الجمهور: التسويق في عالم رقمي

مؤسسة هنداوي مؤسسة هنداوي


مقدمة: السبب وراء اختيار كلمة «جمهور»

Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World (New York: Macmillan, 1925).

الجزء الأول: حتمية الجمهور

الفصل الأول: الجمهور كأصول ثابتة: التفكير بعقلية الناجحين

Ken Tucker, “Springsteen Speaks,” Entertainment Weekly, February 28, 2003, www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,261357,00.html.
“Fold the Front Page,” Graphic Detail (blog), June 4, 2013, www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2013/06/daily-chart-1?fsrc=scn/tw_ec/fold_the_front_page.
Motorola, “2013 Media Engagement Barometer—Unveiling Our Global Media Habits, One Question at a Time,” Arris Solutions Blog, March 19, 2013, www.arriseverywhere.com/2013/03/motorolas-2013-media-engagement-barometer-unveiling-our-global-media-habits-onequestion-at-a-time/.
Reuters, “The Internet of Things: By 2020, You’ll Own 50 Internet-Connected Devices,” HuffPost Tech, April 22, 2013, www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/22/internet-of-things_n_3130340.html.
KeithWagstaff, “Netflix Loses 800,000 Subscribers after Price Hike, Qwikster Debacle,” Time, October 24, 2011, http://tech land.time.com/2011/10/24/netflix-loses-800000-subscribers-afterprice-hike-qwikster-debacle/.

الفصل الثاني: حتمية الجمهور: المصدر الهجين لطاقة العمل

Andy Goldsworthy, Midsummer Snowballs (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2001), 34.
Roger Deakin, “Review: Vegetal; Theatre de la Ville, Paris,” The Independent, March 12, 1996, www.independent.co.uk/artsbnotesentertainment/art/review-vegetal-theatre-de-la-ville-paris-1341614.html.
Cecil Adams, “Did Oil Really Come from Dinosaurs?,” The Straight Dope, May 12, 2006, www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2652/did-oil-really-come-from-dinosaurs.
Wikipedia, s.v. “Super Bowl Advertising,” accessed June 9, 2013, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_advertising; Nielsen, “Super Bowl XLVII: How We Watch and Connect across Screens,” Newswire, February 5, 2013, http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/newswire/2013/super-bowl-xlvii-draws-108–7-million-viewers-26–1-tweets.html.
This is, of course, a turn of John Wanamaker’s famous quote, “Half of my advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which half”; Advertising Age, “John Wanamaker,” March 29, 1999, http://adage.com/article/special-report-the-advertising-century/john-wanamaker/140185/.
Caitlin A. Johnson, “Cutting Through Advertising Clutter,” CBS News Sunday Morning, February 11, 2009, www.cbsnews.com/8301-3445_162-2015684.html.
Angus MacKenzie, “2013 Motor Trend Car of the Year: Tesla Model S,” Motor Trend, January 2013, www.motortrend.com/oftheyear/car/1301_2013_motor_trend_car_of_the_year_tesla_model_s/viewall.html.

الفصل الثالث: الجماهير الخاصة: الباحثون والْمُرَوِّجون والمنتسِبون

Julius “Dr. J.” Irving, as quoted by Vincent Malozzi, Doc: The Rise and Rise of Julius Irving (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009), 46.
ABI Research, “More Than 30 Billion Devices Will Wireless Connect to the Internet of Everything in 2020,” May 9, 2013, http://www.abiresearch.com/press/more-than-30-billion-devices-will-wirelessly-conne.
Aaron Smith, “Smartphone Ownership—2013 Update” (Washington, DC: Pew Research Center, June 5, 2013), http://www.pewinternet.org/files/old-media//Files/Reports/2013/PIP_Smartphone_adoption_2013.pdf.
Kristina Wong, “iViu Technologies Partners with Hi-Time Wine Cellars on Mobile App,” OC Metro, April 10, 2012, http://www.ocmetro.com/t-iViu-Technologies-HiTime-Wine-Cellars-partner-on-mobileapp-04-10-2012.aspx
Jay Rosen, “The People Formerly Known as the Audience,” Press Think (blog), June 27, 2006, http://archive.pressthink.org/2006/06/27/ppl_frmr.html.
“Faberge Shampoo,” YouTube video, 0:29, posted by “mybeautyads,” December 29, 2007, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgDxWNV4wWY.
Gary M. Stern, “Social Network Feedback Sparks Tempur-Pedic’s Sales,” Investor’s Business Daily, February 4, 2011, http://news.investors.com/management-managing-for-success/020411–562136-socialnetwork-feedback-sparks-tempur-pedics-sales.htm?p=full.
Ernest Dichter, “How Word-of-Mouth Marketing Works,” Harvard Business Review, November–December 1966, 147–66.
The New York Times Customer Insight Group, “The Psychology of Sharing: Why Do People Share Online?,” 2012, http://nytmarketing.whsites.net/mediakit/pos/.
Nandita Verma, “Consumers Choose Email over Social for Referrals,” SocialTwist (blog), July 8, 2013, http://blog.socialtwist.com/marketing/referral-marketing-email-or-social; Jose Antonio Sanchez, “The State of Digital Content,” Uberflip (blog), March 27, 2013, www.uberflip.com/blog/the-state-of-digital-content; “SUBSCRIBERS, FANS& FOLLOWERS REPORT #14: The 2012 Channel Preference Survey,” ExactTarget, April 2012, http://pages.exacttarget.com/SFF14-US?ls=Website&lss=Micro.SubscribersFansFollowers.ChannelPreference&lss m=Corporate&camp=701A0000000cOGNIA2.
Andy Sernovitz, Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (Austin, TX: Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2012), 6.
Rich Thomaselli, “Carnival Doesn’t Shy Away From Triumph Crisis—But Is Damage Done?,” Advertising Age, February 14, 2013, http://adage.com/article/news/carnival-cruises-pr-response-triumph-crisis/239819/.
Seth Godin, Permission Marketing (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999), 43.
Jeffrey K. Rohrs, “The Bill of Four Rights,” ExactTarget Blog, October 12, 2007, www.exacttarget.com/blog/the-bill-of-four-rights/.

