الجنس البشري في مَعرِض الأحياء‎

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


Batrawi, A.

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  • 1940 “The Racial History of Egypt & Nubia”, The Royal Anthropological Institute, London.
  • 1947 “The Pyramid Studies”, Anatomical Reports, Annales du Service des Antiquités, de l’Egypte, T. XLVII.
  • 1948 “A Small Mummy of the Pyramid of Dahshure”, Annales du Service des Antiquités, de l’Egypte, T. XLVIII.
  • 1950 “Remains of the Ka-Nefer Family”, Annales du Service des Antiquites, de l’Egypte. T.L.
  • 1951 “The Skelotal Remains from the Northern Pyramid of Sneferu”, Annales du Service des Antiquités, de l’Egypte, T. LI.

Derry, D.E.

  • 1942 “Mummification, Methods Practised at Different Periods”, Annales du Service des Antiquités, de l’Egypte, T. XLL.
  • 1956 “The Dynastic Race in Egypt”, The Journal of Egyptian Archæology, Vol. 42.

Elliot Smith, G.

  • 1910 “Report on the Human Remains”, The Archæological Survey of Nubia, Report for 1907-1908. Vol. II. Cairo.
  • 1924 “Egyptian Mummies”, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. London.

Le Gros Clrek, W.

  • 1954 “History of the Primates”, Natural History Museum, London.

Morant, G.M.

  • 1925 “A Study of Egyptian Craniology from Prehistoric to Roman Times”, Biometrika, Vol. VXII.

Stibbe, E.P.

  • 1938 “An Introduction to Physical Anthropology”, Edward Arnold & Co., London.

Weidenreich, Franz.

  • 1945 “Apes, Giants & Man”, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

White, Manchip, J.

  • 1945 “Anthropology”, English Universities Press, London.