المرأة والعمل الخيري: جهود نسائية جريئة نحو صياغة عالم أفضل

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي

المصدر «و»


فيما يلي أبحاث حول ناشطات في مجال العمل الخيري، سطرتْها نساء بمؤسسات التعليم العالي:

  • Beeson, Melisa Jane Ellis, Indiana University. “Women’s Giving Circles: A Case Study in Higher Education Philanthropy.” 2006. [email protected].
  • Bressi, D. E., University of Tennessee. “Women and Philanthropy: Making a Difference in Higher Education.” Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations (AAT 9962245). 1999.
  • Diehl, Betsy Duncan, Hood College. “Philanthropy as an Expression of Feminism: Aligning a Traditionally Masculine Concept with a Decidedly Feminist Ideal.” 2010.
  • Hubert, Lynn, University of Notre Dame. “Emerging Donors: The Reliability and Validity of the Survey of Women Donors at the University of Notre Dame.” 2009.
  • Lovell, Jeanine M., St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. “Women’s Philanthropy Programs at Coeducational Colleges and Universities: Exploring the Concept at Luther College.” June 2004. [email protected].
  • Pumphrey, Kathryn, University of Virginia Curry School of Education. “Characteristics That Motivate Alumnae Giving at a Research 1 Public University.” 2004. [email protected].
  • Rhodes, Nichole D., University of Illinois Foundation. “Women’s Philanthropy in Higher Education.” 2006.
  • Simari, Rosalie, Hofstra University. “Philanthropy and Higher Education: Women as Donors.” Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations (AAT 9530157). 1995.
  • Swift, Holly, Washington University. “Why Women Give—An Exploration of Women’s Philanthropy.” 2009.