الفصل الرابع: كبار شخصيات المنتسِبين: المشتركون والمعجبون والمتابعون

Amanda Palmer, “The Art of Asking,” TED2013 video, 13:48, February 2013, www.ted.com/talks/amanda_palmer_the_art_of_asking.html.
Cord Jefferson, “Amanda Palmer’s Million-Dollar Music Project and Kickstarter’s Accountability Problem,” Gawker, September 19, 2012, http://gawker.com/5944050/amanda-palmers-million+dollar-musicproject-and-kickstarters-accountability-problem.
Marcus Wohlsen, “Email Is Crushing Twitter, Facebook for Selling Stuff Online,” Wired, July 1, 2013, www.wired.com/business/2013/07/email-crushing-twitter-facebook/.
Derek Halpern, “Why You MUST Build Your Email List—And How to Get Started,” Social Triggers (blog), http://socialtriggers.com/build-an-email-list/.
Online Etymology Dictionary, s.v. “fan,” accessed August 5, 2013, www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=fan.
Charles Mackay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, with an introduction by Professor Norman Stone (Hertfordshire, England: Wordsworth Editions, 1995).
General Mills, “General Mills History of Innovation: The Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest,” http://generalmills.com/~/media/Files/history/hist_bakeoff.ashx.
“Springtime in Atlanta. March 27th–March 30th, 2013,” Atlanta Chapter of the Coca-Cola Collectors Club, accessed August 5, 2013, http://theatlantachapter.webs.com/springtimeinatlanta.htm.
“What Is IMM?,” IMM 2013 (FAQ), accessed August 5, 2013, www.imm2013.eu/index.php?lang=en&Itemid=506.
Jessica Lee, “78% of Brand’s Facebook Fans Are Already Customers,” ClickZ, July 1, 2013, www.clickz.com/clickz/news/2278389/78-of-abrands-facebook-fans-are-already-customers-study.
“Facebook ‘Like’ Button Replaces ‘Become a Fan,’” HuffingtonPost, June 19, 2010, www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/19/facebook-like-buttonrepl_n_543439.html.
“Jayne’s Hat,” ThinkGeek.com product page, www.thinkgeek.com/product/f108/.
Ellie Hall, “‘Firefly’ Hat Triggers Corporate Crackdown,” BuzzFeed, April 9, 2013, www.buzzfeed.com/ellievhall/firefly-hat-triggers-corporate-crackdown.
“SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS REPORT #16: Retail Touchpoints Exposed!,” ExactTarget, 2012, http://pages.exacttarget.com/SFF16E-US?ls=Website&lss=Micro.SubscribersFansFollowers.Ret ailTouchpoints&lssm=Corporate&camp=701A0000000czJzIAI, 28.
Darren Rovell, “Steelers’ Antonio Brown Spends Super Bowl Week with Twitter Fan Turned BFF,” CNBC, February 9, 2012, www.cnbc.com/id/46326110/Steelers_Antonio_Brown_Spends_Super_Bowl_Week_with_Twitter_Fan_Turned_BFF.
“SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS REPORT #20: Marketers from Mars,” ExactTarget, 2013, http://pages.exacttarget.com/SFF20-US?ls=Website&lss=Micro.SubscribersFansFollowers.MktrsFromMars&lssm=Corporate&camp=701A0000000eR4AIAU.

الفصل الخامس: ما وراء دون درابر: وسائل الإعلام المدفوعة والمملوكة والمكتسبة

Cathryn Humprhies and Matthew Weiner, “Season 3, Episode 2: Love Among the Ruins,” Mad Men, November 2009, www.slantmagazine.com/house/2009/08/mad-men-mondays-on-tuesday-season-3-episode-2-love-among-the-ruins/.
“The New Multi-screen World: Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior,” Google Think Insights, August 2012, www.google.com/think/research-studies/the-new-multi-screen-world-study.html.
Jeffrey K.Rohrs, “Punt, Pass, & Kick: Email, Mobile, & Social Misses at Super Bowl XLVII,” ExactTarget Blog, February 4, 2013, www.exacttarget.com/blog/punt-pass-kick-email-mobile-social-misses-at-super-bowl-xlvii/.
Jackie Kass, “Super Bowl Sponsor Papa John’s Forgoes Commercial for Free Pizza Coin Toss,” Examiner.com, January 30, 2013, www.examiner.com/article/super-bowl-sponsor-papa-john-s-forgoescommercial-for-free-pizza-coin-toss.
Search for “Brooks Brothers” conducted on Sunday, May 27, 2013, via Google. Screen capture is of the first sponsored result from that search.
“Search Ads: Ad Extensions,” Google Ads, accessed August 5, 2013, www.google.com/ads/innovations/search.html#tab=extensions.
Joe Pulizzi, as quoted in Content Market Institute, “Getting Started,” accessed August 5, 2013, http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/getting started/.
Ryan Boyko, “Referee Bias Contributes to Home Field Advantage in English Premiership Football,” Journal of Sports Sciences 25, no. 11 (2007), www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02640410601038576#.UbkGGZwmwdo.
C. E. Shannon, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” The Bell System Technical Journal, 27 (July & October 1948), 379–423, 623–56, http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/ms/what/shannonday/shannon1948.pdf.
Nick Burcher, Paid, Owned, Earned: Maximizing Marketing Returns in a Socially Connected World (London: Kogan Page, 2012), 18.
Rebecca Lieb and Jeremiah Owyang, The Converged Media Imperative: How Brands Must Combine Paid, Owned, and Earned Media (San Mateo, CA: Altimeter Group, July 19, 2012), www.altimetergroup.com/2012/07/the-converged-media-imperative.html.
Ibid., 20.
“Introducing Sponsored Stories,” Facebook Marketing video, 2:06, January 25, 2011, www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1010032 8087082670.
“Audiences,” Facebook, accessed August 5, 2013, www.facebook.com/help/459892990722543/.
“Twitter Ads Self Service,” Twitter Business, accessed August 5, 2013, https://business.twitter.com/products/twitter-ads-self-service.

