تاريخ أورشليم والبحث عن مملكة اليهود

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


  • Allbright, William Foxwell, Accadian Letters, In: James Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts.
  • Allbright, William Foxwell, Palestinian Inscriptions, In: James Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts.
  • Ben Tor, Amon, Excavating Hazor, In: Biblical Archaeology Review, March-April, 1999.
  • Callaway, Joseph, Settlement and Judges, In: Hershel Shanks, Ancient Israel.
  • Finklstein, Israel, The Rise of Ancient Israel, In: S. Ahituv and E. D. Oren, The Origin of Early Israel, Ben Gorion University 1998.
  • Finkelstein, Israel, and Silberman, N.A., The Bible Unearthed, Free Press, New York 2001.
  • Finkelstein, Israel, and Ussishkin, David., Back to Megido, In: Biblical Archaeology Review, Jan-Feb, 1994.
  • Frits, Bolmar, What Archaeology Tells us about Solomon’s Temple, In: Biblical Archaeology Review, July-August, 1987.
  • Gill, Dan, Archaeology Solves the Mystery of Hezkiah Tonnellers, In: Biblical an Archaeology Review, July-August, 1994.
  • Goetze, A., Egyptian and Hittite Treaties, In: James Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts.
  • Ginsberg, H. I., Aramaic Letter, In: James Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts.
  • Hestern, Ruth, Understanding Ashirah, In: Biblical Archeology Review, Sep. Oct., 1991.
  • Horn, S. H., The Divided Monarchy, In: Hershell Shanks, Ancient Israel.
  • Johnson, Paul, A History of the Jews, Phoenix, London 1995.
  • Kenyon, Kathleen, Digging Up Jerusalem, Ernest Ben, London 1974.
  • Kenyon, Kathleen, Archaeology in the Holy Land, Manthuen, London 1985.
  • Kenyon, Kathleen, Royal Cities of the Old Testament, Barrie and Jenkens, London 1971.
  • Kenyon, Kathleen, The Bible and Recent Archaeology, Colonade Books, London 1978.
  • Kochavi, Moshe, Tripartite Buildings, In: Biblical Archaeology Review, May-June, 1999.
  • Levine, Lee, The Age of Hellenism, In: Hershel Shanks, Edt., Ancient Israel.
  • Mathiae, Paolo, Ebla, Hadder and Stoughton, London 1980.
  • Manson, John, Ain Dara Temple-Closest Solomonic Parallel, In: Biblical Archaeology Review, May-June, 2000.
  • Miller, J. M, and Hayes, D. H., History of Ancient Israel, Philadilphia, Westmenster 1986.
  • Nahkai, B., What is Bamah? In: Biblical Archaeology Review, May-June, 1994.
  • Oppenheim, Leo, Assyrian and Babylonian Historical Texts, In: James Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts.
  • Pitard, W. T., Ancient Damascus, Eisenbrauns, Indiana 1987.
  • Pritchard, James, Edt., Ancient Near Eastern Texts, Princeton 1969.
  • Purvis, James, Exile and Return, In: Hershel Shanks, Edt., Ancient Israel.
  • Shanks, Hershel, edt, Ancient Israel, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1988.
  • Steiner, Margarit, David’s Jerusalem, Fiction or History? In: Biblical Archaeology Review, July-August, 1998.
  • Tompson, Thomas, L., Early History of the Israelite People, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1994.
  • Thompson, Thomas, L., The Bible in History, Jonathan Cap, London 1999.
  • Whitelam, Keith, The Invention of Ancient Israel, Rotledge, London 1997.
  • Weiss, Harvey, edt., Ebla to Damascus, Smithonian Institute, Washington D.C., 1985.
  • Zertal, Adam, Archaeology of the Land of Israel, Doubleday, London 1990.
  • Zertal, Adam, Israel Inter Canaan, In: Biblical Archaeology Review, Sep-Oct, 1991.
  • Zertal, Adam, Will Tell Rehov Save the United Monarchy? In: Biblical Archaeology Review, March-April, 2000.
  • أ. ﻫ.. م. جونز، مدن بلاد الشام عندما كانت ولاية رومانية، ترجمة د. إحسان عباس، دار الشروق، عمان، ١٩٨٧م.

  • د. إحسان عباس، تاريخ دولة الأنباط، دار الشروق، عام ١٩٨٧م.

  • إدوار سعيد، الإمبريالية والثقافة، ترجمة كمال أبو ديب، دار الآداب، بيروت، ١٩٩٧م.

  • علي أبو عساف، الآراميون، دار أماني، طرطوس، ١٩٨٨م.