الدَّادائية والسِّريالية: مقدمة قصيرة جدًّا

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

مصادر الصور

  • (1-1) © ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2003. Kunsthaus Zurich.
  • (1-2) © Succession Marcel Duchamp/ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2003. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.
  • (1-3) © ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2003. Photo © Tate, London 2003.
  • (2-1) © bpk, Berlin.
  • (2-3) © Archives du Wildenstein Institute, Paris.
  • (2-4) Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.
  • (2-6) Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.
  • (2-7) © ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2003. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.
  • (2-8) © DACS 2003.
  • (2-9) © DACS 2003. Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Photographie und Architektur.
  • (2-10) © Collection Roger-Viollet, Paris.
  • (3-1) © DACS 2003. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchase. Digital image © 2002 The Museum of Modern Art/Scala, Florence.
  • (3-2) © ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2003. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchase. Digital image © 2002 The Museum of Modern Art/Scala, Florence.
  • (3-3) © ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2003. Private collection.
  • (3-4) Private collection.
  • (3-5) © Successio Miro, DACS 2003. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Digital image © 2002 The Museum of Modern Art, New York/Scala, Florence.
  • (3-6) © Salvador Dalí, Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation, DACS, London 2003. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.
  • (3-7) © DACS 2003. Moderna Museet, Stockholm. Photo: Per-Anders Allsten.
  • (3-8) Ronald Grant Archive.
  • (4-2) © Jan Švankmajer. Galerie Gambra, Prague.
  • (4-3) © Man Ray Trust/ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2003. Photo: Telimage 2003.
  • (5-1) San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Gift of Robert Shapazian. Photo: Ben Blackwell.
  • (5-2) © 2003 Bank of Mexico, Diego Rivera &; Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Del. Cuauhtémoc, Mexico. Private collection.
  • (5-3) © ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2003. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Inter-American Fund. Digital image © 2002 The Museum of Modern Art/Scala, Florence.