الفصل السادس: زيادة حجم الجمهور وارتباطه وقيمته

Lieb and Owyang, The Converged Media Imperative: How Brands Must Combine Paid, Owned, and Earned Media,” Altimeter Group (July 19, 2012) (http://www.altimetergroup.com/2012/07/the-converged-mediaimperative.html).
“What’s the Difference between Impressions and Reach?,” Facebook, accessed August 5, 2013, www.facebook.com/help/274400362581037/.
“Sponsor Your Page Posts,” Facebook, accessed August 5, 2013, https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook-marketing/sponsor-yourpage-posts/10150675727637217.
“Inbox Tabs and Category Labels,” Google Help, accessed August 24, 2013, https://support.google.com/mail/answer/3055016?hl=en.
“Priority Inbox Overview,” Google Help, accessed August 5, 2013, https://support.google.com/mail/answer/186531?hl=en.
Matt McGee, “Edgerank is Dead: Facebook’s News Feed Alorithm Now Has Close to 100K Weight Factors,” MarketingLand, August 16, 2013, http://marketingland.com/edgerank-is-dead-facebooks-news-feedalgorithm-now-has-close-to-100k-weight-factors-55908.
“What Is EdgeRank?,” accessed August 5, 2013, www.whatisedgerank.com/.
Rebecca Corliss, “Photos on Facebook Generate 53% More Likes Than the Average Post,” Hubspot Blog, November 15, 2012, http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33800/Photos-on-Facebook-Generate-53-More-Likes-Than-the-Average-Post-NEW-DATA.aspx.
ReturnPath, “Email Mostly Mobile,” December 11, 2012, www.returnpath.com/resource/email-mostly-mobile/.
Matt McGee, “Your Tax Dollars at Work: State Department Spends $630,000 Buying Facebook Fans,” MarketingLand, July 3, 2013, http://marketingland.com/your-tax-dollars-at-work-state-department-spends-630000-buying-facebook-fans-50575.
Kevin Kelleher, “Mobile Growth Is About to Be Staggering,” CNNMoney, February 20, 2013, http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2013/02/20/mobilewill-growth-is-about-to-be-staggering/.
Benedict Evans, “Mobile Is Eating the World,” Slideshow presented at BEA, May 17, 2013, www.slideshare.net/bge20/2013-05-bea.
Leigh Shevchik, “Mobile APPeal: Exploring the Mobile Landscape,” New Relic (blog), March 13, 2013, http://blog.newrelic.com/2013/03/13/mobile-appeal-why-the-future-is-mobile/.
LCV is sometimes also abbreviated as LTV for simply “Lifetime Value,” or CLV for “Customer Lifetime Value.”
Cynthia Clark, “Keeping Tally: Understanding the Significance of Mapping Customers’ Lifetime Value,” 1to1media, May 27, 2013, www.1to1media.com/view.aspx?DocID=34294.
Gene Marks, “Putting a Dollar Value on a Facebook Fan,” You’re the Boss (blog), The New York Times, April 23, 2013, http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/23/putting-a-dollar-value-on-a-facebook-fan/.
Jay Baer, “A New Way to Calculate What Facebook Is Worth to Your Business,” Social Media ROI (blog), Convince & Convert, 2012, http://www.convinceandconvert.com/social-media-roi/a-new-way-tocalculate-what-facebook-is-worth-to-your-business/.

الفصل السابع: بالبُنْط العريض: مسئولياتنا على المدى الطويل

Viola Spolin, Improvisation for the Theater (Third Edition, Northwestern University Press 1999), p. 13, http://books.google.com/books?id=W24 B26mGvQkC.
eConsultancy and Adobe Systems, “Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing: Digital Trends for 2013,” January 2013, http://econsultancy.com/us/reports/quarterly-digital-intelligence-briefing-digital-trends-for-2013.
Jonathan Espinosa, “Facebook Reveals Ad Unit Improvements, Will Phase Out Questions and Offers Products,” InsideFacebook, June 6, 2013, www.insidefacebook.com/2013/06/06/facebook-reveals-ad-unitimprovements-will-phase-out-questions-and-offers-products/.
David Emery, “No, Facebookers, Bill Gates Isn’t Giving Money to Everyone Who Shares This Photo,” About.com, February 14, 2013, http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2013/02/14/bill-gates-giving-awaymoney.htm.
Hibah Yousuf, “False White House Explosion Tweet Rattles Market,” CNNMoney, April 23, 2013, http://buzz.money.cnn.com/2013/04/23/ap-tweet-fake-white-house/.
“Child-Snatching Eagle Video Created as Student Project,” CBC News, December 19, 2012, www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/story/2012/12/19/montreal-golden-eagle-viral-video.html.
Brad McCarty, “Haven’t You Heard? Email Is Dead According to Facebook’s COO,” The Next Web, June 24, 2010, http://thenextweb.com/socialmedia/2010/06/24/havent-you-heard-email-is-dead/.
Chris Anderson and Michael Wolff, “The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet,” Wired, August 17, 2010, www.wired.com/magazine/2010/08/ff_webrip/.
Mark Schaefer, “Twitter Is Dying—and It’s All Your Fault,” Social Media Today, October 5, 2011, http://socialmediatoday.com/markwschaefer/371341/twitter-dying-and-it-s-all-your-fault.
Patrick Evans, “Facebook Is Dead for Gen Y; What’s Next?,” Engage: Gen Y (blog), MediaPost, November 18, 2011, www.mediapost.com/publications/article/162602/facebook-is-dead-for-gen-y-whats-next.html#axzz2Siu7BWvn.
Dan Rowinski, “Jason Calacanis: ‘Blogging Is Dead’ & Why ‘Stupid People Shouldn’t Write,’” ReadWriteWeb, December 29, 2011, http://readwrite.com/2011/12/29/redux_jason_calacanis_blogging_is_dead_why_stupid_people.
Ken Krogue, “The Death of SEO: The Rise of Social, PR, and Real Content,” Forbes Entrepreneurs (blog), Forbes, July 20, 2012, www.forbes.com/sites/kenkrogue/2012/07/20/the-death-of-seo-the-rise-of-social-pr-and-real-content/.
Bill Lee, “Marketing Is Dead,” HBR Blog Network, Harvard Business Review, August 9, 2012, http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/08/marketing_is_dead.html.
Dominique Turpin, “The CMO Is Dead,” On Marketing (blog), Forbes, October 3, 2012, www.forbes.com/sites/onmarketing/2012/10/03/the-cmo-is-dead/.
Amil Husain, “Advertising Is Dead,” Huffington Post Business, March 22, 2013, www.huffingtonpost.com/amil-husain/advertising-is-dead_1_b_2932332.html.

