The case of the FLAVR SAVR tomato, California Agriculture, 54, 4: 6-7.
New York Times, 5 September 2015, Food Industry Enlisted Academics in G.M.O. Lobbying War, Emails Show.
Organic Consumers Association, www.organicconsumers.org/news/vaccine-studies-debunked.
Organic Consumers Association, www.organicconsumers.org/categories/swine-bird-flu.
Charles, D., 2001, Lords of the Harvest: Biotech, Big Money, and the Future of Food, Basic Books.
Charles, D., 2001, Ibid., p. 100.
Charles, D., 2001, Ibid., p. 100.
Charles, D., 2001, Ibid., p. 208.
Charles, D., 2001, Ibid., pp. 208-9.
Irish Times, 13 March 1996, Attack on the mutant tomatoes a failure.
Associated Press, 14 February 2001, Europe OKs New Biotech Food Rules.
CNN.com, 8 February 2001, Bove on trial for wrecking genetic rice and CNN.com, 15 March 2001, Bove convicted for food assault.
The Ecologist, 29 January-1 February 1999, India cheers while Monsanto burns.
St Louis Post-Dispatch, 2 April 2001, Arsonists burn Monsanto depot in Italy.
Schurman, R. and Munro, W., 2010, Fighting for the Future of Food: Activists Versus Agribusiness in the Struggle over Biotechnology, University of Minnesota Press, Table 2, p. 108.
Schurman, R. and Munro, W., 2010, Ibid., p. 138.
National Center for Family Philanthropy, 2001, Practices in Family Philanthropy–Collaborative Grantmaking: Lessons Learned from the Rockefeller Family’s Experiences, National Center for Family Philanthropy, Washington D.C.
Foundation for Deep Ecology, Some Thought on the Deep Ecology Movement, www.deepecology.org/deepecology.htm.
Foundation for Deep Ecology, Work in Progress, www.deepecology.org/books/Work_In_Progress.pdf.
This information is gleaned from multiple tax returns, For a useful summary see archive.li/elmRO.
Academics Review, 2014, Organic Marketing Report, academicsreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/AR_Organic-Marketing-Report_Print.pdf.
Jay Byrne, Food & Agricultural Advocacy 2011-2012 Ag-biotech & GMO labeling case studies, Presentation, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA), Des Moines, 2012, www.nasda.org/File.aspx?id=4275.
Friends of the Earth, 2015, Spinning Food: How food industry front groups and covert communications are shaping the story of food, www.foe.org/news/archives/2015-06-new-report-exposes-how-front-groups-shape-story-of-food.

الفصل الثامن: ما أصاب النشطاء المعارضون في فهمه

The Observer, 9 March 2013, Mark Lynas: truth, treachery and GM food.
The Guardian, 5 November 2010, Deep Peace in Techno Utopia, www.monbiot.com/2010/11/05/deep-peace-in-techno-utopia/.
The Guardian, 5 November 2010, George Monbiot’s blog: When will Stewart Brand admit he was wrong? See also George’s website, www.monbiot.com/2010/11/10/correspondence-with-stewart-brand-second-tranche/.
The Dark Mountain Manifesto, dark-mountain.net/about/manifesto/.
Kingsnorth, P., 2011, The Quants and the Poets, paulkingsnorth. net/2011/04/21/the-quants-and-the-poets/.
Dawkins, R., 1998, Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder, Penguin Books, London, p. 17.
Dawkins, R., 1998, Ibid.
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الفصل التاسع: كيف يفكر أنصار البيئة

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الفصل العاشر: عشرون عامًا من الفشل

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