الجزء الثاني: قنوات التواصل مع الجمهور

الفصل الثامن: الموقع الإلكتروني: مركز الجذب في مجال التسويق

“User Experience Quotes,” TheoMandel.com, accessed August 5, 2013, http://theomandel.com/resources/user-experience-quotes/.
“Wendy’s Refresh Continues with New, Interactive Website,” QSR Magazine, May 24, 2013, www.qsrmagazine.com/news/wendys-refresh-continues-new-interactive-website.
Lee Odden, “Landing Page Optimization Deep Dive: Interview with Tim Ash,” TopRank Online Marketing Blog, April 2010, www.toprankblog.com/2010/04/landing-page-optimization-deep-dive-interview-with-tim-ash/.

الفصل التاسع: البريد الإلكتروني: الجمهور الأساسي

Fred Wilson, “Social Media’s Secret Weapon,” AVC, May 14, 2011, www.avc.com/a_vc/2011/05/social-medias-secret-weapon-email.html.
See www.AVC.com.
“The Man Who Made You Put Away Your Pen,” NPR, November 15, 2009, http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120364591.
Andrew Webster, “Internet Society Inducts Al Gore, Craig Newark [sic], and 31 Others into New Internet Hall of Fame,” The Verge, April 23, 2013, www.theverge.com/2012/4/23/2969378/internet-society-hall-of-fame; “Internet Hall of Fame Innovator: Raymond Tomlinson,” Internet Hall of Fame, www.internethalloffame.org/inductees/raymond-tomlinson.
Cecil Adams, “Was Chuck Barris a Hit Man for the CIA?,” The Straight Dope, February 7, 2003, www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2437/was-chuck-barris-a-hit-man-for-the-cia.
Kate Stoodley, “Father of Spam Speaks Out on His Legacy,” eSecurity Planet, November 19, 2004, http://www.esecurityplanet.com/trends/article.php/3438651/Father-of-Spam-Speaks-Out-on-His-Legacy.htm.
David Streitfield, “Opening Pandora’s In-Box,” Los Angeles Times, May 11, 2003, www.latimes.com/technology/la-fi-spam11may11001420, 1,5168218,full.story.
Dave Crocker, “Email History,” The Living Internet.com, accessed August 6, 2013, www.livinginternet.com/e/ei.htm.
“Marketing Strategy Outlook Survey,” Ascend2, February 2012, http://ascend2.com/home/reports/.
Mark Brownlow, National Client Email Report, Direct Marketing Association, 2012, http://alchemyworx.cachefly.net/2012/alchemy_worx/aw_p5424_nl_dma/html/National_Client_Email_Report_2012.pdf, 13.
Marcus Wohlsen, “Email Is Crushing Twitter, Facebook for Selling Stuff Online,” Wired, July 1, 2013, www.wired.com/business/2013/07/email-crushing-twitter-facebook/.
Eckerle, Courtney, “Email Marketing: Reactivation Campaign for Performing Arts Center Sees 738% ROI,” MarketingSherpa, July 9, 2013, www.marketingsherpa.com/article/case-study/reacitivation-campaign-email-marketing-roi.
“eBags Boosts Fall Sales with New ExactTarget-Powered Cross-Channel Marketing on Facebook, Email and Mobile,” Business Wire, November 7, 2012, www.businesswire.com/news/home/20121107006069/en/eBags-Boosts-Fall-Sales-ExactTarget-Powered-Cross-Channel-Marketing.
“Thomas Cook Client Success,” ExactTarget, accessed August 6, 2013, http://pages.exacttarget.com/EN-ThomasCookClientSuccess.

الفصل العاشر: فيسبوك: قناة الاتصال ذات الطابع الشخصي

“Letter from Mark Zuckerberg,” Facebook, Inc. Form S-1 Registration Statement, February 1, 2012, www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326801/000119312512034517/d287954ds1.htm#toc287954_10.
“Facebook Find Reunites Mother and Son after 12 Years,” FoxNews.com, September 12, 2011, www.foxnews.com/tech/2011/09/12/motherand-son-reunited-after-12-years-on-facebook/; “Facebook Reunites 50-Year-Old Long Lost Love,” KABC, July 31, 2010, http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/bizarre&id=7585869; Dixie Louviere, “How Facebook Helps Me Reunite People with Their Pets after Natural Disasters,” Huff Post Good News, May 25, 2013, www.huffingtonpost.com/dixie-louviere/how-facebook-helps-me-reu_b_3333778.html.
Ashwini Nadkarni and Stefan Hofmann, “Why Do People Use Facebook?,” Personality and Individual Differences 52, no. 3 (2012): 243–9, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3335399/.
Shea Bennett, “The Top 15 Social Networks Worldwide,” AllTwitter, May 14, 2013, www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/top-social-networks-worldwide_b42350.
Chris Crum, “Oscars: The Social Network Wins 3 Academy Awards,” WebProNews, February 28, 2011, www.webpronews.com/oscars-the-social-network-wins-3-academy-awards-2011–02.

الفصل الحادي عشر: تويتر: قناة الاتصال في الوقت الفعلي

Mike Isaac, “Under CEO Dick Costolo, Twitter Is Growing Up,” Wired, January 30, 2012, www.wired.com/business/2012/01/twitter-costolo-allthingsd/.
Jay Baer, “Are Consumer Expectations for Social Media Customer Service Realistic,” The Social Habit, October 2012, http://socialhabit.com/uncategorized/customer-service-expectations/.
Teisha Seabrook, “The World’s Fastest Responding Brands on Twitter,” SocialBakers,www.socialbakers.com/blog/1748-the-world-s-fastest-respondingbrands-on-twitter.
“Capture User Interest with the Lead Generation Card,” Twitter Advertising, May 22, 2013, https://blog.twitter.com/2013/captureuser-interest-lead-generation-card.

الفصل الثاني عشر: المدوَّنات: مواقع إلكترونية باسم آخر

Andrew Sullivan, “Why I Blog,” The Atlantic, November 1, 2008, www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/11/why-i-blog/307060/2/.
Farhad Manjoo, “Flash: Blogging Goes Corporate,” Wired, May 9, 2002, www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/news/2002/05/52380.
See Tumblr’s “About” page, www.tumblr.com/about. Charlie Rose, “Charlie Rose Talks to Tumblr’s David Karp,” Bloomberg Businessweek, May 30, 2013, www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-05-30/charlie-rose-talks-to-tumblrs-david-karp.
Tristan Louis, “Is Tumblr The Next Geocities?,” Forbes, May 18, 2013, www.forbes.com/sites/tristanlouis/2013/05/18/is-tumblr-the-new-geocities/.

الفصل الثالث عشر: تطبيقات الأجهزة المحمولة: الجماهير المتنقلة

Bruce Horovitz, “Starbucks CEO Schultz on Digital Innovation,” USA Today, April 25, 2013, www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/04/24/starbucks-howard-schultz-innovators/2047655/.
Jason Ankeny, “Starbucks: Mobile Payments Now 10% of All U.S. Transactions,” FierceMobileContent, June 19, 2013, www.fiercemobilecontent.com/story/starbucks-mobile-payments-now-10-all-us-transactions/2013–06–19.
Allison Stadd, “79% of People 18–44 Have Their Smartphones with Them 22 Hours a Day,” AllTwitter, April 2, 2013, www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/smartphones_b39001.
Luke Wroblewski, “Why Mobile Matters,” LukeW.com, February 21, 2012, www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1506.

الفصل الرابع عشر: لينكد إن: الجمهور المهني

Jennifer Van Grove, “LinkedIn’s Next Target: Yammer, Salesforce Chatter?,” CNET, February 25, 2013, http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57571235-93/linkedins-next-target-yammer-salesforce-chatter/.
Itamar Orgad, “New Ways to Get Insights from LinkedIn Influencers,” LinkedIn Blog, January 29, 2013, http://blog.linkedin.com/2013/01/29/new-ways-to-get-insights-from-linkedin-influencers/.
Chris Seper, “Why I Cheer When My Employees Leave,” LinkedIn, January 25, 2013, www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130125105449-107961-why-i-cheer-when-my-employees-leave?trk=mp-readercard.
Nick Besbeas, “What HP’s 1 Million LinkedIn Followers Means for Marketers,” LinkedIn Blog, February 28, 2013, http://blog.linkedin.com/2013/02/28/what-hps-1-million-linkedin-followers-means-formarketers-infographic/.
See the Philips Innovations in Health LinkedIn discussion, www.linkedin.com/groups/Innovations-In-Health-2308956?gid=2308956&trk=hb_side_g.
Leena Rao, “LinkedIn Acquires Professional Content Sharing Platform SlideShare for $119M,” TechCrunch, May 3, 2012, http://techcrunch.com/2012/05/03/linkedin-acquires-professional-content-sharingplatform-slideshare-for-119m/.
“Why You Should Use SlideShare?,” SlideShare, accessed August 6, 2013, http://www.slideshare.net/about.
“Most Popular (All Time),” SlideShare, http://www.slideshare.net/popular/all-time.
Mark Walsh, “LinkedIn Launches SlideShare Ads,” Online Media Daily (blog), MediaPost, March 12, 2013, www.mediapost.com/publications/article/195571/#axzz2XFK5fv000.

الفصل الخامس عشر: يوتيوب: نجم مقاطع الفيديو على الإنترنت

Jake Coyle, “YouTube Says the Battle with TV Is Already Over,” The Seattle Times, May 2, 2013, http://seattletimes.com/html/entertainment/2020906479_apusyoutubebrandcast.html.
Greg Sterling, “Report: YouTube Generated $350M in Mobile Revenue in Past Six Months,” MarketingLand, June 6, 2013, http://marketingland.com/report-youtube-now-generating-350m-in-mobile-revenue-forgoogle-47165.
“The Orabrush Story: How a Utah Man Used YouTube to Build a Multi-million Dollar Business,” Google Official Blog, November 15, 2011, http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/orabrush-story-howutah-man-used.html.
Grady Smith, “The New Face of YouTube,” Entertainment Weekly, March 1, 2013, www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20679715,00.html.
“Evolution of Dance,” YouTube video, 6:01, posted by Judson Laipply, April 6, 2006, www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dMH0bHeiRNg.

الفصل السادس عشر: جوجل بلَس: المغمور العظيم

Tom Waits, “What’s He Building?,” Mule Variations, Anti-, 2009.
Danny Sullivan, “Google: ‘Game Changing’ Features Will Boost Google+ Adoption,” MarketingLand, May 17, 2013, http://marketingland.com/google-game-changing-features-will-boost-google-adoption-44377.
Greg Finn, “Google Rewards App Developers Using Google+ Sign-In With Better Visibility on Google Search,” Search Engine Land, April 30, 2013, http://searchengineland.com/google-sign-in-now-pushing-appactivities-directly-into-search-results-157755.
Matt McGee, “Google+ Adds Content Recommendations for Mobile Websites,” MarketingLand, May 13, 2013, http://marketing land.com/google-adds-content-recommendations-for-mobile-websites-43556.
Jay Baer, “Social Media Lessons from the Open Source Movement,” Social Pros Podcast, Convince & Convert, January 30, 2013, www.convinceandconvert.com/social-pros-podcast/social-media-lessons-from-the-open-source-movement/.
Beth Hayden, “12 Ways to Connect, Create, and Collaborate Using Google Hangouts,” Copyblogger, March 13, 2013, www.copyblogger.com/google-hangout-content/.
Rand Fishkin, “Is Google+ Approaching Twitter’s Marketing Value?,” Moz.com, April 6, 2013, http://moz.com/rand/is-google-approaching-twittersmarketing-value/.

الفصل السابع عشر: بينترست: مجموعة من المتابعين الفاتنين

Tom Simonite, “Q+A Ben Silbermann,” MIT Technology Review, February 19, 2013, www.technologyreview.com/qa/511096/pinterestsfounder-algorithms-dont-know-what-you-want/.
Chris Crum, “Here Are Some Clear Business Uses for Pinterest,” WebProNews, December 6, 2012, www.webpronews.com/here-are-someclear-business-uses-for-pinterest-2012–12.
Cameron Scott, “Pinterest Drives More Traffic to Niche Retailers Than to Major Sites,” SocialTimes, December 21, 2012, http://socialtimes.com/pinterest-drives-more-traffic-to-niche-retailers-than-to-majorsites_b114245.
Justin Smith, “Facebook vs. Pinterest: You’re Investing, But What Are Your Goals?,” The Bloomreach Blog, April 25, 2013, http://bloomreach.com/2013/04/facebook-vs-pinterest-youre-investingbut-what-are-your-goals/.
Daniel P. Maloney, “Pinterest Followers and Engagement: NOT The Same,” Business2Community, January 16, 2013, www.business2community.com/pinterest/pinterest-followers-and-engagementare-not-the-same-0378642.

الفصل الثامن عشر: الرسائل النصية القصيرة: الوصول الأكيد

McKay Allen, “How IHOP Generates Sales: SMS Marketing Case Study,” Bsuiness2Community, March 26, 2013, www.business2community.com/marketing/how-ihop-generates-sales-sms-marketingcase-study-0445725.
Chantal Tode, “P.F. Chang-owned Pei Wei Adds 5,000 Consumers to email database via Mobile,” Mobile Commerce Daily, November 1, 2011, www.mobilecommercedaily.com/pei-wei-adds-over-6000-namesto-email-subscriber-list-via-mobile.
David Kirkpatrick, “Mobile Marketing: How Redbox Drove 1.5 Million Texts and Added 200,000 Mobile Participants in 10 Days,” MarketingSherpa, October 6, 2011, www.marketingsherpa.com/article/case-study/how-redbox-drove-15-million.
Allegra Tepper, “The Power of Text Message Marketing,” Mashable, July 13, 2012, http://mashable.com/2012/07/13/text-message-marketing-infographic/.
David Meyer, “Chat Apps Have Overtaken SMS by Message Volume, but How Big a Disaster Is That for Carriers?,” GigaOM, April 29, 2013, http://gigaom.com/2013/04/29/chat-apps-have-overtaken-sms-bymessage-volume/.

الفصل التاسع عشر: إنستجرام: الصور المتحركة

Anthony Wing Kosner, “Instagram Simplifies Making Video Pictures While Lightt Aims at Ongoing Movie of Life,” Forbes, June 21, 2013, www.forbes.com/sites/anthonykosner/2013/06/21/instagram-simplifiesmaking-video-pictures-while-lightt-aims-at-the-ongoing-movie-oflife/.
For current brand popularity on Instagram, see Nitrogram 50, “Most Popular Brands on Instagram,” http://50.nitrogr.am/sort-photos.
Jay Baer, “Social Pros 6—Instagram Lessons from a Giant B2B Company,” Social Pros Podcast, Convince & Convert.com, 2012, www.convinceandconvert.com/social-pros-podcast/social-pros-6-instagram-lessons-from-a-giant-b2b-company/.
Lauren Johnson, “Taco Bell Builds on Doritos Locos Taco Promotion with Instagram,” Mobile Marketer, October 10, 2012, www.mobile marketer.com/cms/news/content/13959.html.
Michael Sippey, “Vine: A New Way to Share Video,” Twitter Blog, January 24, 2013, https://blog.twitter.com/2013/vine-new-way-share-video.

الفصل العشرون: المدونات الصوتية: الإنصات جيدًا

Don Steinberg, “The King of Podcast Comedy Expands His Rule,” The Wall Street Journal, April 18, 2013, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324030704578426732432948580.html.
Peter Hartlaub, “Marc Maron Talks of TV, ‘WTF,’ New Book,” San Francisco Chronicle, June 5, 2013, www.sfchronicle.com/tv/article/Marc-Maron-talks-of-TV-WTF-new-book-4576225.php.
See the Social Pros Podcast, www.convinceandconvert.com/social-pros-podcast/.
Laura Santhanam, Amy Mitchell, and Kenny Olmstead, “Audio: Digital Drives Listener Experience,” The State of the News Media 2013: An Annual Report on American Journalism, Pew Research Center, http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/audio-digital-drives-listener-experience/.
See Podcast Alley, www.podcastalley.com/index.php.

الفصل الحادي والعشرون: المزيد من قنوات التواصل الأخرى

Steven Millward, “These Two Graphs Show Painful Drops for Google and Baidu in China Search Engine Market,” Tech In Asia, July 4, 2013, www.techinasia.com/china-baidu-qihoo-google-search-market-share-war/.
Ryan Tate, “Bebo’s $849M Implosion Teaches a Brutal Lesson in Social Networking,” Wired, July 2, 2013, www.wired.com/business/2013/07/bebo-lesson/.
Ricardo Bilton, “After a $41M Loan, Foursquare Still Needs to Prove It’s an Actual Business,” VentureBeat, April 11, 2013, http://venture beat.com/2013/04/11/foursquares-quest-for-legitimacy/.
Prasant Naidu, “South Korea’s Messaging App Kakao Talk Has Passed 100 Million Registered Users,” Yahoo!, July 3, 2013, http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/advisor/south-korea-messaging-app-kakao-talkpassed-100–154014274.html.
Lauren Indvik, “Medium’s Plan to Serve the Next Generation of Bloggers,” May 28, 2013, http://mashable.com/2013/05/28/medium-ev-williams/.
David Taintor, “Myspace Relaunches with $20 Million Ad Campaign,” AdWeek, June 12, 2013, www.adweek.com/news/technology/myspace-relaunches-20-million-ad-campaign-150217.
Jennifer Van Grove, “Path Said to Be Seeking Valuation of $1 Billion,” CNET, June 14, 2013, https://www.cnet.com/news/path-said-to-be-seeking-valuation-of-1-billion/.
CIW Team Staff, “Tencent Active IM Users Close to 800 Million, Social Network Qzone over 600 Million in 2012,” China Internet Watch, March 21, 2013, www.chinainternetwatch.com/2054/tencent-active-im-users-close-to-800-million-social-network-qzone-over-600-million-in-2012/.
Stephanie Mlot, “Pew: 6 Percent of American Adults Use Reddit,” PCMag, July 3, 2013, www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2421391,00.asp.
Trefis Team, “Renren Rides China’s Social Networking and Gaming to $3.20,” Great Speculations (blog), Forbes, May 3, 2013, www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2013/05/03/renren-rides-chinas-socialnetworking-and-gaming-to-3-20/.
“Which Social Networks Are Growing Fastest Worldwide?,” eMarketer, May 13, 2013, www.emarketer.com/Article/Which-Social-Networks-Growing-Fastest-Worldwide/1009884; Josh Ong, “China’s Sina Weibo Grew 73% in 2012, Passing 500 Million Registered Accounts,” The Next Web, February 21, 2013,http://thenextweb.com/asia/2013/02/21/chinas-sina-weibo-grew-73-in-2012-passing-500-million-registeredaccounts/.
Tom Balmforth, “Russia’s Top Social Network under Fire,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, May 28, 2013, www.rferl.org/content/russiavkontakte-under-fire/24999478.html.
Eric Larson, “Five Reasons to Choose Vimeo Instead of YouTube,” May 30, 2013, http://mashable.com/2013/05/30/vimeo-over-youtube/.
Jon Russell, “It’s Time to Stop Comparing Instagram and Vine using Twitter,” The Next Web, June 29, 2013, http://thenextweb.com/insider/2013/06/29/its-time-to-stop-comparing-instagram-and-vine-using-twitter/.

الجزء الثالث: خارطة طريق تنمية الجماهير الخاصة

الفصل الثاني والعشرون: التخطيط الاستراتيجي وتنظيم الجهود

See “ABC Introduces New Name—Alliance for Audited Media—to Reflect Leadership in New World of Media,” Alliance for Audited Media, November, 15, 2012, www.auditedmedia.com/news/newsreleases/2012/abc-introduces-new-name-%E2%80%93-alliancefor-audited-media.aspx; Ben Robins, “Summary of Arbitron’s Total Audience Measurement,” NPR Digital Services, January 23, 2012, http://digitalservices.npr.org/post/summary-arbitrons-total-audience-measurement; “Nielsen and Twitter Establish Social TV Rating,” Nielsen, December 17, 2012, www.nielsen.com/us/en/press-room/2012/nielsenand-twitter-establish-social-tv-rating.html.
Adam Sutton, “Email Marketing: 900% More Revenue-per-Email from Restaurant.com’s Automated Strategy,” MarketingSherpa, November 27, 2012, www.marketingsherpa.com/article/case-study/automated-emailstrategy-ecommerce#.
Jack Neff, “P&G to Slash $10 Billion in Costs over Five Years,” AdAge, February 23, 2012, http://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/p-g-slash-10-billion-costs-years/232914/.
Scott Cendrowski, “Nike’s New Marketing Mojo,” Fortune, February 13, 2012, http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2012/02/13/nike-digital-marketing/.
Stefany Moore, “How $200,000 in Facebook Ads Becomes $10 million in E-commerce Sales,” Internet Retailer, March 6, 2013, www.internetretailer.com/2013/03/06/how-200000-facebook-ads-becomes-10-million-sales.
Angela Watercutter, “How Oreo Won the Marketing Super Bowl With a Timely Blackout Ad on Twitter, Underwire (blog), Wired, February 4, 2013, www.wired.com/underwire/2013/02/oreo-twitter-super-bowl/.
Gregory Karp, “United’s Social Media Efforts Getting off the Ground,” Chicago Tribune, June 9, 2013, http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-06-09/business/ct-biz-0609-united-social-media-20130609_1_social-media-instagram-google-plus/2.
Heather Clancy, “Why Bonobos lets its customer service ‘ninjas’ improvise solutions to complaints,” SmartPlanet, August 2, 2012, www.smartplanet.com/blog/business-brains/why-bonobos-lets-its-customer-service-8216ninjas-improvise-solutions-to-complaints/25549.
Kristin Bent, “Cisco to Partners: Use Social Media—You Can Bet Your Competitors Are,” CRN, April 17, 2013, www.crn.com/news/networking/240153030/cisco-to-partners-use-social-media-you-can-bet-your-competitors-are.htm.
Marcus Wohlsen, “Email Is Crushing Twitter, Facebook for Selling Stuff Online,” Wired, July 1, 2013, www.wired.com/business/2013/07/email-crushing-twitter-facebook/.

الفصل الثالث والعشرون: بناء الجماهير وإشراكها

Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters, (New York: W.W. Norton, 1999), 50.
Michael Olson, “Social Login Trends Across the Web for Q1 2013,” Janrain, April 8, 2013, http://janrain.com/blog/social-login-trends-across-the-web-for-q1–2013/.
Bill Piwonka, “How to Leverage Social Login to Boost User Engagement, Website Magazine, June 1, 2013, www.websitemagazine.com/content/blogs/issues-pro/pages/how-to-leverage-social-login-to-boostengagement.aspx.
Jon Correll, “Opt-In Email Newsletter Popup Best Practices for 2012,” ConversionVoodoo, January 2012, www.conversionvoodoo.com/blog/2012/01/opt-in-email-newsletter-popup-best-practices-landing-pageoptimization-shoemoney/.
Search for “Brooks Brothers” conducted on Sunday, May 27, 2013, via Google. Screen capture is of the first sponsored result from that search.
Google Ads, “Search Ads: Ad Extensions.”
“eMarketer: Consumers Spending More Time with Mobile as Growth Slows for Time Online,” eMarketer, October 22, 2012, www.emarketer.com/newsroom/index.php/consumers-spending-time-mobile-growth-time-online-slows/.
Brian Stelter, “‘Sharknado’ Tears Up Twitter, if Not the TV Ratings,” The New York Times, July 12, 2013, /www.nytimes.com/2013/07/13/arts/television/sharknado-tears-up-twitter-if-not-the-tv-ratings.html?_r=0.
Al Urbanski, “Avenue Goes Off in a New Mobile Direction,” Direct Marketing News, February 12, 2013, www.dmnews.com/avenue-goes-off-in-a-new-mobile-direction/article/280129/.
“US Ahead of Western Europe in QR Code Usage,” eMarketer, January 28, 2013, www.emarketer.com/Article/US-Ahead-of-Western-Europe-QR-Code-Usage/1009631.
Austin Carr, “Deep inside Taco Bell’s Doritos Locos Taco,” Fast Company, May 1, 2013, www.fastcompany.com/3008346/deep-inside-taco-bells-doritos-locos-taco.
CSD Staff, “Holiday Stationstores and Cub Foods Launch Rewards,” Convenience Store Decisions, September 28, 2012, www.csdecisions.com/2012/09/28/holiday-stationstores-and-cub-foods-launchrewards/.
Ayaz Nanji, “The Impact of Contests on Email Leads,” Marketing Profs, citing research from Incentivibe, May 29, 2013, www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2013/10844/the-impact-of-contests-on-email-leadsinfographic.
Ashley Parker, “Twitter’s Secret Handshake,” The New York Times, June 10, 2011, www.nytimes.com/2011/06/12/fashion/hashtags-a-new-wayfor-tweets-cultural-studies.html.
Michael Krebs, “Violent ‘Game of Thrones’ episode is most social in HBO history,” Digital Journal, June 8, 2013, http://digitaljournal.com/article/351818.
Tim Nudd, “Jell-O Hijacks Twitter’s Profane #FML Hashtag, Changes It to Mean ‘Fun My Life,’” AdWeek, May 23, 2013, www.adweek.com/adfreak/jell-o-hijacks-twitters-profane-fml-hashtag-changes-it-meanfun-my-life-149788.

الفصل الرابع والعشرون: كسب رضا الجماهير وولائهم

Jay Baer, “Is Youtility the Future of Marketing?,” Integrated Marketing and Media (blog), Convince & Convert, 2012, www.convinceandconvert.com/integrated-marketing-and-media/is-youtility-the-future-of-marketing/ .
Jay Baer, “The Key to Social Media Success Is Just 2 Letters,” Convince and Convert, 2012, http://www.convinceandconvert.com/integrated-marketing-and-media/the-key-to-social-media-success-is-just-2-letters/.
Steven Castle, “GE Touts the iPhone-Connected Hybrid Water Heater,” GreenTech Advocates, October 25, 2012, http://greentechadvocates.com/2012/10/25/ge-touts-the-iphone-connected-hybrid-water-heater/.
David Gianatasio, “Solar Panel Inside Nivea Print Ad Generates Power to Charge Your Cellphone,” AdWeek, May 30, 2013, www.adweek.com/adfreak/solar-panel-inside-nivea-print-ad-generates-powercharge-your-cell-phone-149882.
See the Scholastic case study at www.igodigital.com/resources/case_studies/scholastic.
“Dunkin’ Donuts to Recognize Employee Who Calmly Dealt With Customer Freakout,” Huff Post Business, June 12, 2013, www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/12/dunkin-donuts-employee-to-be-honored-_n_3428439.html.
Wohlsen, Marcus, “Why Amazon Prime Could Soon Cost You Next to Nothing,” Wired, March 13, 2013, www.wired.com/business/2013/03/amazon-prime-could-soon-cost-next-to-nothing/.
See http://pinterest.com/pin/38210296811402525/; Jodi Glickman, “The Best Networking Email You’ll Get All Year,” CNNMoney, February 1, 2011, http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2011/02/01/best-networking-email-linkedin/.
“Grilled-Cheese Victory,” Man v. Food Nation video, 2:48, Travel Channel, www.travelchannel.com/video/grilled-cheese-victory-12442.
“Meat Pack: Hijack,” Ads of the World video, 1:36, December 2012, http://adsoftheworld.com/media/ambient/meat_pack_hijack.
Lani Rosales, “Pepperidge Farm Surprises a Blogger, Wins a Fan for Life,” AGBeat, February 6, 2013, http://agbeat.com/social-media/pepperidge-farm-surprises-a-blogger-wins-a-fan-for-life/.
See White Castle Hall of Fame, accessed August 6, 2013, www.whitecastle.com/cravers/hall-of-fame.

الفصل الخامس والعشرون: اختبار الجهود وتطويرها

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, 1859. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/98/98-h/98-h.htm.
Julian Norridge, Can We Have Our Balls Back, Please? How the British Invented Sport (and Then Almost Forgot How to Play It) (London: Penguin, 2008), 157.
Ibid., 160.
Ibid., 188.
“Old Traff ord,” The Stadium Guide, accessed August 6, 2013, www.stadiumguide.com/oldtrafford/.